Title: Restructuring Cities for Efficient Service Delivery
1Restructuring Cities for Efficient Service
- Vivek Srivastava
- ASCI-WBI Program on
- Strengthening Urban Management - Unlocking the
Potential of Indian Cities - Hyderabad January 24 2003
2Productive Cities as Centers of Growth
3The Context
- A New Global Setting
Urban Millennium - A New Management Challenge Creating World
4Share of Cities in GNP
Level of Development Share of Urban Areas in GNP
Low-income 55
Middle-income 73
High-income 85
5Important Implication
- Municipal service delivery cannot be seen in
isolated context - How municipal services come together to serve the
city-economy - Managing cities to be credit worthy
- National economic growth and poverty reduction
efforts will be increasingly determined by the
productivity of cities and towns -
6Models of Urban Governance
7Which Model of City Governance?
- Metropolitan Government
- Metropolitan Government with Economic
Decentralization - Metropolitan Government with Political
8Key Differences
- In the politically decentralized model, political
and fiscal power is shared between the
metropolitan and municipal tier.The metropolitan
tier and municipalities jointly keep each other
in check. - In the economic decentralized model, political
and fiscal powers resides at the metropolitan
level. The regions are de-concentrated arms of
the metro unlike the independent municipalities
of the first model
- Fiscal and political power is devolved to city
governments. - Both models adopt corporate structures for the
financing and delivery of municipal services with
user-charges. - In both models the city has share ownership with
expected dividends from the corporations. - Danger of political deadlock.
10Evaluating Decentralization
- Political Stability
- Quality of Public Services
- Equity
- Horizontal (inter-state/city)
- Within state/city
- Impact of Macro-economic Stability
11Issues in Service Delivery
12The Problem
- Chronic poor performance is the rule rather than
the exception in many publicly run municipal
services - Technical losses
- Poor cost recovery
- Subsidies do not reach the poor
13Current Situation - Water
- Technical and commercial losses
- filling the leaking bucket
- 3 hour connectivity
- Poor quality of service
- High coping costs
- Low Tariffs
- Fiscally and financially unsustainable
14Why?The Judge, The Jury and the Executioner are
the Same!
- 24 hour delivery
- coverage for by all geographic and household
- quality
- pressure
16Elements of Separation
- Government ownership of some form
- Public good nature of water
- Sustainability as a resource time and quality
- Attacking poverty
- Business approach to delivery
- Private good nature of water
- Demand driven customer responsive
- Independent regulation
17City RestructuringJohannesburg Example
18Johannesburgs Original Structure
- 4 municipalities and one metro
- Fragmented no economies of scale
- Duplication of service delivery
- Typical line function responsibility
- No integrated planning
19IGOLI 2000
- Program A Utilities
- Water and Sanitation, Power Distribution, Waste
Management - Program B Agencies
- Roads and Stormwater, Parks and Cemeteries
- Program C Privatize
- Metro Gas, Airport, Stadiums, Power Generation
- Program D Corporatize
- Zoo, Bus Co., Market, Property and Project
- Program E Traditional Governance
- Admin, HR, Planning, Budget, Finance, Community
Services, Welfare, etc. -
20Restructuring of Johannesburg
21PSP Options for Service Delivery
22Why PSP?
- Efficiency
- Flexibility in procurement
- Appropriate incentives
- Technology
- Investment
- Accountability
23The Basic Options Compared
24Large City Utility
25The potential PPP
- A public asset holding corporation (AHC) with
- state and municipal shareholders
- A private operating company (PO) with
- with shareholder agreement with domestic and
international partners - holding a concession contract with AHC
- Appropriate mix of public and private finance
- Appropriate division of risks between AHC and PO
- A competent autonomous regulator
26State Govt.
Asset Holding Company
Service delivery obligations Access by
poor Pricing and subsidies OM Human resource
management Investment expansion
Operating Company
27Medium and Small Towns
28Need of Alternative Management Model
- Too big to be managed by communities
- Large and dense enough to benefit from economies
of scale offered by piped water systems - Too small and dispersed to be managed by a
conventional utility
29Possible option
- Regional or multi-town utilities
- Advantages
- Economies of scale in management
- Minimize transactions costs of contracting
- Viable volumes of business
30Criteria for Clubbing
- Large enough population base ? Clusters of 1-2
million - Manageable overall distance
- Within a watershed boundary
- Voluntary or prescribed
31International Examples UK
- Economies of scale up to population of 1 million
- 10 large utilities with population of 2-10
million - 15 smaller utilities with population base of
250,000 to 1.2 million - Jurisdiction based on watershed boundaries
32International Examples France
- WSS responsibility of Local Governments
- Voluntary Syndicates
- 15500 undertakings for 37000 municipalities 2/3
per grouping - SEDIF manages water services for 144
municipalities and about 4 million customers
33Regional Utility
Shareholders ULBs, State government
Private sector operator
Town 1
Town 2
Town 3
34Rules of Engagement
- Top down Statutorily create the regions and
enforce all ULBs to be members e.g. England,
Scotland - Need to ensure compatibility with 74th amendment
- Bottom up Voluntary association e.g. France
- Slow
- How to create incentives for association?
- Vesting OM control of water related assets by
lease (or otherwise) to AHC/AMC - Share ownership proportional to asset value
- Voting rights possibly allocated on a more
equitable basis - State government as shareholder, coordinator and
arbiter - Rules of entry and exit
36PSP and the Poor
37Current situation Status of the poor
- How are the poor being served today?
- Free water through stand posts and tankers (10
-20 lpcd) - 15 of population not covered by public system
- Is Water Really Free?
- Poor quality water with adverse health
implications - Time, physical energy, drudgery and space costs
38PSP and the Poor
- A sound and competitively procured PPP will
benefit the poor through efficiency gains - In addition, benefits to the poor can be further
enhanced by specific contractual design - The Manila example
- 600,000 poor connected within two years
- The poor now consume three times more water at
half the price - The poor now have more time for productive work
and more living space
39Maximizing the benefits for the poor
- Designing Pro-poor Contracts
- Service expansion obligations designed to include
the poor - Some form of subsidy (or finance) for one-time
connection fee - Gradual phasing of prices transition finance
- Concessionaire responsible for providing water by
alternative means where private connections are
not feasible or during a transition period
40Thank you