Title: Steve Isaak
1Hospital Service Accountability Agreement
Steve Isaak Executive Director
A partnership of the Ontario Hospital
Association and Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care in collaboration with Local Health
Integration Networks
- About JPPC
- 2008-10 H-SAA Indicators Process
- Changing View of Board Role
- Future Developments
- Where are we going with accountability?
3About Us
- Unique collaborative partnership forged in 1992
- Strategic policy issues
- Sector-specific Planning
- Funding
- Accountability
- Multi-stakeholder engagement
- Neutral analytical capacity
- Methodological rigour
4Our Structure
Strategic Issues Forum
Senior Management Committee
Accountability Committee
Funding Committee
Indicators Volumes
Case Mix Development
Funding Formula
LHIN Future Indicators
IPBA Rates Volumes HBAM
Case Mix Technical Groups
- Financial Capital Health Virtual Team
- System Integration Virtual Team
- - ALC Panel - CCAC Panel
- Organizational Health Virtual Team
- Patient Access Outcomes V Teams
- - CCC - ED
- - Volumes - Stroke
- - Rehab - Readmissions
- - Patient
Designated Services
Data Quality
Costing Technical Groups
Ad hoc Groups
5H-SAA Indicator Principles
- Context
- Accountability legal agreement formal planning
negotiation process funding - Balance of indicators across domains
- Small number of high-level performance indicators
for which hospitals are legally accountable - Complemented by targeted monitoring, explanatory
and developmental indicators that enable
performance improvement - Hospitals must be able to calculate
indicator/monitor performance during term of
agreement using local data
- Primary Criteria
- Direct measure (or potential measure) of Ministry
strategic goal or priority - Construct validity
- Evidence basis
- Within hospital control
- Responsiveness to change
- Secondary Criteria
- Availability and timeliness of data
- Data quality and reliability
- Acceptability and familiarity including process
for graduating indicators
6Indicator Renewal Cycle
7Indicator Categories
- Performance Indicators
- Indicators for which LHINs and hospitals
negotiate a standard of performance, which if not
met, may trigger consequences under hospital
service accountability agreement - Monitoring Indicators
- Indicators that provide context, aid
interpretation, and support negotiation and
problem-solving between LHINs and hospitals.
These indicators are useful in planning exercises
and in measuring progress. They could potentially
graduate to become performance indicators - Developmental Indicators
- Desired indicators where the underlying data
requirements and/or methodology require further
work (or more familiarity or feedback from the
field). Developmental indicators that have gone
through a pilot testing phase could graduate to
become monitoring or performance indicators - Explanatory Indicators
- Indicators that may aid in setting context for
the interpretation of Performance or Monitoring
Indicators. These indicators are not considered
for graduation to performance indicators
8HAPS Guidelines
www.lhins.on.ca Health Care Providers HAPS
Training Development
Financial Health
Organizational Health
Capital Health IT/Med Equipment
Turnover Rate
Paid Sick Time (Full-time)
Operational Efficiency
Vacancy Rate
Paid Overtime (Full-time Part-Time)
Capital Health Facility Condition Index
Current Ratio Consolidated
Staff Satisfaction
Nursing FTE
Total Margin Sector Code 1
Workplace Safety Indicators
Total Margin Consolidated
Readmissions to Own Facility
Readmissions (All Facilities CHF Only)
CCC Skin Ulcers
Mental Health
CCC Index Indicators
ALC Indicators (4)
Rehab Indicators
ED Indicators
Stroke Care Index Indicators
Patient Safety
Hospital-CCAC Integration Indicators (4)
System Integration
Patient Access Outcomes
Adult IP Sat Indicators
ED Sat Indicators
Paediatric Sat Indicators
Patient Experience
10Financial Health Indicators
- Performance
- Current Ratio Consolidated (no change)
- Total Margin Consolidated (no change)
- Monitoring
- Operational Efficiency (model refined to improve
stability) - Explanatory
- Total Margin Sector Code 1 Hospitals (no
change) - Developmental
- Capital Health Facility Condition Index (draft
definition) - Capital Health IT Medical Equipment (not yet
- www.jppc.org Events Archived Educational
Sessions - www.oha.com Professional Development Distance
Learning OHA Mediasite
- Topics HAPS WERS Allocation Methodology for
2008-10 Financial Health Indicators
Organizational Health Indicators ALC
Indicators Hospital - CCAC Indicators
Patient Access Outcomes CCC Indicators ED
Indicators Stroke Care Indicators Rehab
Quality of Care Indicators Readmissions
Service Volumes Indicators JPPC Rate Volume
- JPPC Indicators Tool
- www.jppc.org Resources Data Tools
13Changing View of Board Role
- Old world view
- Hospital Boards primarily responsible for
organizations financial health - Unquestionably important, but
- Boards role extends beyond financial
stewardship - Mission, strategy, executive leadership, quality
and safety
14Changing View of Board Role
- In the modern view, boards bear direct
responsibility for the hospital's mission to
provide the best possible care and to avoid harm
to patients. The boards responsibility for
ensuring and improving care cannot be delegated
to the medical staff and executive leadership
ensuring safe and harm-free care to patients is
the boards job, at the very core of fiduciary
responsibility. (Institute for Healthcare
Improvement, 2007)
15Changing View of Board Role
- Recent IHI research on role of governance in
high-performing organizations shows Boards can
make an enormous difference - Value-add from the made-in Ontario approach to
decentralization will come from provider boards
16Future Directions - some questions
- Are accountability agreements intended to force
institutions to practice to a minimum standard
(or else face the consequences), or are they
intended to encourage and accelerate
performance/quality improvement? - Should targets for indicators be set based on
average performance, or on system-wide
improvement goals?
17Future Directions - some questions
- How do the indicators in Ontarios accountability
agreements align? Is there a cascading framework
(province LHIN provider)? - Do we have a balance of indicators reflective of
the multi-faceted components of performance
improvement? - Do we monitor performance across all indicator
domains in the same way? - How should public reporting fit in?
18Future Directions - what can you do?
- Champion a hospital and system performance/quality
improvement focus - Alignment with major quality improvement
initiatives - Champion a cascading framework of accountability
agreements and indicators - Alignment of indicators that makes sense at the
hospital level - Draw from the full set of current H-SAA
indicators to monitor and drive
performance/quality improvement - Pay attention to data quality
- Accountability Agreements are an important, but
insufficient tool to drive performance
improvement in the health care system - Alignment
- At different levels and across initiatives
- Investment
- Collaborative development
- Tools
- Knowledge and skills
20Contact Us
- Ontario Joint Policy Planning Committee
- 415 Yonge Street
- Suite 1200
- Toronto ON
- M5B 2E7
- 416-599-5772
- www.jppc.org
21Appendix Financial Health Indicator Definitions
22Current Ratio - Performance
- Description
- Number of times a hospitals short-term
obligations can be paid using hospitals
short-term assets - Definition
- Total Assets - credits in current asset accounts
excluding bad debt debits in current liability
accounts - Current Liabilities excluding deferred
contributions - debits in current liability
accounts credits in current asset accounts
(excluding bad debt) - Calculation
- Calculated using consolidated corporate income
statements (all fund types sector codes).
Credits in current assets are really liabilities
and should be moved to the denominator debits in
current liability accounts are actually assets
and should be moved to the numerator. Deferred
contributions not considered part of current
liabilities as they are usually related to
capital -
- Target and Corridor
- 0.8 to 2.0 10
23Total Margin - Performance
- Description
- The percent by which total revenues exceed or
fall short of total expenses, excluding the
impact of facility amortization, in a given year. - Definition
- Total Corporate Revenues (excluding
facility-related revenues and interdepartmental
recoveries) minus Total Corporate Expenses
(excluding facility-related and
inter-departmental expenses) - Total Corporate Revenues (excluding
facility-related revenues and interdepartmental
recoveries) - Calculation
- Calculated using consolidated corporate income
statements (all fund types sector codes).
Exclude inter-departmental recoveries and
facility-related expenses (e.g. building
amortization) and revenues (deferred
contributions) -
- Target and Corridor
- 0 or above
24Total Margin - Explanatory
- Description
- The percent by which total revenues exceed or
fall short of total expenses, excluding the
impact of facility amortization, in a given year
for all activity reported under sector code 1 -
hospitals. - Definition Calculation
- Identical to Total Margin except that only
expenses and revenues reported under sector type
1 are included. - Rationale and Interpretation
- Provides information on the extent to which the
Consolidated Total Margin is influenced by
hospital versus non-hospital related activity. -
- Target and Corridor
- None
25Operational Efficiency - Monitoring
- Description
- The percent by which the Actual Cost per Weighted
Case (CPWC) is above or below the Expected Cost
per Weighted Case (ECPWC) - Definition Calculation
- Rationale and Interpretation
- This indicator is calculated using the Integrated
Population Based Allocation (IPBA) formula and
also used in Hospital Report. Model refined in
June 2007 to improve stability. A negative value
indicates better than average (expected)
operational efficiency. - Target and Corridor
- No formal target
26Facilities Condition Index - Developmental
- Background
- Potential future explanatory indicator (capital
funding outside current HSAA). Data now being
collected through Facilities Condition Assessment
Program (FCAP) - Definition Calculation (draft under review)
- Deferred Capital Work Current Year Capital
Requirements - Current Replacement Value
- Interpretation
- Comparative indicator/benchmark used to indicate
the relative physical condition of a facility,
group of buildings, or entire portfolio
independent of building type, construction
type, location or cost. Tracked over time, it
can highlight historical trends (overall
condition changes) and can give feedback on the
adequacy of capital renewal funding - Target Corridor
- Industry standard rating system under discussion