Intro to Quantum Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intro to Quantum Chemistry


Exercises: 1) prove orthogonality for the first 3 states of the harmonic ... This formula is used in the ab initio simulations discussed earlier ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intro to Quantum Chemistry

Intro to Quantum Chemistry
  • We need to solve the Schrodinger equation for all
    the electrons moving in the external field of the
  • Ill assume youve had a pchem course in quantum
    mechanics or equivalent, but will review some

Time independentSchrodinger equationin 1D
  • is the wave function, which cant be
    directly measured
  • E is the energy eigenvalue
  • V(x) is the potential energy operator
  • The first term is the kinetic energy operator
    acting on the wave function
  • This is an eigenvalue differential equation
  • Generally well be interested in the ground state
    solution so we can solve this TISE (no time

Multiple electrons
  • Imagine we have 6 electrons, they move in 1D, and
    they dont interact with each other
  • Solving the SE for the electrons requires
    something more than just the equation above
  • We need to account for the indistinguishability
    of the electrons. Thats the Pauli principle.
  • One way of stating the Pauli principle is that,
    if we exchange two electrons, the sign of the
    wave function changes. Another way is that no
    two electrons can have the same set of quantum
    numbers. But remember we need to include spin as
    a quantum number.

Independent electrons
  • If 2 electrons are independent (dont interact)
    then the total wavefunction for the electrons
    breaks down into a product form, eg
  • The simple expression for 2 electrons above
    neglects the spin part of the wave function,
    weve written just the spatial part. The
    anti-symmetry comes from the spin part.

Independent electrons
  • For this case of independent electrons, the total
    electron density is simply
  • Doubly occupied states assumed also
  • This is something that can be directly measured
    from Xray scattering
  • Lets look at the solutions for the HO

Harmonic Oscillator
  • Potential
  • Eigenvalues
  • Wavefunctions

Electrons in harmonic well
  • Now we can view 6 non-interacting electrons in a
    harmonic well as occupying these 3 spatial states
  • Each one gets 2 electrons, one with spin up and
    one with spin down
  • Take a look at the spatial wavefunctions for the

Harmonic oscillator wavefunctions
  • Notice that the wave functions for different
    energy levels are orthogonal, and a given state
    is normalized
  • Exercises 1) prove orthogonality for the first 3
    states of the harmonic oscillator listed above 2)
    show that the wave functions are solutions of the
    TISE. We will later see how the formula for the
    electron density is derived.

Electron density
  • So if we add up the squares for these 3 states,
    then we get an electron density with 3 small
    peaks in it
  • Those peaks are purely due to quantum mechanics.
    Classical mechanics would predict a simple
    gaussian function for any temperature
  • So these kind of oscillations are indicative of
    quantum effects

More on the Pauli principle
  • We need to give more details on the Pauli
    principle, namely how could we construct a
  • In general we want to solve for the very
  • The coordinates listed here x1 etc are schematic
    for the 3 spatial coordinates of electron 1 and
    the spin coordinate, that is up or down

Pauli principle
  • But we know from chemistry that atoms have shell
    structures and some degree of independent
    particle behavior is maintained, even in
    multi-electron atoms. That is we can talk about
    1s, 2s, 2p, etc states and that has some meaning
  • So we construct a many-electron wavefunction
    built up from products of H-atom type states
  • Lets consider the He and Li atoms

He atom wavefunction
  • Spatial part is 1s(1)1s(2). The 1 and 2
    label the electron coordinates. Note this
    function is not antisymmetric wrt interchange of
    1 and 2.
  • Spin part ??is up and ? is down possible combos
    are ?(1) ?(2), ?(1) ?(2), ?(1) ?(2)?(1) ?(2),
    ?(1) ?(2)-?(1) ?(2)
  • First 3 are symmetric, last one is antisymmetric,
    thus we need that one for ground state
  • We wont worry about normalizing here

Li atom and Slater determinant
  • Construct an approximate wavefunction for
    3-electron case? Slater determinant fits the
  • Note that electron number labels are in the
    columns, particle states are in rows
  • This expression satisfies PEP

Exercise Write out the Slater determinant for
the He atom and show that you get the
wavefunction discussed above
Many-el wavefunctions
  • Note that this is not the final picture, even
    though it does satisfy the PEP. We have
    approximated the complicated many electron wave
    function as some linear combination of products
    of one-electron states times spin functions.
    Those one-electron states are definitely
    approximate. The amazing thing is that this
    approximation does so well in practice. We will
    see later that the above approximation is the
    Hartree-Fock approximation.

Elementary QM (Parr/Yang)
  • Schrodinger equation for many electrons

(interaction of el with nuclei)
We are now using atomic units
Variational Principle
  • Expectation value of total energy
  • Imagine approx wave function is linear
    combination of exact eigenstates
  • We know
  • So using orthogonality
  • Thus the approx energy is always above the true
    ground state

Exercise prove for yourself the variational
Variational Principle
  • So what we try to do is to vary parameters in our
    wave function to minimize the total energy. Then
    we have the best solution possible under our
  • Hartree-Fock theory applies the variational
    principle after assuming that we have a single
    Slater determinant for our wave function.

Hartree-Fock theory
  • HF wave function
  • We plug this into the expression for the total
    energy, and get (assuming normalization)

HF energies
  • One particle
  • Coulomb
  • Exchange
  • Notice JiiKii

Exercise show that the above expressions are
obtained from the HF wavefunction
Minimize wrt Psi variation with orthonormality
  • HF equations where

Notice this last operation is nonlocal, that is
the exchange operator is nonlocal, while Coulomb
operator is local
HF energies
  • We can express the total energy in terms of the
    Lagrange multipliers

Exercise prove the above expression for the
Total molecular energies
  • Energy including n-n interactions
  • What is missing? We assumed a Slater determinant
    wave function, and in reality the wave function
    is more complex. This leads to the concept of
    correlation energy. HF theory is a mean-field

Electron density
  • The electron density is defined as

Hellmann-Feynman Theorem
  • Forces on nuclei are purely electrostatic, due to
    electrons and other nuclei (only need electron
  • This formula is used in the ab initio simulations
    discussed earlier

Exercise try to prove the H-F theorem above.
What conditions are necessary?
Variational method
  • Levine has a good description of both variational
    and perturbation methods
  • Variational method express the wavefunction as
    function of some parameters
  • Minimize the total energy wrt to variations of
    those parameters

Perturbation theory
  • Start with a known solution (could be hydrogenic
    states, or solution to HF equations)
  • Then

Exercise evaluate the 1st order correction to
the energy of the harmonic oscillator with a
Moller-Plesset (MP) Theory
  • This is a commonly used PT to go beyond HF theory
  • It uses the HF solution as the zeroth-order
    state, then obtains corrections to energies and
    wave functions
  • There are MP2, MP3, etc approximations
  • Electron correlation is included approximately.
    MP2 does pretty well, and is computationally

Density matrices
  • Density matrices yield a compression of
    information, giving a physical quantity that can
    be used to represent the total energy in a more
    compact form
  • Well see that when we can represent the wave
    function as a Slater determinant, the DM is easy
    to calculate, and looks like a simple extension
    of the electron density
  • Oscillations of the DM in space are a
    manifestation of QM, and the decay properties of
    the DM allow for efficient calculations

Density Matrices
  • Projection operator
  • Density operator
  • This includes possibility of populations of
    multiple states at finite temperature
  • Were mainly interested in ground state
    electronic structure, a pure state
  • Then idempotency

Reduced density matrices
  • We can obtain low dimensional DMs by integrating
    out over other coordinates
  • For example
  • We can express the exact total energy in terms of

DM for HF theory
  • We can express the HF total energy in terms of
  • And for a single determinant the 1-DM is very
  • Exercise show this using the orthogonality of
    the states

Properties of the 1-DM
  • The value of the 1-DM for
    is the electron density
  • So the function starts at with the
    electron density and then eventually decays
    towards zero at large distances
  • The decay is exponential if there is a nonzero
    HOMO/LUMO gap, that is if the material is not a
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