Artificial Womb - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial Womb


... like cows and horses, than it will be to achieve the same thing using artificial ... This technological prospect would 'free women from the tyranny of their ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: and | artificial | horses | womb | women


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Artificial Womb

Artificial Womb
  • We offer you childbirth without pain, stretch
    marks, and morning sickness.

What is an Artificial Womb?
  • First, in 1997 a 17 week old goat fetus was
    removed from its mothers uterus, and survived
    for three weeks in an artificial womb.
  • easier and cheaper to establish pregnancies with
    human embryos in other mammals, like cows and
    horses, than it will be to achieve the same thing
    using artificial uteruses
  • However, Presidents Council of Bioethics put a
    ban on the implantation of human embryos into any
    non- human animal uterus

Is it science fiction?
  • An artificial womb for humans would be an
    external device would have an endometrium cell
    and then with a computer system to simulate the
    feed in medium, feed out medium and also have a
    chip controlling the hormone level.
  • Its technologically inevitable. Demand is hard
    to predict but significant.

  • This paper will prove, using John Rawls theory
    that the technology for an artificial womb ought
    to be studied and used in the future.

  • John Rawls is a Deontological thinker the
    action is good within itself, not
    consequentiality, and not concerned with the
  • Rawlss theory says that societal practices and
    institutions could provoke envy, resentment, and
    alienation among individuals (HCR210S08

  • He suggests that we should put all our effort
    into seeing to it that the rules of the game are
    fair, and that once society is organized around a
    set of fair rules people can freely play the game
    without interference (HCR210S08 syllabus).

Applied to this case
  • Artificial wombs would not be threatened by
    irresponsible introductions of alcohol or illegal
    drugs. Every fetus would be kept at the same
    temperature, given the same nutrients, as well as
    on going monitoring by experts in the incubation
    clinics. Every fetus would be treated the same,
    making this more fair than if in a mothers womb
    where the mothers life style eventually affects
    the growing fetus. Every person could begin life
    from a healthy pregnancy.

Another Theory of Rawls
  • He suggests that we should put all our effort
    into seeing to it that the rules of the game are
    fair, and that once society is organized around a
    set of fair rules people can freely play the game
    without interference (HCR210S08 syllabus).

Applied to artificial wombs
  • Not only would every fetus be raised in an equal
    environment to their peers, but women would
    also be put on a different, level playing field.
    This technological prospect would free women
    from the tyranny of their reproduction biology
    says feminist theorist Shulamith Firestone, Now
    finally women can reach full equality with men
    (pg.4, Rosen).
  • When viewed this way, artificial wombs are
    another step in the ongoing advance of social
    equality. If everyone cooperates, this is to the
    highest advantage and fairness to everyone.

  • "Act so as to treat people always as ends in
    themselves, never as mere means (Kant, HCR210S08
  • The main idea is that everyone is fundamentally
    valuable therefore, we ought to treat people as
    having a value on their own rather than simply as
    useful tools or devices by means of which we can
    satisfy our own goals or purposes.

Applied to Artificial Wombs
  • may lead to a view of the growing child as a
  • The artificial womb would be a convenience,
    something created as a useful tool to satisfy our
    own goals and purposes.
  • There would be a new idea of family the mother
    and father would not be different, thus

  • By applying Rawlss theories one is able to come
    to the conclusion that a chance for a fair game
    among all fetuses is what ought to be done. Even
    though Kantian theories touch on the point that
    the artificial womb is a mere means of
    convenience, in the end, the health of the fetus
    outweighs the doubts some may have of changing
    the family structures in the world. Our feelings
    of awe and curiosity about a mothers womb can
    not be tamed. Our society ought to go forward
    with this technology, thus creating the most fair
    society we can provide from day one of a humans
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