Title: Coastal Program-Great Lakes
1Coastal Program-Great Lakes
- East Lansing Field Office
- Craig Czarnecki Bob Kavetsky
- Ashland Fishery Resources Office
- Mark Dryer Ted Koehler
2Helping Keep the Great Lakes Great
3Coastal Program-Great Lakes
4Emerging Program
- Hatched FY 2000
- ELFO / AFRO Approach
- Initial Partner Synergy
Lynell Hanson SLRCAC
5GREAT Lakes
- Fourth Largest U.S. Coastline
- The Premier Fresh Water System on Earth
- 18 of Worlds Fresh Water Supply
- 1/10 of the U.S. Population Lives in Basin
- ¼ of Canadian Population
- Binational
6Great Lakes Program Focus
- Restoration
- Research
- Invasive Species
- Fish Passage
- Education
7Variety of Ecotypes
- Urban
- Nearshore
- Estuary
- Wetland
- Stream
8Emphasizing Partnerships
- States
- Tribes
- NGOs
- Local Government
- Federal Agencies
- Educational Institutions
9Project Locations
Multi-Lake or Basin Wide Projects
10 St. Louis River Partnership
- St. Louis River Habitat Plan
- Restoration
- Invasives
- Education
11 Kakagon Slough Rail Survey
- Mark / Recapture
- Playback Surveys
- Tribally Significant
- 16,000 Acre Coastal /
Wild Rice Wetland
12 Oak Island Sandscape
- Apostle Islands NL
- Sandscape Restoration
- Exotic Removal
- Native Planting
13Kenosha Days of Discovery
- Coastal Ecosystem Education
- Lake Watch Expeditions
- Students Onboard
14Muskegon Lake Wild Rice and Emergent Vegetation
- Began in FY 2003 and completed in FY 2005
- 5 areas, over 11 acres, planted with wild rice
and emergent vegetation. - Demonstrations on private or State bottom lands
for restoration - Phased approach, establish bullrush, other outer
plants/barriers first
15Muskegon Lake and Estuary
- Protective wave baffles, temporary fencing
- Native stands
- Local environmental, tribal and sportsman's group
volunteers in partnership, and assisting spin-off
16Bigelow Creek
- Log outline and brush
- bundles to move bank back to original
location and narrow stream to move sand and
deepen channel - Log outline and brush to reestablish bank
- 4 private landowner agreements
17 Engineered Log Jams
Lenawee Creek
- Low Impact Methods
- Native Brook Trout
18Pike River Dam Removal
- Fish and Other Aquatic Life Barrier
19Pike River Dam Removal
- Passage Restored
- Reconnected 25 Miles
20Belle Isle Restorations
- Coastal Wetland Restoration
- Native Plant Census
- Soft Shoreline Engineering Demo
21 Lakeplain Prairie Restoration
- Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
- 188 Acres
- 10 Year Monitoring Plan
22Little Program / Big Impact
- Coastal Program-Great Lakes Initiated in 2000
- 2764 Acres Restored or Enhanced
- 100 Miles of Riparian and Instream Habitat
Restored or Enhanced - 6 Fish Passage Barriers Removed
- Multiple Education, Invasive Species, and
Research Partnerships Funded
23Greg Fischer Quote
With the support of the USFWS Coastal Program
the Bad River Tribe has been able to accomplish
important habitat projects benefiting native
species in areas of cultural significance.
Tom Doolittle Fish and Wildlife Biologist,
Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
24Coastal Program-Great Lakes
- Unique Resources and Partnerships
- Positive Ecosystem Impacts
- http//greatlakes.fws.gov/glcoastal.htm