Title: Antiproton Source
1Antiproton Source
- Keith Gollwitzer
- DOE Tevatron Operations Review
- March 27, 2007
- A typical day of Operations
- Overview
- Improvements done during the last year
- Stacking Cooling Team
- Performance
3A Good Day of Stacking
- Stack Cycle is 2.4s
- Stacking cycle is
- 2-3hr (40-50mA)
- Pbar transfers (non-stacking) time is lt15min
- Leave behind lt8mA
- Other Main Injector cycles that support fixed
target, studies and filling the Tevatron reduce
the stacking rate
4Quick Overview - Production
- Two Booster batches are slip-stacked in Main
Injector before batches destined for NUMI - 120GeV proton beam is extracted from Main
Injector (7-9 e12) - 120GeV beam line brings beam to target
- Downstream of target is Collection Lithium Lens
followed by Pulsed Magnet which focuses and
steers secondaries into AP2 beam line - AP2 Beam line transports large secondary beam to
5Quick Overview - Debuncher
- Arriving Secondaries are ?p/p 2.25
- Pions and muons decay within 30 turns
- Electrons do not survive first turn
- Designed admittance is 35? mm-mrad
- Accepts beam of gt 330? mm-mrad beam emittance
- Bunch Rotation in 50 turns reduces the momentum
spread - Phase Space reduction in 2 seconds
- Stochastic Cooling
- 4-8 GHz of Bandwidth
- 8 Narrowband Pickup channels
- 4 Narrowband Kicker Channels
- Factor of 10 in longitudinal phase space
- Factor of 7-10 in both transverse phase space
dimensions - Transfer to Accumulator
6Quick Overview - Accumulator
- RF system decelerates pbars from injection to
deposition orbit of the stacktail system - Stochastic Cooling
- 2-4 GHz stacktail
- 2-4 4-8 GHz core momentum
- 4-8 GHz core transverse
- Increase particle density by factor of 5000
- Factor of 3-5 decrease in both transverse phase
space dimensions - Cycle Limit is clearing Deposition orbit
7Quick Overview - Unstacking
- Stacking is halted
- Setup 120GeV beam line to 8GeV
- Check transmission and closure through line with
reverse protons at 8GeV - 4-5 pbar transfers
- Grow RF bucket in core and slowly accelerate beam
to extraction orbit - Kick beam into beam line to Main Injector then
onto Recycler - Reduction in time spent setting up and
transferring beam - More stacking hours per week
8Stacking-to-Stacking Time
- Beam lines orbit control
- New target module
- New Lithium lens
- Added Target Station collimator
- Installed vacuum Beam Stop
- Aperture in Debuncher and Accumulator
- 4-8GHz Core momentum cooling system Stacktail
Stochastic cooling - Equalizer
10Orbit Control
Autotune/Feedback has been implemented to
compensate for power supply drift.
New BPM electronics
Before After
11Target Station
Original Beam Stop removed 2004 shutdown
12New Target Module lasts longer
13Upgraded Lens Design
- Change of production process
- Stainless Steel to Titanium
- Electron welding to diffusion bonded
- Most failures are lithium getting into cooling
water - Weaken welds seen doing autopsies on old failures
Goal of 10,000,000 pulses at higher gradient
14Target Station Yield to end of AP2
Each Target disk saw 6e18 protons Current new
style titanium body Li-lens has 3.5e6 pulses and
2.6e19 pot Pulsed Magnet has 5.1e6 pulses and
3.7e19 pot (best was 2.5e19 pot with 70 time
with new collimator best previous was 2.2e19pot)
15AP2 Improvements
- Original Beam Stop slightly misaligned within
shielding next to 120 GeV Proton Dump - Aperture restriction
- Temporary Beam stop from switchyard installed
during 2004 shutdown - Held vacuum for a month
- Installed new Beam Stop during 2006 shutdown
- Remove multiple scattering from windows and 4m of
air - Installed two dipole trims to help with steering
16AP2 Orbit Control
Autotune/Feedback has been implemented on this
beam line as well. Compensation for power
supply drift and thermal effects of the pulsed
devices of the target station
Before After
Before After
- Previous work has increased the aperture
- Removal/modification of limitations
- Extraction kicker tube replacement is scheduled
for next shutdown - 5 increase acceptance of off momentum pbars
- Added orbit control
- Motorizing of components
- Extraction kicker stand last device to be
motorized - Will work on optimizing cooling
18Accumulator Aperture
- Not optimal
- Have removed known problems (see below)
- Preparing to optimize orbit and change lattice
- Will be working on orbit
194-8GHz Core Trunk Changed
- Trunk changed from Coax to fiber
- Increase Bandwidth results in more effective
20Stacking Cooling Team
- Developed model and simulations of the different
cooling systems of the Debuncher Accumulator - Measurements and tests were done to verify model
- Gain ramps throughout stacking cycle
- Investigate core heating due to stacktail
- Reassigned 2-4GHz core and stacktail kicker tanks
- Stacktail and Core systems setups
- Stacktail bandwidth equalizer
- Led by Valeri Lebedev
21Stochastic Stacking Stacktail
- Simon van Der Meer solution
- Constant Flux
- Static Solution
- Exponential Density Distribution generated by
Exponential Gain Distribution - Max Flux (W2hEd)/(f0p ln(2))
Log scale
Log scale
22Stacktail Equalizer(s) on Paper
Present Feb07
23Test Equalizer into Stacktail Medium Level
Test Equalizer built to confirm predictability of
model and gain experience before embarking upon
design and building of more complicated equalizer
- Stacktail Equalizer
- Optimized recently installed version
- Design and build better one based upon experience
- Accumulator Lattice Orbit
- Increase slip factor
- Better cooling performance
- Decrease lattice functions at limiting apertures
- 2-turn notch filters
- Debuncher transverse bands 3 4
- Switched in during stacking cycle
- Optimize gain ramps to cooling system
- Shorter cycle time
- 2.4s to 2.2s
- Optimize Lens gradient for pbar yield into
25Performance Comparison
26Best Hour Stacking
27Run 2 Antiproton Performance
Antiprotons (e10) in a week