Title: Characterization of the Missisissippian Osage Chat in SouthCentral Kansas
1Characterization of the Missisissippian Osage
Chat in South-Central Kansas
- Alan P. Byrnes,
- Willard J. Guy, W. Lynn Watney
- Kansas Geological Survey
2Distribution of Mississippian chat fields in
Low resitivity pays stratigraphic traps
cum. Gas 2.4 TCF cum. Oil 280 MM bbls.
Potential for reexploration and IOR using
appropriate recovery technologies
(from Montgomery et al., 1998)
- Regional geology and depositional environment
controls - Lithofacies and depositional sequences
- Tectonic controls
- Reservoir petrophysical properties
- Porosity and Permeability
- Capillary pressure, Relative Permeability,
Electrical - Wireline log response
4Stratigraphic section of upper Devonian,
Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian Systems
- Cowley Formation accumulated on shelf margin as
an interval equivalent to succession of
formations deposited on the shelf in Osage and
Meramec Series
5Plate Tectonics During Carboniferous
335 Ma
310 Ma
(after Zeigler, 1989)
Proto-Anadarko Basin converging plates
63rd and 4th Order Cycles During Mississippian
7Paleogeographic map during Osage
(after Lane, H.R., and De Keyser, T.L., 1980 )
8Mississppian Subcrop
(Gerlach, 1998)
9Major Depositional Characteristics
- Mississippian siliceous sponge-microbe
communities - low relief biostromes and bioherms surrounded by
mudstone - accumulation of sponge spicule-rich
wacke-packstones - Conditions favorable for accumulation may have
been created in response to basement block
movement - T-R cycles on a shelf to shelf margin setting
resulted in a series of shallowing cycles - Ranging upward from sponge spicule-poor
argillaceous mudstone to sponge spicule rich
wacke-packstones which were overlain by
bioclastic wacke-grainstone shelf deposits and
terminated by an exposure surface - Sponge spicule content may increase upwards with
increasing cycle thickness - Soon after burial these were silicified
10Depositional Settings for Siliceous
Sponge-Microbe Reef Mounds
- A) Differentiated carbonate shelf
- B) Reef-rimmed shelf
- C) Carbonate ramp or nonrimmed shelf
(after Brunton and Dixon, 1994)
11(after Brunton and Dixon, 1994)
12Major Lithofacies
- 1 Chert Conglomerate w/Clay
- 2 Autoclastic Chert w/Clay
- 3 Autoclastic Chert
- 4 Nodular to Bedded Chert
- 5 Cherty Dolomite Mudstone
- 6 Argillaceous Dolomite Mudstone
- 7 Bioclastic Crinoidal Wackestone-Grainstone
- 8 Sucrosic Dolomite
- 9 Shale
Spivey-Grabs Field General Atlantic Tjaden A-1 WIW
141. Chert conglomerate
- General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, 4323.5 ft,
chert conglomerate containing clasts of
oil-stained chat and chert in silty, clay matrix
with smaller chert clasts. Scale bar is 2 cm.
Thin section photomicrograph, 4322.5 ft, from
inside chat pebble containing abundant molds of
sponge spicule and small vugs filled by blue
epoxy. Porous microcrystalline quartz and
microcrystalline calcite (stained with
alizarin-red) comprise matrix, replaced by
patches of megaquartz (white). Irregular vugs
cross cut other fabrics. Scale bar is 0.1 mm.
152. Autoclastic chert with clay
- General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, 4337 ft,
autoclastic chert breccia with clay infiltration
below arrow. Interpenetrating clasts of brown
porous chat. Thin section photomicrograph from
4398 ft. contains autoclasts lined by clay and
brown microcrystalline calcite. Abundant
microporosity, molds, and vugs in spiculitic
microcrystalline chert (chat). Scale bar is 0.1
mm. Plane polarized light and blue epoxy
163. Autoclastic chert
General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, 4346 ft,
autoclastic chert breccia with mottled oil
staining and fractures. Scale is 2 cm. Upper
photomicrographs, 4331 ft, shelter porosity.
Lower, 4331.5 ft, boundary between
interpenetrating clasts of highly porous chat.
Boundaries defined by dirty clay rim. Interior
of clasts contain varying amounts of
microcrystalline quartz and associated fine vuggy
and moldic porosity. Scale bars are 0.1 mm. Plane
polarized light and blue epoxy impregnation.
174. Nodular-bedded chert
General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, 4379 ft,
nodules of chat in overpacked fabric with
interpenetrating clasts. Variable brown oil
staining identify separate clasts and associated
relative differences in microporosity. Individual
clasts show variations in staining along
discontinuous fracturing. Scale is 2 cm.
Photomicrograph from 4379.5 ft from within a chat
nodule containing micro-, moldic, and vuggy
porosity. Some micritic calcite preserved
stained with alizarin-red. Scale bar is 0.1 mm.
185. Cherty dolomite mudstone6. Argillaceous
dolomite mudstone
General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, left photo
showing gray dolomite mudstone with white chert
nodules. Lower nodule is stained with oil due to
presence of microporosity. Photo to right is
another example of a cherty, argillaceous
dolomite mudstone. It contains burrows, wavy, and
lenticular bedding suggesting moderate
bioturbation. White rounded and small
lenticular-shaped chert nodules suggest selective
silicification of burrows. Scale bars are 2 cm.
197. Bioclastic wacke/grainstone
- General Atlantic, Tjaden 1A1 WIW 1, 4347 ft,
showing a contact (at arrow head) between
encrinitic grainstone (lower right) and
autoclastic chert. Top of encrinite is solution
microkarst. Solution cavities are deep, cutting
through approximately 0.5 m of core. Contact is
also boundary of cycle 2. Encrinite is tightly
cemented by calcite stained here with
alizarin-red. Scale is 2 cm. Photomicrograph
below the rock slab from 4341 ft from encrinite
capping the thin cycle 3. Alizarin-red stain
helps to distinguish the slightly darker and
cloudy crinoid ossicle from the syntaxial calcite
overgrowth cement. Unstained patches of replacive
microquartz with accompanying microporosity and
vugs also shown. Blue epoxy also shows a small
amount of interparticle porosity. Scale is 0.1
mm. Photographed in plane polarized light.
20SEM Robbins 1-36 - 4856 ft
10 microns
- During inter- and post- Mississippian subaerial
exposure facies underwent further diagenesis - sponge spicule dissolution
- vuggy porosity development in moldic rich rocks
- Autobrecciation
- Areas of increased diagenesis can be correlated
with basement lineaments - Recurrent movement
- Create topography for exposure
- Local preservation in lower relief blocks
- Bounding fault seals
- Meteoric water influx, or the range of the mixing
zone controlling diagenesis - Limited in depth below the exposure surface
- Limited in depth downdip into unaltered cherty
Cowley Formation facies - Combination of original accumulation, block fault
movement, sponge spicule concentration, and
possibly thickness of overlying bioclastic
wacke-grainstones resulted in variable reservoir
properties and the creation of pods of production
separated by non-productive cherty dolomite
22Mississippian Structure and Lineaments
- Structural contour map with oil production
(Gerlach, 1978) http//crude2.kgs.ukans.edu/DPA/Pl
23Bouguer gravity
- Bouger gravity overlain with structural contours
of Precambrian map from Cole (1976). Blues
represent lowest residuals and reds represent
highest residual values displayed with apparent
relief created by vertical illumination. Steeper
gradients are indicated by darker shading. (after
Kruger, 1997) http//crude2.kgs.ukans.edu/DPA/Play
24Total Magnetic Field Intensity
- Reduced-to-the-pole magnetic data displayed in
similar way as gravity data http//crude2.kgs.ukan
s.edu/DPA/Plays/Mag/coleMed.html. Map overlain
with A and B lineaments and recognized
basement faults and structural contours of
Precambrian map from Cole (1976) (after Kruger,
25Isopach map of Late Devonian-Early Mississippian
425 data points eastern 2/3rds of Kansas
Contour interval 50 ft.
26Isopach map of Mississippian Carbonates
Contour interval 50 ft.
contrasting accommodation to underlying clastics
27Isopach map of the Cowley Formation
- Lineaments A and B are shown delimiting
northern edges of the formation. C.I.100 ft
28Isopach map of the chat
- C.I.10 ft. Lineaments A and B are shown
delimiting southern edges of thick chat in the
vicinity of the Pratt Anticline
29NW-SE Stratigraphic Cross Section
through Spivey-Grabs Field Vshale (Shale
Fraction) Mississippian Datum Top
Miss. Section Length 150 km (93 mi)
100 ft (15 m)
30Vsh NW-SE Structure cross section
500 ft
Lineament A
Section Length 150 km (93 mi)
31Spivey Grabs
Resistivity Index NW-SE Stratigraphic cross
Section Length 150 km (93 mi)
Lineament A
32Field examples
33Hardtner Field and Lineaments
- Hydrocarbon accumulations terminate at northern
block boundaries - (map still in development)
34Rhodes Field and Lineaments
- Lineaments define hydrocarbon accumulation and
facies pinchout more than structure - (map still in development)
35Nichols Field and Lineaments
- Chat thickness correlates with basement lineament
fault defined blocks - Hydrocarbon accumulations can occur along
northern block boundaries - (map still in development)
36Spivey-Grabs Field and Lineaments
37Spivey-Grabs Field and Lineaments
38Spivey-Grabs Field and Lineaments
pods of more productive, better developed chat
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40Mississppian Subcrop
(Gerlach, 1998)
41Reservoir Petrophysical Properties and Wireline
Log Response
- Each lithofacies exhibits a generally unique
range of petrophysical properties
42Histogram of core porosities for four fields in
- Bimodal distribution
- Low porosity - cherty dolomite mudstone facies
- High porosity - cherty facies
- Wireline logs exhibit similar bimodal distribution
43Permeability versus porosity for whole core
- Properties reflect both matrix and larger-scale
properties including nontectonic fracturing - Lower core plug trend
- ka10(0.072?a-1.51)
- Upper whole core trend
- ka10(0.067?a-0.53)
44Permeability versus porosity for core plugs
- Properties reflect only matrix properties
excluding nontectonic fracturing - Lower core plug trend ka10(0.072?a-1.51)
- Upper whole core trend
- ka10(0.067?a-0.53)
45Air permeability versus porosity for normalized
whole core and plugs for four chat fields
- Bates sucrosic dolomites (blue square) lie off
chert trend
Spivey Grabs
46Insitu Klinkenberg permeability versus principal
pore throat diameter
- Determined form mercury capillary pressure
- Samples lie off central trend as a function of
mixed lithologies in plugs and variables like
degree of vugginess - Trend equation ki10(2.25PPTD-0.75)
47Capillary pressure curves Glick Field
- Autoclastic chert facies and clay
- All curves exhibit high irreducible saturations
indicative of microporosity and consistent with
wireline log measurements of high water
saturation - Purple diamond shows the curve for the green
infilling clay
(after Duren , 1960)
48Imbibition water-oil relative permeability
- Autoclastic chert
- Gulf School Trust 4-4, Hardtner Field
- High critical water saturations are consistent
with microporosity - Limited saturation range of oil displacement may
reflect dual porosity pore system though it gives
appearance of intermediate oil-water wetness
49Relative gas permeability versus water saturation
- Saturations -Pc air-brine 33 psia, 55 feet
above free water level - Relative permeabilities decrease rapidly at
saturations greater than 60 - Nodular cherts, dolomite mudstones, and
bioclastic wackestones exhibit low krg,Sw
50Archie cementation exponent (m) versus porosity
- Chert conglomerate mavg2.590.27
- Autoclastic chert w/clay mavg2.36590.27
- Autoclastic chert mavg2.250.25
- Nodular chert mavg1.920.05
- Chert dolomite mudstone mavg1.970.11
- Bioclastic wacke-grainstone mavg1.770.05
- Trendline for m versus porosity
- m 0.014?a1.66
51Cementation exponent (m) versus depth
- General Atlantic WIW 1-A Tjaden,
Spivey-Grabs Field - Cementation exponents decrease with depth from
surface to bioclastic wacke-grainstone interval - Below bioclastic wacke-grainstone interval m in
autoclastic cherts is high and decreases with
depth again - Patterns in m may reflect
- Systematic changes in pore type and/or
- Influence of paleo-perched water table
m increase with increasing vug and mold
52PfEFFER Super-Pickett Plot
Cycle B
Cycle D
Cycle C
53Excellent Chat Reservoir
54Cowley Formation, Aetna Field
- Mudstones to sponge spicule wacke-packestones
were deposited in T-R cycles on a shelf to shelf
margin setting in a series of shallowing upward
cycles - Early silicification, inter- and
post-Mississippian subaerial exposure resulted
in sponge spicule dissolution, vuggy porosity
development in moldic rich rocks, and
autobrecciation - Areas of increased diagenesis can be correlated
with basement lineaments and recurrent block
movement - Meteoric water influx, or the range of the mixing
zone controlling diagenesis, appears to have been
limited in depth below the exposure surface and
in depth downdip into unaltered cherty Cowley
Formation facies - Combination of block fault movement, sponge
spicule concentration, and possibly thickness of
overlying bioclastic wacke-grainstones resulted
in variable reservoir properties and the creation
of pods of production separated by non-productive
cherty dolomite mudstones - These events also resulted in alteration of the
depositional cycles to produce a series of
lithofacies which each exhibit relatively unique
petrophysical properties
- Chert facies exhibit porosities ranging from
25-50 and permeabilities gt5 md - Cherty dolomite mudstones, argillaceous dolomite
mudstones, and bioclastic wacke-packestones
exhibit non-reservoir properties - Reservoir production, simulation, and whole core
data indicate fracturing can be present in chat
reservoirs and can enhance permeability by up to
an order of magnitude - Capillary pressure data indicate the presence of
microporosity and can explain high water
saturations and low resistivity observed in
wireline logs - Relative permeabilities decrease rapidly for
saturations gt 60 and may be influenced by dual
pore systems - Detailed modified Pickett plot analysis of logs
reveals some of the chat character and can
provide reliable indications of reservoir
properties - Models developed provide some additional insight
into the chat of south-central Kansas and
understanding the nature of controls on shallow
shelf chert reservoir properties
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