Title: Javier Solana
1Javier Solana
- Was he written in the New Testament as a form of
Bible Code? Check this!
2Revelation 13 Grid No. 1
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33Matthew 24
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46Mark 13!
47Same prophecy - different arrangement and even
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53Same results for Luke 21!
54Maybe it's time to make your choice!
55Redemption Draweth Nigh  Words and Music Gordon
Jensen  Years of time have come and gone Since
I first heard it told How Jesus would come again
some day If back then it seemed so real Then I
just cant help but feel How much closer His
coming is today  Signs of the times are
everywhere Theres a brand new feeling in the
air Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky Lift up
your head redemption draweth nigh  Wars and
strife on every hand And violence fills the land
Still some people doubt Hell ever come again
But the Word of God is true Hell redeem His
chosen few Dont lose hope soon Christ Jesus
will descend
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57And all the world wondered after the beast . . .
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59Signs of the times are everywhere Theres a
brand new feeling in the air Keep your eyes upon
the eastern sky Lift up your head redemption
draweth nigh  Lift up your head redemption
draweth nigh