Title: Proposed RCE in Bogor
1Proposed RCE in Bogor
Presented at the International Conference on
Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for
Sustainable Development Yokohama, 12-14 April 2006
Bogor is considered as the centre of science in
Indonesia (as the place of more than 25 research
institutes in life sciences studies
agriculture, forestry, veterinary, livestock,
fisheries and biology).
The botanical garden of Bogor is the largest in
the region that attracts more than 1 million
visitors/year, mostly students/ young generation.
UNESCO has recognized the idea by supporting a
study on the establishment of a cluster of
research centres.
SEAMEO BIOTROP as a regional center under the
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization may play an important role to
establish such RCE in Bogor.
Utilizing the existing facilities and programmes
for science education.
Developing a model for science and technology
education for children and general public.
Involving the society in improving science
education for sustainable development.
Communicating the center activities, research
outcome to the society, particularly of those
relevant to the sustainable development in
agriculture, forestry, fisheries, veterinary and
livestock as well as biology at large.
4Proposed programme and activities
Establishment of a network among the Cluster
Identification of centers capacity to determine
the exact intervention needed by each member.
Establishment of a showroom at the center
(Botanical garden) and showrooms at a number of
Cluster members equipped with multimedia and
field laboratory if necessary.
Production of education materials in science,
that can be distributed to schools, libraries as
well as the access to individual families.
5SEAMEO BIOTROP as the operating agency
Established in 1968, SEAMEO BIOTROP has
contributed to human resource development in the
region through its research, training, and
information dissemination activities in the area
of tropical biology.
The programme thrusts (1) Tropical ecosystems
and environmental impacts, (2) Biodiversity
conservation and sustainable development, (3)
Biotechnology and tree breeding.
Actively involves in the establishment of the
Cluster and as one of SEAMEO centers that
strongly supports programmes on Education for
Sustainable Development.