Title: 15 degrees: a 40 billion opportunity
115 degrees a 40 billion opportunity for your
Brought to you by the specialist agency that
breaks mainstream brands in multi-ethnic market
2 what we are
- a creative, committed multi-disciplinary company
that creates and delivers coherent, targeted and
highly effective marketing and communications
solutions for fmcg and b2b clients
- 15 degrees marketing and public relations ltd
specialises in marketing of urban/focus/branding
products and services for companies seeking new
- 15 degrees marketing consultants aim to provide
marketing services for you which generate a
significant increase in company sales and profits
from market research, consulting, executing
projects, strategic analysis and reporting
- 15 degrees is a fresh innovative agency that
understands to stay ahead in your market sector
there must always be a storm before there is
3 why different?
- As is any self-respecting agency.
15 Degrees has a unique added edge, because it
is the ONLY marketing/ communications agency in
the UK that specialises in breaking mainstream
brands in the lucrative multi-ethnic market.
4 the opportunity
- The multi-ethnic market commands 40 billion of
- disposable income today. By 2010 it will be 85
billion. - This is a growth opportunity that no major brand
can - afford to ignore.
But how to tap into it?
15 degrees take the time to understand your
organisation, its opportunities and issues then
create and deliver simple solutions to help you
achieve your objectives.
5 how we work
- The agency has a unique understanding of the
- style, character and composition of emerging
- IDENTITY demographics.
15 Degrees understands the culturally-specific
stimuli that trigger a positive purchasing
response within these consumer markets.
The agency knows how to slant and express your
brand identity so that your brand is successful
in these high-spending sectors.
15 Degrees makes established and
challenger brands relevant to UBA and EI
- 15 Degrees uses whatever combination of
- communications techniques represents the best
- investment and reaps the richest rewards for
- your brand.
The agencys skill-set encompasses television,
print, direct mail, market research, media
planning, public relations, event planning,
telemarketing, translation, website design/
operation, product placement, polling.
7 the team
- 15 Degrees and its associates comprise a 20-
- strong team of specialists, under the leadership
- of Diahanne Rhiney.
Diahanne is a highly talented marketeer with 15
years experience working for major consumer
brands and B2B interests including BET USA, BMW
and Macys USA.
For the past 5 years, shes played a key
Marketing role within ethnic press. She founded
15 Degrees in 2003.
- She says Its become increasingly apparent to
me that - the UBA and EI markets represent a fantastically
lucrative - but largely under-exploited opportunity for major
brands. - Many established brands have identified this
proven - opportunity for growth few have successfully
made - the break-through.
The recurrent issue is a failure in
communications. Purely and simply, its a
question of applying cultural understanding to
the creation of differently slanted messages for
different markets. Those brands that can crack
the code, will reap rich rewards. When a major
brand makes an aggressive move into a new
market area as it has done its really time
to listen.
15 Degrees has been founded to provide the
insight, the know-how and the tools that will
unlock new markets. Ive gathered a hugely
energetic and committed team of specialists for
this venture. We all have absolute belief in the
proposition, and we have the skills to deliver.
Our promise is to hit the first and most
influential 15 degrees in any sector, which will
open up the full circle of consumer response.
9 how we work
situation analysis
10 how we work
11 how we work
12 how we work
13 how we work
website/online tools
14 how we work
return on investment
15 the difference
- Over 15 years of marketing, branding and
interactive experience. - Experienced account team with managers who will
be your daily point of contact. - Practical strategic advice and delivery at a
reasonable price. - Integrated marketing and web development
expertise. - Team of account professional, design,
technological, administrative and finance
personnel. - production capabilities.
16 contact
- Whether youre simply curious to know more
- about UBA and EI markets, or youre already
- sure that this is a significant market opening
- that you need to exploit as a matter of urgency,
- call us to talk things through.
- We can explain our processes in detail we can
- tell you about the major mistakes that big
- brands have already made in this area and we
- can advise on how to secure success.
- We hope to convince you that no campaign can
- be complete without 15 DEGREES thinking.
17 contact
- For more information as to how
- 15 degrees can help your business grow
- please contact us
- T 0870 300 2582
- F 0870 420 5181
- E info_at_15degrees.com
- www.15degrees.com