Title: Promoting%20Australia%20Education%20
1Promoting Australia Education Training
Services Through Sister Cities Relationship
2Current Statistics of International Student in
- An increase of 7.5 between 1998 and 1999
- An increase of 15.6 between 1999 and 2000
- An increase of 10.8 between 2000 and 2001
- Education is now one of Australias major export
earners A4.12 billion (Australia Bureau of
Statistics 2001)
3Overseas Student Numbers
4Field of Study (distribution by sector)
- Australian university sector
- Offshore increased from 18.1 in 1999 to 18.5
in 2000 - Onshore rose from 37.4 to 38.6
- ELICOS sector
- increased in 2000 by 25.8 over 1999 to 36,767
- Vocational education sector
- Grew by 3.9 in 2000
- School education sector
- Declined by 3.8 in 2000, may increase in
5Number of Overseas Students by Major Sector
6Major Players in the International Education
- Australia is a major provider of international
education and training services. - Other major players are USA, UK and Canada
- In 2000 growth in Australias onshore higher
education sector (at 19.4) was stronger than
experienced by both the United States and the
United Kingdom (which grew by 4.8 and 2.3
7Current Education Links Between Australia and
- The majority of overseas students during 2000
continued to be from Asia (82.6). - China is likely to be the leading provider of
international students to Australia by 2002.
8Comparison of Student Numbers for Top 10 Source
9The Benefits of Education Export for Australia
- Education is Australia's third largest service
export industry after tourism and transportation
- Economical benefits
- The impact of cross-cultural skilling
- The development of strong interpersonal relations
10The Focuses of Sister Cities Relationship Programs
- Trade, Science Technology, Culture, Sports and
Urban - Construction (China Daily 1999)
- Education becomes an important part of this
relationship in recent exchange programs (China
Daily 2001)
11Benefits of Education Export for Local
Government and Community
- Increase global awareness
- Increase opportunities for local businesses
- Increase links between communities
12Role of ACCCI in Education
- Australia Education Business Training
- Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan, Changsha
(2001) - Tianjin, Shijiazhuang (2002)
- The role of sister cities relationship in
promoting Australia - education and training services?