Title: Chart 6 Charles A' Dana Center
1Chart 6Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
2Chart 5Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
Chart 5Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
3Statewide passing rates on the Texas Algebra I
End-of-Course Exam for selected subpopulations
Chart 7Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
Source Texas Education Agency,
42005 NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment
Mathematics 8th Grade Average Scale Score
52005 NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment
Mathematics 8th Grade Average Scale Score
61999 Third International Mathematics and Science
Study-Repeat Grade 8 (Mathematics)
Chart 3Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
7Average achievement in advanced mathematics
content areas for students having taken advanced
Chart 4Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
Source How Well Do Advanced Placement Students
Perform on the TIMSS Advanced Mathematics and
Physics Tests, by The International Study Center,
Lynch School of Education, Boston College, June
8Average first-year college GPA for Texas Advanced
Placement students
AP Exams in core academic subjects of English,
Math, Science, and Social Studies Based on group
of students taking 8th-Grade Texas Assessment of
Academic Skills in 1994,graduating in 1998, and
enrolling in a Texas public college or university
(78,079 students). Source National Center for
Educational Accountability
Chart 8Charles A. Dana Center UT Austin
9Estimating the Relative Cost of Hiring Secondary
Mathematics Teachers
Source Charles A. Dana Center, A Study of
Uncontrollable Variations in the Costs of Texas
Public Education, 2000