Title: Joint Submission: South African National Blood Service (SANBS)
1Joint Submission South African National Blood
Service (SANBS) Natal Bioproducts Institute
(NBI) National Health Bill (B32 of 2003)
2Joint Submission SANBS NBI
- Technical submission made jointly on behalf of
SANBS and NBI - Prof. Anthon du P Heyns CEO SANBS
- Mr Duncan Armstrong Executive Director /
Applicant NBI - Duly authorised by the respective Board of
Directors - Ultimately representative of the Blood Donors of
South Africa
- Submission
- Introduction to SANBS and NBI
- Relationship
- External Regulatory Differences
- Blood Transfusion vs Blood Fractionation Services
- Definitions
- Areas of Concern
- Recommendation
- Blood Products
- Proposed Definition Amendment
- Reasoning
- Conclusion
- Fully support the objects of the bill
- Specifically support the provisions of Chapter 8
relating to the control of the use of tissue,
blood, blood products and gametes in humans - Support the establishment of a single licensed
Blood Transfusion Service for RSA - Concern
- Link seemingly established between blood
transfusion and blood fractionation services is
unwarranted and should be removed (section 58 of
the bill) - Object of this presentation is to explain our
concern and request consideration for an
5- Support for a single blood transfusion licence
- Safety
- Optimal procurement and use of safe blood
- Unified testing system
- Quality
- Standardised product quality, underpinned by
policies and procedures promotes product safety
and efficacy. - Sustainability
- Economy of scale and resource sharing
- Availability
- Optimal and equitable use of blood as a national
resource - Self-sufficiency of blood products
- Self-sufficiency and quality of plasma for
6National Health Bill, 2003
- 58(1) The Minister must establish a blood
transfusion service by granting a license to a
non-profit organisation, which is able to provide
a blood transfusion service throughout the
territory of the Republic - (c) has the sole right to provide a blood
transfusion and blood fractionation service in
the Republic.
7Introduction to SANBS and NBI
- Both SANBS and NBI .
- Have close governance and strategic links
- Are registered and operate as Section 21 not for
profit companies - Are the largest providers of specialised blood
product services to both the public and private
sectors - SANBS provides about 83 of all blood transfusion
services in SA (exclusively in all provinces,
except for Western Cape Province and a part of
the Northern Cape Province). - NBI is the largest fractionation centre in SA and
the only one capable of providing a comprehensive
national fractionation service
8SANBS and NBI Governance Relationship
9SANBS and NBI Legislative Differences
10Regulatory differences SANBS and NBI
- External Regulation of SANBS and NBI are
different - SANBS
- Licensed Blood Transfusion Service
- Human Tissue Act, No 65 of 1983 (currently)
- Licensed Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company
- Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, No
101 of 1965 - Pharmacy Act, No 53 of 1974
- Legislative and operational differences form the
basis for why blood transfusion and blood
fractionation should not be regarded in the same
12Areas of concern
- Plasma
- National self sufficiency
- Significant progress, unfortunately not yet
achieved - Vulnerable in key therapeutic areas (cryo)
- Patient needs has the highest priority
- Pharmacy Act
- Scheduled medicines
- Who may buy and/or sell/dispense medicines
- Blood transfusion services are not licensed in
terms of this Act - Potential conflict in legislation
13Areas of concern (Continued)
- Plasma Pools
- Size
- Individual/small pools (12 or less donations) vs
large pools (gt12 donations) - Role of MCC inspectorate in verifying compliance
with cGMP - Pharmaceutical companies (other than NBI)
- Licensed to sell plasma-derived medicines
- Future of the products offered by these companies
- Licensed in terms of the Pharmacy Act and the
Medicines and Related Substances Control Act
- That the manufacture, sale and distribution of
plasma derived medicinal products are regulated
as Schedule 4 medicines - That the provision of plasma products is not only
restricted to fractionation centres such as NBI,
but also to commercial pharmaceutical companies
who import and sell these products and that - Blood Tranfusion would have to be licensed and
comply with stipulations of existing medicine
legislation before it can be legally permitted to
manufacture, buy and/or sell S4 medicines. - IT IS OUR RECOMMENDATION THAT.
- The National Health Bill be amended to delete
provisions that the national blood transfusion
service have the sole right to provide blood
fractionation services in the Republic. - Specifically delete references to Blood
fractionation service appearing in Sections
58(2)(c) and 58(3).
16Definition of Blood Product
- In keeping with the aforementioned discussion and
specifically the distinction between products of
a blood transfusion and blood fractionation
service, it is also recommended that the
definition of a blood product be amended as
follows - Blood product means any product derived or
produced from twelve or less human blood
donations, including circulating progenitor
cells, bone marrow progenitor cells and umbilical
cord progenitor cells. - (Underlined text denotes new text)
17Definition of Blood Product
- Reasoning
- This amendment will draw a clear distinction
between blood products (made from 12 or less
donations) and plasma derived medicinal products
(greater than 12 donations).
- By means of a conclusion SANBS and NBI would like
to re-confirm that - Fully support the objects and intent of the Bill
wrt creation of a single national blood
transfusion service. - SANBS is ideally poised to deliver on the
expectations of this bill - For reasons highlighted in this presentation we
do believe, however, that the link between blood
transfusion and blood fractionation services is
unwarranted and unnecessary. - The bill be amended as outlined in this
submission - Avoid conflict in legislation.
- Thank you for your time.
- We will be happy to answer any questions that
you may have.