Title: Eliminating Health Disparities: Beyond Facts and Figures
1Eliminating Health Disparities Beyond Facts and
- Dr. Stuart Brown, Director
- Georgia Division of Public Health
2Key Points
- What we know
- What we need to know
- Public Healths role in prevention
3What We Know
4Infant Mortality Rate By Race Ethnicity, GA,
Percent of Live Birth Pregnancies
5Low Birth Rate (5.5 lbs), by Race Ethnicity,
GA, 1994-2004
6Teen Pregnancy by Race Ethnicity, (15-17yr),
GA, 1994-2004
Pregnancy Rates per 1,000 15-17 year olds
7Repeat Teen Pregnancies, By Race Ethnicity,
GA, 1994-2004
Percent Repeat Pregnancies
8HIV/AIDS Mortality, By Race Ethnicity, GA,
Age-Adjusted to the 2000 Standard Million.
9Homicide Rates By Race Ethnicity, GA 1994-2004
Age-Adjusted to the 2000 Standard Million.
10Premature Life Lost Cancer Rates By Race,
Ethnicity Rural-NonRural, 1994-2003, GA
11Infant Death Rates By Race, Ethnicity
Rural-NonRural, 1994-2003, Georgia
12Pregnancy Rates Ages 15-17, by Race, Ethnicity
and Rural-NonRural, 1994-2003, Georgia
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
15What We Need to Know
16We Need Qualitative
- Stories behind the trends
17We Need Community Information
- Community
- Strengths
- Issues
- Needs
18We Need Performance Measures
- Whats working
- Whats not
- Local assessment
19Public Healths Prevention Role
- Protect health
- Improve healthy behaviors
- Improve birth outcomes
20We Must Protect Health
Preparedness Ensure that every person is
prepared for a catastrophic event
21We Need Healthy Behaviors
Healthy lifestyles (Individual Decisions) Healthy
choices (Community Support)
22We Must Improve Birth Outcomes
- Reduce infant death, disabilities and abuse
- Prevent early births
- Detect problems early
- Support high-risk families
24What We Know
- Gaps in mortality and morbidity
- Progress in some places
- Disparities have many factors a system approach
is essential
25We Need
- Stories behind the data
- Information about community needs, issues and
strengths - Effect of the work
- Economic value of the work
- Partnerships are crucial
26Only Then
- Will we make a difference
- The difference
- Improved Health
- Reduced Disparities