Title: Crusades
1Crusades 1096-1290s A.D. Started with Pope
Urban II urging crowds of nobles to rescue
Jerusalem (The Holy Land) from recent attack and
conquering by Muslim Seljuk Turks. This was in
1095. Excitement filled the air. People were
willing to go.
2In 1096, 50,000 to 60,000 knights became
Crusaders Crusader someone who fights on behalf
of a religious cause. There were eight official
crusades (and countless unofficial ones) spanning
two centuries. One was even called a Childrens
3People and Goals of the Crusades Popes Wanted
to show their power to send an army. Wanted to
unite Byzantine and Roman Christians Wanted to
rescue and expand Christendom
4Knights If they died in a Crusade, Pope
promised forgiveness of their sins. Wanted
to go fight. Wanted to win glory and earthly
rewards Merchants Supported the Crusades with
gifts and cash. Helped armies transport for a
large fee. Wanted to gain control of the trade
5Key Crusades First 1097-1099 Led by French
counts but included men from all over (Germany,
Italy, England, etc. It was a two year trek
through mountains and deserts. Jerusalem was
recaptured, many Muslim and Jewish people were
brutally killed. Later, these areas were
recaptured by Muslim Turks.
6Third 1189 to 1192 Called the Kings Crusade
because it was led by three powerful monarchs
English King Richard I (The Lionhearted) German
Emperor Fredrick I (Barbarossa) French King
Philip Augustus Muslim Conqueror Saladin had
taken over Jerusalem in 1187 These kings were
not able to defeat Saladin
7King Richard admired the chivalry of Saladin who
sent his personal doctor to help him when he was
ill. In contrast to the first crusaders who were
ruthless. These two leaders respected each other
and came to some agreements. i.e permitting
Christians to freely visit Jerusalem
8Childrens Crusade, 1212 Led by a German youth,
he felt inspired by God. Thousands followed him,
but when they got to Rome, the pope told them to
go home. Near that same time, 20,000 French
children tried to sail to the Holy land. Two
ships sink and the other five go to North Africa
and the children were sold into slavery.
9- Consequences and results
- of the Crusades
- Decline of respect for Popes and Church power
- Weakened power of nobles and feudal system due to
death and decreases in wealth - Decrease in Byzantine power 4th Crusade sacked
Constantinople - Increase in religious intolerance
10- Increased trade strengthened merchant class
- Increase in monarchs power due to loss of noble
power - Enhanced status of women since they managed
manors while men were away fighting. - But the Crusades never accomplished their main
goal, to reconquer and hold the Holy Land