Title: Strategy%20to%20Control%20CSOs%20in%20Winnipeg
1Strategy to Control CSOs in Winnipeg
April 27, 2005
- Background
- Existing System Response
- Possible Control Options
- Cost/Benefit Analysis
- 2003 CEC Recommendation
- Conceptual CSO Mitigation Plan
- 5 Interceptor Sewer systems
- 3 Pollution Control Centres
- 79 CSO locations
- 231 Land drainage outlet
- 101 to Red and Assiniboine
- 2 Major Rivers
4Wastewater Treatment Plants
Population Served 374,000 160,000 86,000
ADWF Recorded in 2002 160 50 27
ADWF Design Capacities 302 59 32
ADWF Average Dry Weather Flow (ML/d)
5Winnipegs Wastewater Sewers
- Older parts of the City (pre 1960)
- Approximately 30 of City has combined sewers
- CSO dilute mixture of sewage and land drainage
6Combined Sewers Exist Worldwide
- Many European cities have combined sewers
- control strategies being developed
- In North America, about 850 communities have
combined sewers - e.g., Boston, Chicago, San Francisco
- In Canada, cities include Halifax, Quebec City,
Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver - In Manitoba, portions of Winnipeg, Brandon and
Selkirk sewer systems have combined sewers.
7Existing Systems Response
8Receiving Stream Impacts
- On average, CSOs occur 18 times per recreation
season (May 1 to Sept 30) - Overflows are wet weather driven
- During dry weather, all sewage is intercepted and
conveyed to WPCCs for treatment - 1 of total annual sewage is lost to overflows
- Effects of CSOs on River Quality relate to
- Microbiological water quality
- Aesthetic quality (Visual)
9GM 200
- CSO Advisory sub-committee concurred in
following - CSO control will be costly and the benefits are
subjective - There are many reasons to consider CSO control
- CSOs should not be considered a significant
public health issue - CSO control is fundamentally a public policy and
a regulatory compliance issue.
11 Control Methods
- Several control options possible
- Separation
- End-of-pipe treatment
- Storage and dewatering
- Off-line tanks / Tunnels
- In-line storage
- Target of 4 overflows per season common practice
in USA
12Sewer Separation
- Estimated at about 1.5 Billion (no inflation)
- Very disruptive to community
13End-of-Pipe Treatment
- Vortex Solids Separator (VSS)
- Very costly, large structure, requires land at
outfalls - Requires chemicals, operational considerations
- NOT recommended
14End-of-Pipe Treatment
- Retention Treatment Basins (RTBs)
- Very costly, large structure, requires land at
outfalls - Requires chemicals, operational considerations
- NOT recommended
15Off-line Storage Tanks
- This will comprise large, near-surface tanks
located at the end of the combined sewer trunks
- This method is used in
- Saginaw, Mich.
- Toronto, Ont.
- Sarnia, Ont.
16Deep Tunnels
- Large tunnels could be used to store and convey
combined sewage to WPCCs for treatment - This method is used in
- Chicago, Ill.
17In-line Storage
- Large old trunk sewers offer potential storage
for combined sewage during smaller storms
- Relief sewers constructed for basement flooding
also provide large volumes of potential storage
Trunk Sewer
Relief Sewer
7.55 ft
9.75 ft
9.0 ft
18Latent Storage
- If these pipes are dewatered, storage could be
available for inline storage
19In-line Storage
- In-Line storage involves retaining wet-weather
flow in the pipe for small rainstorms - The stored wastewater is dewatered at a
controlled rate and sent to WPCC - If the rainstorm threatens basement flooding, all
flow is released to river
- Needs Local Testing
- Sediment deposition
- Odours
- Minimize risk of basement flooding
(reliability/liability) - Has been used successfully in other jurisdictions
- Cleveland and
- Detroit
In-Line Storage
Inflatable Dam
To Interceptor
20CSO Control Benefits
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25Overview of Plan
Tunnel Storage (Zero overflows)
In-line Storage plus Distributed Storage and
Transfers plus Off-Line Storage
Complete Sewer Separation
In-line Storage plus Distributed Storage and
Available In-line Storage
Disinfection at WPCCs
CSO Control Options
26Integration with Other Programs
- Basement Flood Relief
- Combined Sewer Renewal
- Potential Opportunities
- Oversizing of proposed relief pipes for storage
- Allowance for localized separation
- Cleaning of trunk sewers for storage
- New Developments
27Cost/Benefit Trade-off
282003 CEC Hearings
- Clean Environment Commission (CEC) held public
hearings in January and April 2003, and
recommended - Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction
- 7. The City directed to shorten the timeframe to
complete its CSO plan a 20 to 25 year period. - 8. The City directed to reduce CSOs by
instrumenting outfalls, adjusting weirs,
accelerating combined sewer replacement,
advancing the pilot project within two years. - Public Notification System
- 9. The City directed to develop and implement a
notification system to inform the public whenever
there is a release of raw sewage to the local
Rivers - Provincial Implementation (to be confirmed)
- Accept City plan to reduce overflows to 4/year on
average - Complete CSO plan by 2030
29Public Notification Information
- Keep our rivers clean!
- What goes into the sewer can end up in our
rivers. - Responsible at source control
30Long-term Goal 4 Overflows/year
31Winnipeg's CSO Control Plan
- Citys current CSO control plan reflects many
important considerations - 2003 CEC Hearings recommendations
- Manitoba conservation guidance and priorities
- Consistency with prevailing international
practice - Understanding of benefits and costs
- Fiscal responsibility and environmental
stewardship - Initiation of near-term actions to reduce CSOs
- Confirmation of long-range control program
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