Title: What have been the big trends
1What have been the big trends ?
2Environment is back on the agenda
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4Economy slowing down
5Dollar down/ Euro up
6Increasing connectiveness of financial markets
- the interconnected tripartite city greases the
wheels of trade development
7China the year of the Olympics
8A European Commission at the end of its mandate
9Turmoil in WEs back yard
10A US president at the end of his mandate
11Who will be the next US president ?
12Russia under a new president
13France having a new first lady
14What does this all mean for PA practitioners in
15 Early warning
- Increasing role to provide early warning to the
business on what impact the new economic and
political developments can have on a companys
strategies - ? stronger role in issue prevention management
16 Connectivity
- From focusing only on whats happening in the EU,
to a more global and interconnected role working
with peers in other regions - ?Wa-Bei-Brussels or Washington-Beijing-Brussels
as a tri-partite city for pa practitioners
17 Effectiveness through measurement
- The economic slowdown forces Public Affairs
practitioners to be even more integrated into the
business and more focused on what can make a
difference for the business - ? More focus on driving effectiveness through
18More alternative means of lobbying
- EU complexity and slow progress forces review for
alternative ways to move forward on the policy
agenda - ?increasing importance of self-regulation/
co-regulation and dialogue projects with
19Operate in full transparency
- Transparency becomes a must for pa practitioners
- Should be easy to comply with and applicable
across all EU institutions and not
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22 Conclusion
- Early warning
- Connected across regions
- Effectiveness through measurement
- Away with classic lobbying
- Transparency is must have