Title: South West Charter for Gypsies and Travellers
1 Welcome! South West Charter for Gypsies and
2Equality South West
- Charity
- Funding RDA, Big Lottery, LIFT
- Infrastructure Body
- All Equality Strands
- Regional Equality Networks
- Voluntary, Community, Statutory, Private and
3Who are Gypsies and Travellers?
- Romany/i Gypsies recognised 1989 (CRE v Dutton)
- Ethnic status defined under Mandla Criteria
- Irish Travellers recognised 2000
- Scottish Welsh Travellers
- Fairground or Show People
- Circus Families
- Roma Gypsies European
- New Age Travellers
4Gypsy and Traveller Culture
- Accommodation
- Travel
- Family
- Work
- Traditions
- Communication and History
- Language
- Much much more
5Legislation A Short History..
- Caravan Sites Act 1968 repeal in 1994
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
- Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003
- Housing Act 2004
6Race Equality..
- Obligation
- Eliminate discrimination
- Promote equal opportunities and
- good relations between different racial groups.
- What are we doing to promote good relations
between Gypsies, Travellers and other
7Unauthorised Encampments
Anti Social Behaviour in some cases s
Unauthorised development and encampments s
Insufficient site provision s
Low priority in LA resource decisions s
Eviction s
Public opposition s
Reluctance to make site provision s
8Discrimination..Some Examples
- Accommodation
- GPs and Emergency Services
- Dentists
- Pubs, swimming pools, buses
- Domestic Abuse services
9Human Rights Act
- Article 8 the right to respect for private and
family life, home and correspondence. - Recently interpreted as guaranteeing the right to
respect for the traditional way of life of a
minority. - But must be proportionate with the rights of
others e.g. protection of the environment for
others enjoyment.
10Human Rights Act
- Article 14 the enjoyment of the rights and
freedoms shall be secured without discrimination
on any ground such as sex, race, colour,
language, religion, political or other opinion,
national or social origin, association with a
national minority, property, birth or other
status. - This article is related to the differential
treatment of people that can only be justified if
it serves a legitimate aim.
11A Charter for the SW would take steps towards
ensuring Gypsies and Travellers
- Can live free from discrimination
- Have access to appropriate and good quality
education - Are involved in creating options for where and
how they travel and stop around the South West
12A Charter for the SW would take steps towards
ensuring Gypsies and Travellers
- Have confidence in local councils, police
authorities and others to challenge the myths - Have access to good quality and appropriate
health care - Have skills valued, and have access to employment
13A Charter for the SW would take steps towards
ensuring Gypsies and Travellers
- Have their Culture and Heritage supported and
respected - Are treated fairly by the police and wider
criminal justice system - We asked Gypsies and Travellers
14The issues
15Over to you
- Are there any reasons that your organisation
could not sign up to this Charter? - What can your organisation do to promote equality
for Gypsies and Travellers? - How can we help you to challenge discrimination
and inequality faced by Gypsies and Travellers in
the SW?
16 Thank you for coming!