Title: HighPass Quantization for Mesh Encoding
1High-Pass Quantization
for Mesh Encoding
- Olga Sorkine, Daniel Cohen-Or, Sivan Toledo
- Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing,
Aachen 2003
- Geometry quantization
- Visual quality
- Connection to spectral properties
3Geometry quantization introduction
- Each mesh vertex is represented by Cartesian
coordinates, in floating-point. - Geometry compression requires quantization,
normally 10-16 bits/coordinate
(xi, yi, zi)
4Geometry quantization introduction
- Using smoothness assumptions, the quantized
coordinates are predicted and the prediction
errors are entropy-coded Touma and Gotsman 98
5Quantization error
- Quantization necessarily introduces errors.
- The finer the sampling, the more it suffers.
6Quantization error
- An example coarsely-sampled sphere
Quantized to 8 bits/coordinate
7Quantization error
- A finely-sampled sphere with the same quantization
Same quantization to 8 bits/coordinate
8Quantization error discussion
- Quantization of the Cartesian coordinates
introduces high-frequency errors to the surface. - High-frequency errors alter the visual appearance
of the surface affect normals and lighting. - Only conservative quantization (usually 12-16
bits) avoids these visual artifacts.
9Quantization our approach
- Transform the Cartesian coordinates to another
space using the Laplacian matrix of the mesh. - Quantize the transformed coordinates.
- The quantization error in the regular Cartesian
space will have low frequency. - Low-frequency errors are less apparent to a human
10Relative (laplacian) coordinates
- Represent each vertex relatively to its
average of the neighbours
the relative coordinate vector
11Laplacian matrix
- A? Matn?n(R) the adjacency matrix
- D? Matn?n(R) the degree-diagonal matrix
- Then, the Laplacian matrix L? Matn?n(R) is
12Laplacian matrix
- The previous form is not symmetric. We will use
the symmetric Laplacian
13Properties of L
- Sort the eigenvalues of L in accending order
- We can represent the geometry in Ls eigenbasis
low frequency components
high frequency components
14Previous usages of Laplacian matrix
- Karni and Gotsman 00 progressive geometry
compression - Use the eigenvectors of L as a new basis of Rn
- Transmit the coordinates according to this
spectral basis - First transmit the lower-eigenvalue coefficients
(low frequency components), then gradually add
finer details by transmitting more coefficients.
15Previous usages of Laplacian matrix
- Taubin 95 surface smoothing
- Push every vertex towards the centroid of its
neighbours, i.e. - v (I ?L)v
- Iterate, with positive and negative values of ?
(to reduce shrinkage effect)
16Previous usages of Laplacian matrix
- Ohbuchi et al. 01 mesh watermarking
- Embed a bitstring in the low-frequency
coefficients - Changes in low-frequency components are not
visible - Alexa 02 morphing using relative coordinates
- Produces locally smoother morphs
- Gotsman et al. 03
- A more general class of Laplacian matrices
- Mesh embedding on a sphere using eigenvectors
17Quantizing the ? - coordinates
- Transform Cartesian to ?-coordinates
- Quantize ?-coordinates
- To get back Cartesian coordinates
(fixed-point quantization)
18Discussion of the linear system
- The matrix L is singular, so L?1 doesnt exist.
- Adding one anchor point fixes this problem
(substitute one vertex (x, y, z) removes
translation degrees of freedom)
19Discussion of the linear system
- By quantizing the ?, we put high-frequency error
into ?. - L has very small eigenvalues, so L?1 has very
large eigenvalues (? ?? 1/?) - Thus, L?1 amplifies small errors and reverses the
Small quantization error for ?, high frequency
NOT so small !! low frequency
20Spectrum of quantization error
- Write x as x a1 e1 a2 e2 an en
- Therefore, ? Lx ?1a1 e1 ?2a2 e2
?n-1an-1 en-1 ?nan en - Quantization error for ? (? ? ? q? ) is
- q? c1 e1 c2 e2
cn-1 en-1 cn en - Resulting error in x
- qx L?1 q? (1/?1)c1 e1 (1/?2)c2 e2
(1/?n-1)cn-1 en-1 (1/?n)cn en
large ?i high frequencies
Small ?i low frequencies
low frequencies small ci
high frequency error here ci are large
(1/?i) is small attenuates high-frequency
(1/?i) is large amplifies low-frequency errors
Thus, the error in x will contain strong
low-frequency components but weak
high-frequency components.
21Discussion of the linear system
- Example of low-frequency error
- Find the differences between the horses
22Discussion of the linear system
- Example of low-frequency error
- This one is the original horse model
23Discussion of the linear system
- Example of low-frequency error
- This is the model after quantizing ? to 8
bits/coordinate - There is one anchor point (front left leg)
24Making the error lower
- We add more anchor points, whose Cartesian
coordinates are known, as well as the ? -
coordinates. - This nails the geometry in place, reducing the
low-frequency error
25Rectangular Laplacian
- We add equations for the anchor points
- By adding anchors the matrix becomes rectangular,
so we solve the system in least-squares sense
constrained anchor points
26Choosing the anchor points
- A greedy scheme.
- Add one anchor point at a time.
- Each time nail down the vertex that achieved the
maximal error after reconstruction. - This process is slow, but it is done only by the
encoder. - Only a small number of anchors is needed. We
experiment with 0.1, which gives very good
27The effect of anchors on the error
Positive error vertex moves outside of the
Negative error vertex moves inside the surface
?-quantization 7b/c 4 anchors
?-quantization 7b/c 20 anchors
?-quantization 7b/c 2 anchors
Cartesian quantization 8b/c
28Visual error metric
- Euclidean distance between and does not
faithfully represent the visual error (Cartesian
quantization errors are small but the normals
change a lot...) - Karni and Gotsman 2000 propose a visual
metric - x xvis ?x x2 (1 ?)GL(x)
GL(x)2 -
- ? 0.5
- We are not sure that?? should be 0.5
29Visual error metric
- We measured the two error components separately
- Mq x x2
- Sq GL(x) GL(x)2
- Evis ? Mq (1 ?) Sq
30Rate-distortion curves
31Some results
We compare to Touma-Gotsman predictive coder that
uses Cartesian quantization
?-quantization, entropy 7.62
Cartesian quantization, entropy 7.64
Evis?0.5 2.5 Evis?0.15 2.6
Evis?0.5 5.3 Evis?0.15 2.3
32Some results
We compare to Touma-Gotsman predictive coder that
uses Cartesian quantization
?-quantization, entropy 6.69
Cartesian quantization, entropy 7.17
Evis?0.5 1.8 Evis?0.15 0.9
Evis?0.5 4.8 Evis?0.15 4.9
33Some results
We compare to Touma-Gotsman predictive coder that
uses Cartesian quantization
?-quantization, entropy 10.3
Cartesian quantization, entropy 10.3
Evis?0.5 6.4 Evis?0.15 3.9
Evis?0.5 5.0 Evis?0.15 5.1
34Time statistics
- The least-squares system was solved using QR
factorization of the normal equations - Implementation on 2 GHz P4 using TAUCS library
- The spectrum of the quantization error affects
the visual quality of the quantized mesh - We have proposed a quantization method that
concentrates the error in the low-frequencies - The method requires the computational effort of
solving a linear least-squares system. - Much more research is needed to fully understand
the spectral behavior of meshes
- Christian Rössl and Jens Vorsatz from
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik for the models - Israel Science Foundation founded by the Israel
Academy of Sciences and Humanities - The Israeli Ministry of Science
- IBM Faculty Partnership Award
- German Israel Foundation (GIF)
- EU research project Multiresolution in Geometric
Modelling (MINGLE), grant HPRN-CT-1999-00117.
37Thank you!
38Discussion of the linear system
39Discussion of the linear system
40Discussion of the linear system
- This is the model after quantizing ? to 7
bits/coordinate, one anchor
41Invertible square Laplacian
- We could simply eliminate the anchors from the
system, erasing the rows and the columns of the
anchor vertices - Use this reduced Laplacian instead of L and
remember the anchors (x, y, z) positions
42Invertible Laplacian artifacts
- Produces bad results when we quantize ?, because
no smoothness constraints are posed on the anchors