Title: Linear heavy quark potential in Coulomb gauge
1Linear heavy quark potentialin Coulomb gauge
- W. Schleifenbaum
- Advisor H. Reinhardt
- University of Tübingen, Germany
- Trento 2007
- Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theory
- Vacuum wave functional
- Dyson-Schwinger equations
- Infrared analysis
- Linear confining heavy quark potential
- Coherent superposition of gluon excitations
- Lowering of the Coulomb gauge string tension
3Hamiltonian approach to Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills
- Yang-Mills Hamiltonian
- Gauß law constraint
- Coulomb gauge
- Gauge-fixed Hamiltonian
- Faddeev-Popov operator
4Vacuum wave functional
- Yang-Mills Schrödinger equation
- Ansatz for wave functional
variational kernel w(p) - Variational principle
- Non-perturbative calculation, e.g.
C. Feuchter, H. Reinhardt, PRD 70 (2004)
5Dyson-Schwinger equations
- Ghost equation
- Minimizing the energy yields gap equation (for p
0) - Ghost-gluon vertex approx. bare
Cf. Landau gauge R. Alkofer, L. von Smekal,
Phys. Rep. 353 (2001)
6Infrared analysis
- Power law ansätze for propagators in the IR
- Infrared expansion of loop integrals
7Full numerical solution for k1/2
- Excellent agreement with infrared analysis
- (in)dependence on renormalization scale
- Running couling with infrared fixed point
- Confinement of gluons
D. Epple, H. Reinhardt, W.S., PRD 75 (2007)
- IR power laws unique?
- Further dressing of the IR power laws
- IR analysis
- If power laws are solution, then are
also solutions, - with unchanged!
9Heavy quark potential
- Two pointlike color charges, separated by r
- Solution with k1/2 gives
- However
- is gauge dependent!
- Gauge invariant potential
D. Epple, H. Reinhardt, W.S., PRD 75 (2007)
10Im not quite sure about this
11Response of vacuum to external charges
- Presented vacuum solution without quarks
- Now include heavy quarks
- and construct more general state
- with a variational field
12Gluon excitations
- Recall that vacuum wave functional is Gaussian
- Quasi-particle states
- Coherent state nonperturbative
13Coherent states
- Nobel prize 2005 (Glauber, Hall, Häntsch)
- Eigenstates of annihilation operator
- Over-complete basis
- Minimal uncertainty
- Poissonian distribution
14Calculation of the energy
- Property of coherent states
- Shift theorem
- (VEVs with
background field) - Energy expression to be minimized w.r.t. Z
- Functionals quadratic in ImZ
- Non-polynomial in ReZ, due to Faddeev-Popov terms
15Asymptotic estimate (preliminary)
- Faddeev-Popov operator with background field Q
- Infrared limit
- What is in the infrared ?
Gluon chain cf. J. Greensite, C. Thorn, JHEP
16Chain link L(p)
- Assume
- For p 0 we get
- If a1, all terms contribute,
17- For SU(2)
- Lowering of the Coulomb string tension
- Saturation mechanism?
- Variational vacuum solution found
- IR analysis gives gluon and heavy quark
confinement - Logarithms in the IR?
- Gluonic excitations along the flux tube
- Lowering of Coulomb string tension
19IR fixed point of running coupling
Define RG invariant Analytically determined
fixed point