Title: NREL PPT template light blue background
1AeroDyn Interface with Structural Codes
Detailed Description of Problems, Proposed
Enhancements, and Discussion
AeroDyn Overhaul Kick-Off Meeting National Wind
Technology Center (NWTC) Boulder, CO
(USA) February 13-14, 2008
2Interface Scenario 1
B-L Model
. . .
Free Wake
3Notes on Scenario 1
- Information to B-L model may be passed as arrays.
Each element in the array refers to a particular
blade section. - Wake models may require additional information
(rotor disc orientation and motion) depending on
the sophistication required. - Minimize reliance on modules.
4Interface Scenario 2
B-L Model
. . .
Free Wake
5Interface Scenario 3
B-L Model
S-A for B-L
S-A for GDW
. . .
Free Wake
S-A for FW
6A Hybrid Scenario
B-L Model
. . .
Detailed Interface
Advanced Aero Model
7Modularization of AeroDyn
- Existing approach AeroDyns internal modules
are tightly intertwined - Existing problem The intertwining makes it
difficult to add new modules to, maintain, and
even understand AeroDyn - Proposed modifications Modularize the code
- Clearly separate the submodels
- Inflow models
- Rotational augmentation models
- Wake models (BEM, GDW, vortex wake, etc.)
- Model corrections (tip and hub losses, skewed
wake) - Dynamic stall models
- Tie together submodels with wrapper routines
- Switch between submodels using SELECT CASE
statements - Add input parameters to select between the
submodels - Develop hooks for new submodels
- Discussion points None?
8Development of a Standardized Interface
- Existing approach
- AeroDyn is tightly coupled with the structural
codes - AeroDyn performs some calculations differently
depending on the structural code - Existing problems
- Tight coupling makes it difficult to use AeroDyn
with other structural codes - AeroDyn is difficult to enhance, maintain, and
even understand - Proposed modifications
- Eliminate the tight coupling between AeroDyn and
the structural codes - Develop the interface such that AeroDyn does not
know, nor care, which structural code is calling
it - Develop international standard interface between
AeroDyn and structural codes
9Development of a Standardized Interface (cont)
- Discussion points
- Who in international community would cooperate in
development of a standard interface? - What should be standardized?
- Interface format?
- Inputs?
- Outputs?
10Passing Data Back and Forth
11Passing Data Back and Forth (cont)
12Passing Data Back and Forth (cont)
- Discussion points
- Should we have AeroDyn return the loads for each
analysis node individually, by calling AeroDyn
for each node separately - All structural data would only be passed on the
call of the first node - This would only require AeroDyn to store all
nodal loads - How should data be shared? Through arguments or
through modules? - Should, and how can, the structural and
aerodynamic EoM be coupled?
13Static or Dynamic Library
14Static or Dynamic Library (cont)
- Proposed modification
- Implement AeroDyn as a DLL
- Have input parameters in the structural code for
- The path to the AeroDyn DLL
- The AeroDyn input file name
- Discussion points
- Will it be more difficult to port AeroDyn to
non-Windows platforms? - If so, is this a problem?
- Is it beneficial to make each submodel a separate
library (DLL) that can be developed and
maintained independently? - Inflow libraries (single-point, full-field)
- Induction libraries (BEM, GDW, vortex wake, etc.)
- Dynamic stall libraries
- Airfoil table lookup libraries
- This will require some standardization of
submodel interfaces - Is this level of modularization practical?
15NWTC Subroutine Library
- Existing approach
- AeroDyn, and programs that use it, each have
their own set of general-purpose routines - Existing problem
- Conflicts between AeroDyn routines and
structural-code routines have caused problems - Maintenance costs higher
16NWTC Subroutine Library (cont)
- Proposed modifications
- Use the NWTC Library of Fortran subroutines and
data modules - I/O, Math, Aerodynamic, and Compiler-specific
routines - Used by many other NWTC codes
- Reduces development and maintenance time
- Discussion points
- Any reason why not?
17Stand-Alone Aeroacoustics Module
- Existing approach
- Integrated with FAST and AeroDyn
- Existing problem Cannot be used with other
dynamics codes - Proposed modification Create stand alone
aeroacoustics module (DLL) that will interface
with a range of dynamics codes and AeroDyn - Discussion points
- Aeroacoustics assumed not to affect fluid
dynamics one way module fine - Need blade position and orientation as well as
aerodynamics - Future integration with CFD for boundary layer
18Stand-Alone Aeroacoustics Module (cont)
- Needed Inputs from AeroDyn/Structures Code
- Chord
- Angle of attack
- Total velocity at airfoil
- Turbulence intensity at airfoil
- Airfoil position relative to observer
- Absolute position
- Angle of chordline
- Xfoil/Rfoil
- Airfoil name (NACA)
- Airfoil Coordinates
- Boundary layer thickness at tailing edge
- Coefficient of friction at trailing edge
19Input-File Format
- Existing approach
- Uses a style different from other NWTC codes
- Existing problem
- Many options use strings instead of true/false or
integers - Not broken into logical sections
- Many constants are hard-coded
- Proposed modifications
- Divided into meaningful sections
- Many hard-coded terms added to input file
- All options are true/false or numbers for
multi-way switches - Example
- Discussion points
- Would an optional research input file be more
20AeroDyn Output Files
- Existing approach
- Currently, AeroDyn can generate three types of
output files - Blade-element data
- Vx, Vx, Vz, Alpha, Qbar, CL, CD, CN, CT, CM,
Pitch, AxInd, TanInd, ForceN, ForceT, Pmom, Re - Can specify which nodes are written
- Options file
- Warning/error log
- Existing problem
- No option to disable options file or error log
- Options file works differently than FASTs echo
file - Other outputs needed (e.g., nacelle anemometer)
- No option to specify what outputs are desired
21AeroDyn Output Files (cont)
- Proposed modifications
- Return all AeroDyn outputs to structural codes
structural code will specify which to output - Add additional outputs such as lift, drag, and
relative velocity - Return wind speeds other than at tower centerline
at hub height - Add AeroDyn input to FASTs echo file create own
echo file for other codes - Pass warnings/errors to structural codes for
handling - Discussion points
- Should AeroDyn have option to write blade-element
data in blocks as WT_Perf does? - Will specifying blade-element data for each
parameter and node in FAST input file be too