Title: Anisotropic lattice QCD studies of pentaquark antidecuplet
1Anisotropic lattice QCD studies of penta-quark
- N. Ishii, H. Iida, H. Suganuma, M. Oka (TITECH)
- and
- F. Okiharu (Nihon University)
- T. Doi (RIKEN BNL Research Center)
- Y. Nemoto (Nagoya University)
- plan of the talk
- Introduction
- Parity Projection
- Numerical Result I
- Futher study of the negative parity state with a
NEW METHOD - Numerical Result II
- Summary/Discussion
- Since the discovery of the first manifestly
exotic hadron by LEPS group at
SPring-8, the structure of T has been and is
being intensively studied. Among others, the
parity of the T is the hot topic. - Positive parity is supported by
- Soliton models, Jaffe-Wilczek diquark model,
- Negative parity is supported by
- Constituent quark model, QCD sum rules,
- Lattice study of T is performed by
- S.Sasaki, hep-lat/0310014.
- F. Csikor et al., JHEP11(03)070.
- N.Mathur et al., hep-ph/0406196.
- T.-W. Chiu et al., hep-ph/0403020.
- MIT group.
- Still there are a number of unresolved issues.
- In this talk, our aim is to provide an accurate
study of T by using the anisotropic lattice QCD.
We will also perform a further analysis of the
negative parity state by proposing a NEW METHOD.
32.Parity Projection
scalar (0) diquark
pseudo-scalar (0-) diquark
Interpolating operator for iso-scalar T
Non-NK type operator This operator cannot
decompose into the product of N and K in the
nonrelativistic limit ? weak coupling to NK
continuum is expected !
- as adopted in
- J. Sugiyama et al., PLB581, 167 (2004)
- S. Sasaki, hep-lat/0310014
Depending on the boundary condition in time
The temporal correlator
Positive parity states dominate.
Negative parity states dominate.
Positive parity contribution cannot be negligible.
Negative parity contribution cannot be negligible.
43. Numerical Result I
- Lattice Parameter Setup
- Gauge Config by standard Wilson plaquette action
- Lattice size 12396 (2.2fm)34.4fm in
physical unit - ß 5.75
- Lattice spacing from
Sommer parameter r0. - Anisotropic latticeRenormalized anisotropy
as/at4for accurate measurements of correlators
and masses - (gauge config) 504
- The gauge configurations are separated by 500
pseudo heat-bath sweeps, after skipping 10000
thermalization sweeps. - O(a) improved Wilson Fermion (clover) action.
- The extended operator with r0.4 fm (gaussian
smearing) is adopted to suppress the higher
spectral contributions. In this talk, we will
consider the smear-point correlators (smeared
source, point sink).
Finer lattice spacing in temporal directionfor
accureate measurement
5T (parity), smeared source point sink
Best Fit
Monotonical decrease
plateau single-state saturation is achieved.
Due to the limited extension in the temporal
Excited-state contamination is gradually reduced.
Effective Mass
negligible !
NK threashold (p-wave) By neglecting the
interaction between N and K, NK threshold is
given as With the non-vanishing pmin due to the
finite box
If then Existence of the plateau
indicates the single-state saturation of the
correlator G(t).
6T(parity?), smeared source point sink
Monotonical decrease
Best Fit
plateau single-state saturation is achieved
Due to the limited extension in the temporal
Excited-state contamination is gradually reduced.
NK threashold (s-wave) By neglecting the
interaction between N and K, NK threshold is
given as
7Chiral extrapolation
positive parity case
NK p-wave threshold
negative parity case
- Physical point
- Positive parity 2.24(11) GeV
- Negative parity 1.75(3) GeV
NK s-wave threshold
- Our data does not support the low-lying positive
parity T. - For negative parity case, m1.75 GeV is rather
close to the empirical value 1.54 GeV. However,
it should be confirmed that the observed state is
actually a locarized resonance.(We will perform
a further study in this direction from the next
84. Further study of the negative parity state
with a New Method
Due to the finiteness of the box, allowed spatial
momenta are quantized as 1. periodic BC 2.
anti-periodic BC
The spatial BOX
Hybrid Boundary Condition
Ordinary BC (u,d,s periodic BC)
Hybrid BC
- Expected Effects on the Spectrum
- NK threshold is shifted above due to the finite
volume effect - Localized resonance state is expected to be
insensitive to the change of boundary condition.
(an example)
NK scattering states
Hybrid BC can be used to detect the existence of
T as a localized resonance state in the interval
9An example(Response of the localized resonance
states to the change of boundary condition)
An established localized resonance state
Ordinary BC
Hybrid BC
Localized resonance states are insensitive to the
change of boundary condition.
105. Numerical Result II
Ordinary BC
Hybrid BC
Best fit
Best fit
With our particular ?, mN 1.74 GeV mK
0.90 GeV The threshold is shifted above
as where
The plateau is shifted above by about 0.2GeV (
the shift of NK threshold).
? Localized resonance state does not exist in the
? In particular, the observed plateau is a NK
scattering state.
116. Summary/Discussion
- We have studied the penta quark T by using
anisotropic lattice QCD. We used 504 gauge
configurations (lattice size 12396) generated by
the standard plaquette action at ß5.75 with the
renormalized lattice anisotropy ?as/at4. O(a)
improved Fermionic action (clover) is adopted
?0.1240, 0.1230, 0.1220, 0.1210. - We adopted non-NK type operator
- We have adopted gaussian smearing of the size r
0.4 fm to reduce the heigher spectral
contributions in the correlator. - In both parity cases, we found a stable plateau
in the effective mass plot.Best-fit value after
chiral extraporation potitive parity case
2.24(11) GeV negative parity case 1.75(4) GeV - Our data does not support the low-lying positive
parity T. - We have performed a further analysis in the
negative parity case in order to confirm that the
observed state is a localized resonance . For
this purpose, we have proposed a NEW METHOD of
Hybrid Boundary Condition. As a result, the
plateau is shifted above by the expected amount
(200 MeV), which suggests that the observed
state in the negative parity case is a NK
scattering state.(The smearing had played an
important role.) - For refinement, it is desirable to check the
followings(i) small quark mass, (ii) more gauge
configurations, (iii) spatial volume dependence,
(iv) finer lattice spacings, (v) dynamical quark
effects, (vi) MEM analysis of the correlators,