Title: Point Carbon AS
1Early mover JI projects
Jorund BuenPartner/Director, Point CarbonUNFCCC
Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation10
March 2006
- Methodological issues
- Overview of JI activities so far
- Projects
- Forward transactions
- Assessment of impact of EU directives on JI
3How do we gather check info?
- Web searches UNFCCC, hosts, investors, project
developers, targeted general search - Mailinglists (climate-l etc)
- Conference material etc
- Regular contact with host investor country
DNAs, key third parties, project developers,
exchanges, brokers, service providers - Interaction with high-end clients
- Calling project proponents to check status
4What is counted as a PDD?
- Latest version available physically in Point
Carbons database, - or
- A project that has met a set of authoritiative
criteria of which a PDD forms part, - and
- Not cancelled
- JI PDDs Count pre-2008 AAUs
5Sources of uncertainty Examples
- In the direction of underestimation
- Some players dont share info on new projects or
transactions - Some early movers might want see JISC rules
before submitting - Volumes lacking for some early-stage projects
- In the direction of overestimation
- Parties might not share info on cancelled/changed
projects/transactions - EU ETS double counting
- Project proponents dont risk-adjust their
projects - Lack of capacity to monitor possible delays and
6Overview of JI activities
Projects/ transactions Total volume -2012 (MtCO2e)
Projects (total) 515 268
Projects (PDD) 189 140
Transactions 82 63,7
7Overview JI pipeline
8JI projects - host country ()
9JI projects - host country (MtCO2e)
10JI project types ()
11JI project types (PDDs, ktCO2e)
12CDM project types (PDDs, ktCO2e)
13JI projects PDD vs (pre)determination
14Forward JI contracts Host country (MtCO2e)
15Forward JI contracts per year
16Investor countries Contracts
17JI and EU legislation
Project Sectors 2005-07 2008-12 Impact of EU legislation
ETS Trading Sector e.g. Biomass fuel switch Combustion Oil refineries Metal Mineral Pulp and paper EUAs through the ETS EUAs / ERUs through JI project Thermal input gt 20 MW ERUs deducted from operators EUA account Thermal output gt 50 MW Possible change of baseline (LCP Directive)
Non ETS project e.g. Wind Farm e.g. Landfill Project Connected to grid Renewables Demand-side en. effic. AAUs - Early credits ERUs through a JI project No impact if host country has reserve fund ERUs deducted from national registry No influence from Acquis
Non ETS project e.g. Wind Farm e.g. Landfill Project Not covered by EU ETS, not grid-connected AAUs Early credits ERUs through a JI project No influence from linking directive. Change of baseline to 1 May 2012, at earliest
Enlarged ETS e.g. Chemical Facility (N2O) AAUs Early credits ERUs /EUAs through JI project ERUs deducted from national registry Possible change in 2008-12
18EU directives deadlines
- Considerable early mover activity
- Project development
- Forward transactions
- Buyers almost exclusively government
multilateral - Host countries Romania, Bulgaria EU25
- Russia, Ukraine (and Poland) emerging
- Investor countries Dutch domination, others
absent - Large portion of early mover projects have been
(pre)determined - Linking directive and other EU directives
combined may reduce projected ERU volume
20Thank you
Email jb_at_pointcarbon.com Direct tel. 47
932 83 350