Title: USMLE STEP I REVIEW: Week 4 Reproductive
1USMLE STEP I REVIEWWeek 4Reproductive
2Gonadal Drainage, 454
- Venous
- Left ovary/testis, left gonadal vein, left renal
vein, IVC - Lymphatic
- Ovaries/testes,
- para-aortic
- lymph nodes
3Derivation of Sperm Parts, 455
- Acrosome
- Golgi apparatus
- Neck
- Contains mitochondria
- Utilizes fructose
- Tail (flagellum)
- Centrioles
4Autonomic Innervation of Male Sexual Response, 455
- Erection
- Parasympathetic, pelvic nerve
- Nitrous oxide, smooth muscle relaxation,
vasodilation, erection - Emission
- Sympathetic, hypogastric nerve
- Ejaculation
- Visceral, somatic, pudendal nerve
5Male Reproductive Anatomy, 455
6Semiferous Tubules, 456
- Spermatagonia (germ cells)
- Maintain germ pool, produce primary spermatocytes
- Sertoli cells
- Secrete inhibin, inhibits FSH
- Secrete androgen-binding protein
- Maintains local testosterone levels
- Forms blood-testis barrier
- Isolates gametes from autoimmune attack
- Regulate spermatogenesis
- Sertoli cells
- Secrete testosterone
7Regulation of Spermatogenesis, 457
- GnRH
- From hypothalamus,
- stimulates FSH, LH
- release from
- pituitary
- LH
- Stimulates Leydig
- cells to synthesize
- testosterone
- Stimulates Sertoli
- cells to create sperm
8Androgens, 458
- Testosterone, DHT (testis)
- Andostenedione (adrenal gland)
- Testosterone function
- Differentiation of epididymis, vas deferens,
seminal vesicles - Increase muscle, growth spurt, size of penis,
libido, spermatogensis - Close epiphyseal plates (via estrogen)
- Deepen voice
9Androgens, 458
- DHT function
- Differentiate penis, scrotum, prostate
- Balding
- Increased sebaceous gland actitivity
- Prostate growth
10Androgens, 458
- Potency
- DHTgttestosteronegtandrostenedione
- 5 a reductase
- Converts testosterone to DHT, inhibited by
finasteride - Aromatase
- Converts testosterone/androstenedione to estrogen
in adipose tissue and Sertoli cells
11Estrogens, 458
- 17ß estradiol (ovary)
- Estriol (placenta)
- Functions
- Growth of follicle
- Endometrial proliferation
- Development of genitalia, breasts
- Female fat distribution
- Hepatic synthesis of transport proteins
- Feedback inhibition of FSH/LH
- LH surge
- Myometrial excitability
- Increase HDL, decrease LDL
12Progesterone, 458
- From corpus luteum, adrenal cortex, testes
- Functions
- Stimulate endometrial glandular secretions and
spiral artery development - Maintenance of pregnancy
- Decrease myometrial excitability
- Production of thick cervical mucous, inhibits
sperm entry to uterus - Increase body temperature
- Inhibit FSH/LH
- Uterine smooth muscle relaxation, prevent
13Menstrual Cycle, 459
14Oogenesis, 460
15Pregnancy, 460
- Fertilization most commonly occurs in upper
fallopian tube, within 1 day of ovulation - Implantation in wall of uterus 6 days after
fertlization - Trophoblasts secrete ßHCG, detectable in urine 1
week after conception
16Pregnancy, 460
- Lactation
- After labor, decrease in steroids induces
lactation - Suckling maintains milk production by increasing
oxytocin and prolactin - Prolactin
- Induces, maintains lactation, inhibits ovulation
- Oxytocin
- Involved in milk letdown and uterine contractions
17hCG, 461
- From synctiotrophoblast of placenta
- Maintains corpus luteum
- Maintains progesterone production
- Acts like LH, stimulates luteal cells
- Used as pregnancy marker, appears in urine
- Elevated in pathologic states
- Hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinoma, gestational
trophoblastic tumors
18Menopause, 461
- Age related decline in ovarian follicles
- Decreased estrogen production
- Increased FSH/LH, GnRH
- Symptoms include hot flashes, vaginal atrophy,
osteoporosis, coronary artery disease - Average age is 51
19Klinefelters Syndrome, 461
- XXY (male)
- Presence of inactivated X chromosome (Barr body)
- Testicular atrophy, eunuchoid body shape, tall,
long extremities, female hair distribution - Common cause of hypogonadism
- Dysgenesis of seminiferous tubules
- Decreased inhibin, increased FSH
- Abnormal Leydig cell function
- Decreased testosterone, increased LH, increased
20Turners Syndrome, 461
- XO (female)
- Short stature, ovarian dysgenesis (streak ovary),
webbing of neck, preductal coarctation of aorta, - Most common cause of primary amenorrhea
- Decreased estrogen
- Increased LH and FSH
21Sex Chromosome Disorders, 461
- Double Y males
- XYY (male)
- Phenotypically normal, normal fertility
- Tall, acne, antisocial behavior
- True hermaphroditism
- 46,XX or 47,XXY
- Both ovary and testicular tissue present
- Ambiguous genitalia
22Pseudohermaphroditism, 462
- Disagreement between phenotypic and gonadal sex
- Female (XX)
- Ovaries present
- External genitalia virilized or ambiguous
- Excessive of exposure to androgenic steroids
during gestation - Caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia or
exogenous administration of androgens
23Pseudohermaphroditism, 462
- Male (XY)
- Testes present, external genitalia feminized or
ambiguous - Most common form is androgen insensitivity
- Defect in androgen receptor
- Normal appearing phenotypic female
- Female external genitalia, rudimentary vagina
- Internal genitalia absent (uterus, fallopian
tubes) - Develop testes (internal), remove to prevent
malignancy - Increased sex hormones, LH
245a Reductase Deficiency, 462
- Unable to convert testosterone to DHT
- Ambiguous genitalia until puberty
- Increased testosterone causes masculinization of
external genitalia - Testosterone/estrogen levels normal
25Abruptio Placentae, 463
- Premature detachment of placenta
- Presents as painful bleeding in 3rd trimester
- May be associated with DIC
- Increased risk with smoking, hypertension,
26Placenta Accreta, 463
- Defective decidual layer
- Placenta attaches to myometrium
- Increased risk with prior c-section or uterine
inflammation - Massive bleeding after
- delivery
27Placenta Previa, 463
- Abnormal attachment of placenta to lower uterine
segment - Presents as painless bleeding in any trimester
- May occlude internal os
- Increased risk with
- prior c-section
28Ectopic Pregnancy, 463
- Extrauterine implantation of pregnancy, most
often in fallopian tube - Presents as abdominal pain without bleeding
- Increased risk with salpingitis
- Suspect with increased hCG and sudden lower
abdominal pain, confirm - with ultrasound
- Differentiate from appendicitis
29Amniotic Fluid Abnormalities, 463
- Polyhydramnios
- gt1.5-2 L amniotic fluid
- Associated with esophageal/duodenal atresia
(inability to swallow amniotic fluid) and
anencephaly - Oligohydramnios
- lt0.5 L amniotic fluid
- Associated with bilateral renal agenesis and
posterior urethral valves (inability to secrete
30Cervical Pathology, 463
- Dysplasia and carcinoma in situ
- Disordered epithelial growth
- Begins at basal layer of squamo-columnar
junction, extends outward - CIN 1-3 depending on dysplasia
- Associated with HPV
- 16,18
- May progress to
- invasive carcinoma
31Cervical Pathology
- Invasive carcinoma
- Often squamous cell carcinoma
- Pap smear used for early detection of dysplasia
(koilocytes) - Lateral invasion can
- block ureters, lead to
- renal failure
32Endometriosis, 464
- Non-neoplastic glands/stroma in abnormal
locations outside uterus - Cyclic menstrual bleeding from ectopic tissue
- Results in blood filled chocolate cysts
- Presents as severe menstrual related pain
- May cause infertility
- Adenomyosis
- Endometrium within myometrium
33Endometrial Proliferation, 464
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrial gland proliferation caused by
increased estrogen stimulation - Increased risk of endometrial carcinoma
- Presents as post-menopausal bleeding
- Risk factors include anovulatory cycles, HRT,
PCOS, granulosa cell tumor
34Endometrial Proliferation, 464
- Endometrial carcinoma
- Most common gyn malignancy
- Most common in 55-65 years
- Presents as vaginal bleeding
- Preceded by endometrial hyperplasia
- Risk factors are unnopposed estrogen therapy,
obesity, diabetes, HTN, nulliparity, late
menopause - Deeper myometrial invasion worsens prognonsis
35Myometrial Tumors, 464
- Leiomyoma
- Most common female tumor
- Benign, smooth muscle tumor, with rare malignant
transformation - Multiple tumors with well demarcated borders
- Most common in 20-40s, blacks
- Estrogen sensitive
- Increase in size with pregnancy, decrease with
36Myometrial Tumors, 464
- Leiomyoma
- May be asymptomatic or cause abnormal uterine
bleeding - May cause iron deficient anemia
- Whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles
37Myometrial Tumors, 464
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Bulky, irregular shaped tumor
- Areas of necrosis, hemorrhage
- Highly aggressive, likely to recur
- Increased incidence in blacks
- May protrude from cervix
38Premature Ovarian Failure, 464
- Premature atresia of ovarian follicles in
reproductive age women - Presents with menopause between puberty and age
40 - Decreased estrogen
- Increased LH, FSH (decreased feedback inhibition)
39Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, 465
- Increased LH/FSH ratio leads to anovulation
- Hyperandrogenism
- Enlarged, bilateral cystic ovaries
- Presents with amenorrhea, infertility, obesity,
hirsutism - Associated with insulin resistance, increased
risk of endometrial cancer - Treat with weight loss, OCPs, gonadotropin
analogs, clomiphene, surgery
40Ovarian Cysts, 465
- Follicular cyst
- Distentension of unruptured graafian follicle
- Associated with hyperestrinism, endometrial
hyperplasia - Corpus luteum cyst
- Hemorrhage into persistent
- corpus luteum
- Associated with menstrual
- irregularity
41Ovarian Cysts, 465
- Theca-lutein cyst
- Bilateral/multiple, due to gonadotropin
stimulation - Associated with choriocarcinoma and moles
- Chocolate cyst
- Blood containing cyst from
- ovarian endometriosis
- Varies with menstrual cycle
42Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors, 465
- Dysgerminoma
- Malignant, equivalent to male seminoma
- Sheets of uniform cells
- hCG tumor marker
- Choriocarcinoma
- Rare, malignant
- Can develop in pregnancy (mother or fetus)
- Large hyperchromatic synctiotrophoblastic cells
- Increased frequency of theca-lutein cysts
- hCG tumor marker
43Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors, 465
- Yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumor
- Aggressive malignancy in ovaries, sacrococcygeal
area (children) - Teratoma
- Contains 2-3 germ layers
- Mature teratoma (dermoid cyst)
- Most common benign tumor
- Immature teratoma
- Aggressively malignant
- Struma ovarii
- Contains functional thyroid tissue
44Ovarian Non-germ Cell Tumors, 466
- Brenner tumor
- Benign, looks like bladder
- Fibromas
- Bundles of spindle-shaped fibroblasts
- Meigs syndrome
- Ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax
- Pulling sensation in groin
45Ovarian Non-germ Cell Tumors, 466
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Estrogen secreting
- Precocious puberty
- Endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma
- Call-exner bodies
- Small follicles with
- eosinophilic secretions
46Ovarian Non-germ Cell Tumors, 466
- Krukenberg tumor
- GI malignancy that metastasizes to ovary
- Mucin-secreting signet cell adenocarcinoma
47Ovarian Non-germ Cell Tumors, 466
- Serous cystadenoma
- Benign, bilateral, lined with fallopian tube
- Serous cystadenocarcinoma
- Malignant, bilateral
- Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
- Malignant
- Pseudomyxoma peritonei
- Accumulation of mucinous material from ovarian or
appendiceal tumor
48Vaginal Carcinoma, 466
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Secondary to cervical SCC
- Clear cell adenocarcinoma
- Associated with in utero exposure to DES
- Sarcoma botyroides
- Girls lt4 years
- Spindle shaped tumors
- Desmin positive
49Benign Breast Tumors, 466
- Fibroadenoma
- Small, mobile, firm mass with sharp edges
- Most common in lt25 years
- Increase in size and tenderness with estrogen
- Not pre-malignant
50Benign Breast Tumors, 466
- Intraductal papilloma
- Small, grows in lactiferous ducts
- Typically beneath areola
- Serous/bloody discharge
- Slightly increases risk of carcinoma
51Benign Breast Tumors, 466
- Phyllodes Tumor
- Large, bulky mass of connective tissue and cysts
- Leaf-like projections
- Most common in 6th decade
- May become malignant
52Malignant Breast Tumors, 467
- Common in post-menopause
- Arise from mammary duct epithelium or lobular
glands - Overexpression of estrogen/progesterone receptors
erb-B2 affects therapy and prognosis - Axillary lymph node involvement is most important
prognostic factor
53Malignant Breast Tumors, 467
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
- Fills ductal lumen
- Early malignancy without basement membrane
54Malignant Breast Tumors, 467
- Invasive ductal
- Firm, fibrous mass
- Small, glandular, duct-like cells
- Most invasive and common
55Malignant Breast Tumors, 467
- Invasive lobular
- Orderly rows of cells
- Multiple, bilateral
- Medullary
- Fleshy, cellular,
- lymphatic infiltrate
- Good prognosis
56Malignant Breast Tumors, 467
- Comedocarcinoma
- Ductal, caseous necrosis
- Inflammatory
- Dermal lymphatic invasion
- by breast carcinoma
- Peau dorange
- Poor survival rate
57Common Breast Conditions, 468
- Fibrocystic disease
- Most common breast lumps from age 25-menopause
- Premenstrual breast pain, multiple bilateral
lesions, fluctuating size - Does not indicate increased risk of carcinoma
58Common Breast Conditions, 468
- Fibrocystic disease
- Fibrosis
- Hyperplasia of breast stroma
- Cystic
- Fluid filled, blue dome
- Sclerosing adenosis
- Increased acini and intralobular fibrosis
- Epithelial hyperplasia
- Increased epithelial cell
- layers in terminal duct lobule
- Increased risk of carcinoma with
- atypical cells
59Common Breast Conditions, 468
- Acute Mastitis
- Breast abscess
- Associated with breast feeding
- Bacterial infection through cracks in nipples
- Most common pathogen is S. aureus
60Common Breast Conditions, 468
- Fat Necrosis
- Benign painless breast lump
- Secondary to injury to breast tissue
61Common Breast Conditions, 468
- Gynecomastia
- Results from hyperestrogenism
- Cirrhosis, testicular tumor, puberty, old age
- Klinefelters syndrome
- Drugs
- Estrogen, marijuana, heroin, psychoactive drugs,
spironolactone, digitalis, cimetidine, alcohol,
62Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, 468
- Common in men gt50
- Related to age-related increase in estradiol,
sensitization of prostate to DHT - Nodular enlargement of periurethral (lateral and
middle) lobes, compresses urethra into vertical
slit - Presents with frequency, nocturia, hesitancy,
dysuria - May lead to distention/hypertrophy of bladder,
hydronephrosis, UTIs - Increased PSA, not premalignant
63Prostatitis, 469
- Symptoms
- Dysuria, frequency, urgency, low back pain
- Etiology
- Acute bacterial
- Chronic abacterial (most common), bacterial
64Prostatic Adenocarcinoma, 469
- More common in men gt50 years
- Usually develops in posterior lobe (peripheral
zone) of prostate - Diagnosed by DRE and biopsy
65Prostatic Adenocarcinoma, 469
- PSA tumor marker
- Increased PSA, decreased fraction of free PSA
- Osteoblastic metastasis
- Low back pain
- Increased serum
- alkaline phosphatase
66Cryptorchidism, 469
- Undescended testis
- Decreased spermatogenesis secondary to increased
body temperature - Increased risk of germ cell tumors
- Prematurity increases occurrence
67Testicular Germ Cell Tumors, 469
- 95 of all testicular tumors
- Seminoma
- Malignant, most common testicular tumor
- Painless testicular enlargement
- Males 15-35
- Radiosensitive, late metastasis
- Excellent prognosis
68Testicular Germ Cell Tumors, 469
- Seminoma
- Large cells in lobules with watery cytoplasm,
fried egg appearance
69Testicular Germ Cell Tumors, 469
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Malignant
- Painful testicular enlargement
- Worse prognosis
- Glandular/papillary
- morphology
- Can differentiate to
- other tumors
70Testicular Germ Cell Tumor, 469
- Yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumor
- Analogous to ovarian yolk sac tumor
- Schiller-Duval bodes
- Central vessel surrounded
- by tumor cells
- Primitive glomeruli
- Increased AFP
71Testicular Germ Cell Tumors, 469
- Choriocarcinoma
- Malignant
- Increased hCG
- Teratoma
- Usually malignant
72Testicular Non-germ Cell Tumors, 469
- 5 of testicular tumors, mostly benign
- Leydig cell tumor
- Intracytoplasmic Reinke crystals,
- Androgen producing
- Gynecomastia
- Precocious puberty
73Testicular Non-germ cell Tumors, 469
- Sertoli cell tumor
- Androblastoma from
- sex cord stroma
- Testicular lymphoma
- Most common testicular
- cancer in older men
74Tunica Vaginalis Lesions, 469
- Lesions in serous covering of testes
- Present as testicular masses that transilluminate
- Varicocele
- Dilated vein in pampiniform
- plexus bag of worms
- May cause infertility
75Tunica Vaginalis Lesions, 469
- Hydrocele
- Increased fluid secondary to incomplete fusion of
processus vaginalis - Spermatocele
- Dilated epididymal duct
76Penile Pathology, 470
- Carcinoma in situ
- Bowens disease
- Gray, solitary, crusty plaque
- Usually on shaft of penis or scrotum
- Peak incidence in 5th decade
- Progresses to sqamous cell carcinoma in lt10 of
77Penile Pathology, 470
- Carcinoma in situ
- Erythroplasia of Queyrat
- Red, velvety plaques
- Usually involves glans
- Similar to Bowens disease
78Penile Pathology, 470
- Carcinoma in situ
- Bowenoid papulosis
- Multiple papular lesions
- Affects younger age group
- Usually not invasive
79Penile Pathology, 470
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- More common in uncircumcised men
- More common in Asia, Africa, S. America
- Associated with HPV
80Penile Pathology, 470
- Peyronies disease
- Bent penis
- Aquired fibrous tissue formation
81Anti-androgens, 471
- Finasteride
- 5 a reductase inhibitor
- Decreases conversion of testosterone to more
potent DHT - Used in BPH, male pattern baldness
- Flutamide
- Non-steroidal competitive inhibitor of
testosterone receptor - Used in prostate carcinoma
82Anti-androgens, 471
- Ketoconazole
- Inhibits steroid synthesis
- Spironolactone
- Inhibits steroid binding
- Both used in treatment of PCOS and hirsutism
- May cause gynecomastia, amenorrhea
83Leuprolide, 471
- Pulsatile administration
- GnRH analog with agonist properties
- Continuous administration
- GnRH analog with antagonist properties
- Used in
- Infertility (pulsatile), prostate cancer
(continuous with flutamide), uterine fibroids - May have anti-androgen effects, nausea vomiting
84Sildenafil, vardenafil, 471
- Inhibit cGMP phosphodiesterase, causing increased
CGMP, smooth muscle relaxation in corpus
cavernosum, increased blood flow, erection - Used in treatment of impotency
- May cause headache, flushing, dyspepsia, impaired
blue/green colorvision - Risk of life threatening hypotension if taken
with nitrates
85Mifepristone (RU-486), 471
- Competitive inhibitor of progesterone receptors
- Used in termination of pregnancy
- Makes uterus inhospitable to fertilized egg
- Administered with misoprostole
- May cause heavy bleeding, nausea/vomiting,
anorexia, abdominal pain
86Oral Contraception, 471
- Prevent estrogen surge
- Estrogen surge, LH surge do not occur
- Pros
- Reliable
- Decrease risk of endometrial/ovarian cancer,
ectopic pregnancy, pelvic infections, regulation
of menses - Cons
- Increased triglycerides, weight gain, nausea,
hypertension, hypercoaguable state
87Hormone Replacement Therapy, 471
- Used in
- Treatment of menopausal symptoms
- Hot flashes, vaginal atrophy
- Prevention of osteoporosis
- Unopposed estrogen (without progestins) increases
risk of endometrial cancer - Give progestins if patient has not had
hysterectomy - Increase in CV risk (pro-thrombotic)
88Induction/delay of Labor, 472
- Dinoprostone
- PGE2 analog
- Causes cervical dilation, uterine contraction
- Induces labor
- Ritodrine/terbutaline
- B2 agonists
- Relax uterus
- Reduce premature uterine contractions
- Delay labor
89Anastrozole/exemestane, 472
- Aromatase inhibitors
- Aromatase converts androgens to estrogens
- Used in post-menopausal breast cancer
- Adjuvant therapy after surgery
- Metastatic disease
90Testosterone, 472
- Agonist at androgen receptors
- Used in
- Treatment of hypogonadism
- Promotion of development of secondary sexual
characteristics - Stimulation of anabolism (burn, injury)
- Treatment of ER-positive breast cancer
91Testosterone Toxicity, 472
- Masculinization in females
- Exogenous use reduces intratesticular
testosterone, inhibits Leydig cells, leads to
testicular atrophy - Premature closure of epiphyseal plates (short
stature) - Dyslipidemia
92Estrogens, 472
- Bind estrogen receptors
- Used in
- Treatment of hypogonadism/ovarian failure
- Treatment of menstrual abnormalities
- Hormone replacement therapy in post-menopause
- Treatment of men with androgen-dependent prostate
93Estrogen Toxicity, 472
- Increased risk of endometrial cancer
- Increased bleeding in post-menopause
- Increases risk of clear cell adenocarcinoma with
prenatal DES - Increased risk of thrombi
- Contraindicated in estrogen-receptor positive
breast cancer
94Progestins, 472
- Bind progesterone receptors
- Reduce growth and increase vascularization of
endometrium - Used in
- Oral contraceptives
- Treatment of endometrial cancer
- Treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding
95Estrogen Partial Agonists, 472
- Clomiphene
- Partial agonist at estrogen receptors in
pituitary - Prevents estrogen feedback inhibition of LH/FSH
release from pituitary - Increased LH/FHS stimulates ovulation
- Used in treatment of PCOS and infertility
- May cause hot flashes, ovarian enlargement,
multiple simultaneous pregnancies, visual
96Estrogen Partial Agonists, 472
- Tamoxifen
- Estrogen antagonist in breast tissue
- Used to treat and prevent recurrence of
ER-positive breast cancer - Raloxifene
- Estrogen agonist in bone
- Used to treat osteoporosis