Title: Eva Fridman
1Regional Co-Operation a Path Towards Success
and remember in BioFuel Region we co-operate!
Eva Fridman www.biofuelregion.se
2 49 300 km2 forest area 1600 km2 agricultural
area 500 700 people 22 municipalities 3
universities 700 km to Stockholm Industries
related to forestry and mining
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4A Joint Vision To move from oil towards a
future with energy from forests
Yearly annual forest growth 100 million m3
5One solution is not enough!
The Biorefine tree !
6 Academia Industry Community
7Vision and goals
- BioFuel Region a world-leading region in
sustainable transport based on biofuels and
bioproducts from renewable rawmaterials. -
- Therefore we focus upon
- being in the forefront of societal change
- industrial and regional development
- increasing availability of renewable
8Our Values
- Our motivation is climate change and the
necessity to rapidly develop and introduce
sustainable solutions for the oil dependent
transport sector. - We create conditions that enables people and
organizations to engage and contribute to the
development and the use of renewable biofuels for
transport. - We co-operate and act as an arena for exchange of
knowledge and development. - We carry out our tasks conscientiously and are
mindful to the multitude of possible solutions
needed to change to a sustainable transport
system. - We have a comprehensive overview and strive
towards sustainable development.
9We work together with dialogue and PROCESS
and concrete PROJECTS!
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11Regional Cooperation a path towards success
- We already have...
- An attractive region with vast resources with
great potential for increased biomass production - Experience and knowledge to manage and use the
resources - Test and demonstration plants
- System perspective for a sustainable development
12Summing up
- The pessimist sees a problem in every
possibility, the optimist sees a possibility in
every problem! - To change a system requires engagement of the
whole society interdependency ! - Co-operation is key! Everyone has a role !