Title: Expediting
1(No Transcript)
Expediting Runs Both Ways!
3Expediting Functions
Project Expeditors Principal Responsibilities
- Facilitating the resolution of problems
- Expediting drawings from the supplier, through
PDC and engineering - Providing project personnel with schedule status
on assigned purchase orders
- Administration of awarded purchase orders
- Monitoring of supplier progress
- Update BPS (Bechtel Procurement System) with
current schedule information
4Expediting Personnel Breakdown
5Expediting Functions
Area Expeditors Principal Responsibilities
Located throughout the world in major industrial
- Visit the supplier and sub-supplier shops to
achieve the following - Verify work progress
- Anticipate and/or assist in resolution of
potential/actual problems - Provide detailed reports to the project
6WTP/BNI Area Expeditors
7How do we get 4 guys around the world?
We Dont! The Third Party Expediting Contract
allows us to Area Expedite globally. Bechtel has
a contract with 2 companies which employ
personnel around the world! There is rarely a
waiting period to get and expeditor in a shop.
8When do we assign Area Expeditors?
Area Expediting Pre-Planning is determined by
many factors, listed below are a few
- Contractual dollar amount
9How often are Area Expeditors in the shop?
Visits to Supplier Facilities for the purpose of
performing expediting activities governed by the
expediting level and instructions contained in
the Area expediting assignment
Level 1- Monthly
Level 2 - Bi-Weekly
Level 4 - Resident
Level 3 - Weekly
Level 5 - As Directed
10Supplier Performance Database
The Supplier Performance Database is the
suppliers report card. The following are the
areas we track
11Current and Forecasted Expediting Workload
Number of Awards
Taken from BPS Post and Pre Award Milestone
reports February 12, 2004
12Quality Verification Documentation
Package Review Checklist
13Documentation Deliverables!!!
14Engineering Document Requirements AKA G321E
Form 15EX
The 15EX is the Expeditors tool to monitor
supplier documentation submittals based on the
G321E requirements.
Outline Drawing 456789
17Material Deliverables
18Little Known Expediting Statistics
- Over 18,500 document submittals
- Delivered Over 21,000 Line Items
- Expedited approx. 740 SDDRS
19Questions? Please Contact Jerry Cook 371-4559