Title: The Great Depression
1The Great Depression
- A WebQuest
- for English 11-3
- Mrs. Lafferty and Ms. Thomann
2What the heck is this all about?
- Our class will be reading Out of the Dust, by
Karen Hesse. The purpose of this WebQuest is to
help us become familiar with the time period and
setting of the novel. - The pictures, facts and information you find will
be used later in the term for a timeline project
as a capstone project for the novel.
3Some Background about The Great Depression. . .
- This was a period in Americas history during the
1930s. It falls right between the stock market
crash of 1927 and World War II. When people lost
faith in what they had invested in and began to
sell their stocks, suddenly there was not enough
money to back many businesses. People were out
of work all over the country.
4More Background about The Great Depression. . .
- The Great Depression refers to the economy being
depressed, not the mood of the people during the
time. Our economy was not growing. When World
War II began, it stimulated economic growth and
ended the depression.
5Things to think about
- During The Great Depression
- 9,000 banks went out of business
- 9 million savings accounts were wiped out.
- Wages dropped by 60
- About 15 million people were unemployed
6How did this affect farmers?
- Farmers had more food than they could sell, as
people lost jobs, they had no money to buy the
farmers crops. - The federal government offered many farmers money
NOT to plant crops in the hopes of stimulating
the economy. - As prices on crops dropped, many farmers were
unable to pay their mortgages, and lost their
7So what? Or what do you need to find?
Click on the links below to guide your search.
Sound Clips
Click here for Helpful Search Terms
8Search terms
- When you are searching for information, helpful
terms might be
- Dust bowl
- Migrant workers
- The Great Depression
- 1930s
- Dorothea Lange
- Woodie Guthrie
- Farm Security Administration (FSA)
- Find four (or more) pictures of people from the
time period (1930-1939) - Save the images on your server space in a folder
named Out of the Dust - Copy the images you find into a Microsoft Word
document to turn in at the end of the hour. - Keep reading for helpful sites. . .
Back to So What?
10Helpful sites for finding pictures
- http//www.google.com/imghp?hlentabwiq
- http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html
- http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/fsowhome.html
- http//newdeal.feri.org/
Back to So What?
Click here for Helpful Search Terms
- Find four (or more) facts about the time period
(1930-1939) - Copy and paste the facts into a Microsoft Word
document and save on your server space in a
folder called Out of the Dust - Print your document to turn in at the end of the
hour. - Keep reading for helpful sites. . .
Back to So What?
12Helpful sites for finding facts
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
- http//www.bergen.org/AAST/Projects/depression/
- http//newdeal.feri.org/
Back to So What?
Click here for Helpful Search Terms
13Sound Clips
- Find at least one sound clip from the time period
(1930-1939). This could be an interview, a song
or some other interesting thing you come across. - Save the sound clip on your server space in a
folder named Out of the Dust - Copy the link you save into a Microsoft Word
document to turn in at the end of the hour. - Keep reading for helpful sites. . .
Back to So What?
14Helpful sites for finding sound clips
- http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html
- http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/afctshtml/tshome.html
- http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/afccchtml/cowhome.html
Back to So What?
Click here for Helpful Search Terms
- Make sure you have SAVED your Microsoft Word
document on your server space, in the folder
named Out of the Dust - Print a copy of your document
- Before you log off, have Mrs. Lafferty or Ms. Tho
check to make sure things are saved properly - Log off, and Shut down the computer