Title: HIVAIDS Global and Caribbean Regional Situation
1HIV/AIDS Global and Caribbean Regional Situation
- Miriam Maluwa
- LL.B (Hons.) LL.M (UK)
- Country Representative
- Jamaica, Bahamas, Cuba
- Senior Adviser, Law and Human Rights-Caribbean
2Outline of Presentation
- Global Trends
- Gender Trends
- Caribbean Trends
- UNAIDS Strategic Core Function
- Challenges
3 4Global Summary of the HIV AIDS Epidemic2006
39.5 million 34.1 47.1million 4.3 million
3.6 6.6 million 2.9 million 2.5 3.5
- People living with HIV in 2006
- New HIV infections in 2006
- AIDS Deaths in 2006
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6Over 11 000 new HIV infections a day in 2006
- More than 95 are in low and middle income
countries - Almost 1500 are in children under 15 years of age
- About 10 000 are in persons aged 15 to 49 years,
of whom - almost 50 are women
- about 40 are 1524 year olds
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9Global Trends
- Sub-Saharan Africa continues to bear the brunt of
the global epidemic. Two thirds (63) of all
persons Living with HIV - In the past two years, the number of people
living with HIV increased in every region in the
world. - New infections in 2006 in every continent.
- The most striking increases have occurred in East
Asia and in Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
where the number of people living with HIV in
2006 was over one fifth (21) higher than in
10 11Global Trends -Gender
- Globally, and in every region, more adult women
(15 years or older). - 17.7 million women living with HIV in 2006
represented an increase of over one million
compared with 2004 - In the Caribbean- close to 1 in every 2 adults
with HIV is female.
12HIV Prevalence in Women
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15Caribbean Trends
- The second highest HIV prevalence rate in the
world after sub-Saharan Africa - 250,000 estimated to be living with HIV and AIDS
in the Caribbean by Dec 2006 - The leading cause of death among persons aged
15-44 years
16Caribbean Trends
- Estimated 27 000 people became newly infected
with HIV in 2006 - 19,000 AIDS Deaths in 2006
- Heterosexual transmission main means of infection
(58) data for others?
17Caribbean Trends
- HIV prevalence 1.2 (range 0.9-1.7)
18Adult HIV Prevalence in Selected Caribbean
Caribbean Technical Expert Group 2004, UNAIDS 2006
19Caribbean Trends
- Prevalence rates
- in Vulnerable Groups
20HIV Prevalence among Young People in the
Caribbean 2003-2004
21HIV Prevalence among men who sex with men (MSM)
Caribbean Technical Expert Group 2004
22HIV Prevalence among Female Sex Workers
Caribbean Technical Experts Group 2004, Gebre et
al 2006
- Policy and legislation
- Slow development on HIV and AIDS
- Stigma and Discrimination
- Continued stigma and discrimination
- Inadequate response
- No redress mechanism
- National Capacity
- Limited HIV staff posts and expertise and lack of
integrated services
- Prevention
- Inadequate interventions, commodities and
coverage - Inadequate continuum between prevention and
treatment - Universal Access
- Systemic, cultural, social and legal barriers to
achieve UA to prevention and treatment - Multi-sectoral Response
- Health-centric response
- Limited ownership by other key sectors e.g.
education, tourism, labour and local government
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Lack of unified systems
- Data gaps (baseline and socio-economic data
- Lack of consolidated data
- International Support
- Multiple regional and international entities
- Fragmented programmatic approaches, financial
accountability and reporting requirements
- Vulnerable Groups
- Lack of access to and visibility of vulnerable
groups due to social, cultural and legal barriers - Political leadership
- Varied commitment across the region
- Lack of consolidated regional leadership
28UNAIDS Strategic Core Functions
29UNAIDS Strategic Core Functions
- Leadership and Advocacy
- Partnership Building
- Strategic information
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Resource Mobilization
30UNAIDS Support - Caribbean
- Implementation of the Three Ones
- One strategic plan towards universal access
- One national authority
- One monitoring and evaluation framework
- Advocacy for political leadership
- Policy and Legislative reform
- Strengthening capacity for AIDS response
- Partnership building
31Thank You