2Mutual Fund Basics
INVESTORS pool their money and
buy shares in the MUTUAL FUND.
FUND MANAGER selects and purchases a variety of
investment instruments.
3Types of Investment Companies
- Open-End Investment Companies (mutual funds)
- Dominant type of investment company shares
purchased from and sold back to company. - New shares issued as money flows in.
- Net Asset Value (NAV) is the current market price
of all securities owned by the fund (less any
liabilities) divided by the number of shares
4- Closed-End Investment Companies
- Operate with a fixed number of shares
outstanding. - All trading is done between investors on the open
market. - Shares frequently trade at a discount or premium
to net asset value.
5Advantages of Mutual Funds
- Diversification risk is lowered one share buys
a slice of everything in the fund. - Professional management pay someone else to
make investing decisions. - Financial returns relatively attractive returns
over the long term. - Convenience easy in out, small outlays, help
with record keeping.
6Disadvantages of Mutual Funds
- No choice in securities selection if you dont
agree with choices, you must change funds. - No control of sale of securities within
fundtiming of sales has tax implications for
7- Trade on listed exchanges like closed-end funds.
- Number of shares outstanding can be increased or
decreased, depending on demand.
8- Usually sold by brokerage houses.
- Investors purchase a share in an unmanaged pool
of investments. - No trading of securities within the portfolio
once the trust assets have been purchased. - Tend to have relatively high transaction costs
and yearly fees.
9- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
- Closed-end investment companies whose trust
assets are limited to real estate investments. - Offer a more diverse and marketable way to invest
in real estate. - Equity REITs invest in properties mortgage REITs
invest in mortgages hybrid REITs invest in both.
10Mutual Fund Cost Considerations
- Loads sales commissions
- Front-end load funds (or simply "load funds")
charge a commission when shares are purchased. - Low-load funds charge commissions of 13 when
shares are purchased. - Back-end load funds charge a commission when
shares are sold.
11Types of Funds
- Growth
- Aggressive Growth
- Value
- Equity-Income
- Balanced
- Growth Income
- Bond
- Money Market
- Index
- Sector
- Socially Responsible
- International
- Asset Allocation
12Making Mutual Fund Investments
- Selecting a Mutual Fund
- Match the fund's objectives with your investment
objectives. - Consider your tolerance for risk and your
investment time horizon. - Read the prospectus!
13- Assess the fund's services.
- Check the fees charged.
- Consider the fund's longer-term returns as well
as its shorter-term returns.