2Introduction to the White Paper
- Every child, whatever their circumstance
requires an education that equips them for work
and prepares them to succeed in the wider
community and society - The curriculum must be modernised
3Key Reforms
- Giving successful schools more freedom
- Encouraging all schools to build distinctive
ethos - Building new links with the world of enterprise
and higher education - Reforming the 14 curriculum
- Intervening where necessary to tackle poor
quality provision
4Second Term Overview
- Government dedicated to
- Opening secondary education to a new era of
engagement with the worlds of enterprise, HE and
civic responsibility - Building the curriculum particularly beyond 14
with far better opportunities for vocational and
academic studies - Encouraging all schools to build a distinct ethos
and centre of excellence, whether a specialist
school or by some other means
5Achieving High Standards for All Supporting
Teaching and Learning (1)
- New initiatives to support the needs of gifted
and talented - Continued commitment to ICT developments.
- Every excluded pupil to receive full-time
education in a PRU by 2002 - expand PRU provision - Commitment to preventative strategies, including
Learning Mentor programme. - Publication of results for 14 year-olds, improve
information to parents - publish information
value each school adds to its pupils results
6Achieving High Standards for All Supporting
Teaching and Learning (2)
- Training for teachers to include behaviour
management in future. - Encourage agencies and schools to work together
to prevent children dropping out of school. - Commitment to education with character.
- Commitment to work experience for all, and to
providing broader experience of work through more
focussed education business links. - Commitment to mentoring.
7Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 The Individual
- Young people who have learned how to reason,
think logically and creatively and take
increasing responsibility for own learning - Consider express sets, fast tracking and more
early entry to GCSE and advanced qualifications - National Mentoring Network character building
- Value added indicators to be revised for 14 and
16 year olds - to be published with raw data from
2002 - Consultation on 14 -19 phase to look at
structural barriers to coherent phase, including
organisation, funding and inspection - Challenge assumption that all pupils proceed
through the system at the same pace
8Vocational Education Achieving High Standards
for All
- Vocational education has been persistently
undervalued as a route to success and policies
have tended to reflect the structures that exist,
not the needs of the individual young people. As
a result, far too many have been failed by the
system - Despite serious attempts over the years to
raise the status of vocational education the
problem still remains - It will be necessary to create greater space at
KS4 of National Curriculum - Insufficient flexibility at present
- Current system of disapplication for vocational
work is unsatisfactory
9Vocational Education Achieving High Standards
for All
- More opportunity for vocational study look
forward to a time when many more young people
have some experience of vocational education - Radical improvement needed in vocational
education and training - Need for recognition of achievement in both
academic and vocational - Programme of reform to vocational qualifications
based on higher standards and greater recognition
of high quality routes to success
10Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Vocational Education (1)
- For first time an opportunity of a predominantly
vocational programme for those with the aptitude
- significant WRL from 14 - Vocational programmes from 14 to degree level
- Create greater space at KS4 - want flexibility
at KS4 insufficient flexibility at present - Current system of disapplication for vocational
work is unsatisfactory
11Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Vocational Education (2)
- Make high quality vocational options available to
all young people which are widely recognised and
offer opportunities for entry to HE - Work Experience strengthening vocational
pathways provide broader experiences of work
through more focussed education business links - Review of how young peoples knowledge and
understanding of business and enterprise can be
further developed by Sir Howard Davies to
report in January 2002
12Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Work Related Learning (3)
- All young people can benefit from work experience
- Ensure in future that it is high quality
- More opportunity for vocational study - look
forward to a time when many more young people
some experience of vocational education - Programmes might include significant element of
WRL from 14, followed by MA or full-time
vocational study at college and the Foundation
13Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Vocational GCSEs (4)
- Introduction of vocational GCSEs in Sept 2002,
available to all schools from Sept 2003 - no
pilots - VGCSEs will play significant role in extending
vocational opportunities and raising status of
the vocational route - Want more able students to pursue mixture of
vocational academic courses
14Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Work-based Routes (5)
- Entry standards for MAs in Autumn 2001 -
introduction of Technical Certificates - Routes 14 will increasingly take place across a
range of institutions and in the workplace - 38M for work related placements from 2002. KS4
pupils (40,000) will study at a college or with
training provider for 1 or 2 days a week
throughout KS4. - Work-based provision to be strengthened and
expanded through upgrading Modern Apprenticeships
with 180M investment over 3 years
15Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Partnerships (6)
- Continue development of Creative Partnerships-
open up wide range of learning opportunities
-DoE, ASDAN, more activities to assist transition
from school to adult life - Over next 3 years ensure every child pre-16 has
opportunity to participate in STEM business link
activity - Want a coherent and effective 14-19 phase -
changes to long-established structures. - Tackle institutional and systematic barriers to
14-19 phase - LSC has powers to fund work experience and links
between education and employers for 14-19 year
olds -
16Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Legislation (7)
- Legislate to make sure that there is sufficient
curricular flexibility at Key stage 4 to
implement proposals for 14-19 education - Remove legislative barriers to collaboration
between schools and between schools and FE
colleges. - Make sure that students have access to high
quality advice and guidance at key points of
choice in order that they are better placed to
take charge of their decisions. Legislation will
be used to secure this if necessary
17Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 Awards and Reporting (8)
- School performance tables will be revised to
reflect all available routes - Achievement for 14-19 in both academic and
vocational to be recognised - An overarching award will do this (Graduation
Certificate) - cover challenging goals in formal
qualifications, but in other achievements such as
volunteering might also be recognised
18Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 - Further Consultation (9)
- The Debate
- The Government wishes to promote debate about
how to implement further improvements in
education and training for 14-19 year olds and
achieve the necessary changes to long established
structures. We want to make sure that vocational
and work-based learning instils the same
confidence as academic courses and
19Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 - The Debate - Consultation (10)
- How to increase choice for young people from 14
- How to encourage young people to stay in
education and training beyond 16 - How to ensure - and where desirable extend -
breadth in post 16 academic curriculum - How to break down traditional prejudice against
vocational education - enable more students to
pursue mix of vocational and academic routes,
which include some that are predominately
20Meeting Individual Talents and Aspirations at
14-19 - The Debate - Consultation (11)
- How to challenge the assumption that all pupils
should proceed through the system at the same
pace - How to tackle the institutional and systemic
barriers to the 14-19 phase, encouraging schools
and colleges to co-operate in providing a broader
range of options more suited to the individual
students needs - How to ensure rigorous assessment
21Modernising Structures Deregulatory Proposals
- Remove barriers to FE lecturers teaching in
schools and to sharing staff - Allowing pupils to be based in colleges and with
training providers during compulsory education - Removing barriers to a more flexible curriculum
- Removing legislation that prevents implementation
of new 14-19 strategy - Removing obstacles to partnership working
organisation, funding and inspection - Enabling new partners and sponsors to come into
the system - Removing barriers that prevent schools sharing
22Schools Achieving Success Legislative
- Amend legislation to enable more students to
take Key Stage 3, GCSE and advanced
qualifications earlier in their school lives to
allow them to broaden or deepen their studies,
spend more time on vocational options, undertake
voluntary activity or move to advance level study
23Modernising our Structures Deregulating Teacher
Employer Provisions
- Enable co-operative approaches with other schools
and institutions in Further and Higher Education
by removing the assumption that schools provide
education only through employing teachers - Increase flexibility for permitting innovative
approaches by providing for the main staffing
provisions to be secondary legislation and
24Excellence, Innovation and Diversity Specialist
- Flexible and diverse system - specialist schools
- Beacon schools
- Working Towards status
- Successful schools greater autonomy - possibly
opt out of elements of NC - Set up Innovation Unit
- Develop and extend specialist schools - new
specialisms in science engineering and business
and enterprise plus mathematics and computing - Hertfordshire in DfES Pathfinder Diversity