Title: maxiavalanche ageing tests
1ALICE Dimuon Trigger meeting Aillon-le-jeune 3-4
maxi-avalanche ageing tests Francesca Poggio
2highly-saturated avalanche operation
2 RD lines to fullfill the different requirement
3maxi-avalanche beam test
preliminary test with cosmic rays in Clermont
Ferrand g Frédéric Yermia RD on RPC for the
Muon Trigger System for ALICE experiment in view
of p-p data taking IEEE - Nuclear Science
Symposium 2004 - Gaseous Detectors session
detailed results ALICE Dimuon Trigger meeting,
January 2004 - Frédéric Yermia
4ageing test setup (CERN GIF)
- monitor the efficiency for the detection of
- cosmic ray under ?-induced counting rate
5RAV1 ageing results
- after 225 Mhit/cm2 (34 mC/cm2)
- dark current 1 mA and dark rate lt1 Hz/cm2
- no efficiency loss without and with g
irradiation (120 Hz/cm2) - efficiency stable at 94
- m beam from SPS-X5 the mean efficiency over the
whole surface - at HV10900 V (working point) is 95
6gas mixture modification
- we decrease the SF6 percentage to lower the
working point - beam test on 2 small prototypes (50x50 cm2) to
check the performances with the gas mixtures - 89.7 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10 0.3 SF6 RH50
- 89.7 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10 0.6 SF6 RH50
- to make a direct comparison with the gas mixture
with 2 SF6 - performances
- cluster size 1.8 (1 cm strip)
- time resolution 1-2 ns
- efficiency in all position the efficiency
plateau reaches 95-96 - no significant differences with respect to the
gas mixture with 2 SF6 - see the document written by Franck Manso
- working HV10000-10100 V (800 V lower)
- streamer contamination lt20
7RAV3 RAV4 efficiency plateaux
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95-0.96 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
8streamer contamination
- of streamer in the 25 tested
- positions at 3 different HVeff
- (10000 V, 10100 V and 10200 V)
- obtained with thresholds
- setting at 80 mV
- the distributions of these values
- are shown in next slide
effect of a low humidification? NOTE recent
measurement shows a factor 2
9streamer contamination distribution
10up to now
rate RAV3 g 50-100 Hz/cm2 RAV4 g 50-100 Hz/cm2
- specific analysis for each kind of trigger
- trigger CR (cosmic ray)
- efficiency
- cluster size, number of cluster e multiplicity
- single counts
- HV and current
- autotrigger
- 3D plot g irradiation uniformity, noise
distribution - precise estimation of the rate of each cell
- trigger PG (Pulse Generator)
- single counts check
12trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV3
histograms of major importance
13trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV3
14trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV3
15trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV3
16trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV3
17trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV4
histograms of major importance
18trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV4
19trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV4
20trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV4
21trigger CR (cosmic rays), RAV4
22autotrigger RAV3
23autotrigger RAV4
24trigger PG, single counts (Hz/cm2)
25RAV3 results
26RAV4 results
27efficiency plateaux
after 310 Mhits/cm2 (47 mC/cm2)
after 255 Mhits/cm2 (34 mC/cm2)
RAV3 rate 60 Hz/cm2
RAV4 rate 50 Hz/cm2
- no plateau displacement without and with g
irradiation (50-60 Hz/cm2) - the efficiency over the whole surface of both
RPCs has been recently measured g 93-95, 80-90
in the corners (geometric problems)
- the 2 tested prototypes work satisfactorily up
to about - 460-500 Mhit/cm2 fulfilling the requirement
- for 4.5-5 years of the p-p program for the most
irradiated RPC - for gt20 years of the p-p program for other RPCs
- the test is going on
- next
- alternation streamer/maxi-avalanche
- gas flow reduction (at the present moment 6
vol/hour) - efficiency radiography in the bench test for
final RPC - (Turin, 7 comuni) g efficiency on 2x2 cm2 cells
29backup slides
30p-p data taking
see Yermia PhD Thesis, ALICE-INT-2003-041
31heavy-ion collisions
streamer gas mixture 50.5 Ar, 41.3 C4H10, 7.2
C2H2F4, 1 SF6 - RH50
32preliminary studies with cosmic rays
- test on 50x50 cm2 RPC
- (Clermont-Ferrand laboratory)
- FEE thresholds set at 10 mV
- efficiency
- the shape of each signal is sampled each ns to
study amplitude, timing and released charge - streamer comtamination
33beam test, setup - FEE
34beam test results (I)
- the detector showed a stable behaviour with
- dark current (source off) ? 1 mA
- dark single rate (source off) ? 0.1 Hz/cm2
- current drawn with source-on ? 1/3 of the
current drawn in streamer for the same
irradiation conditions - time resolution ? 1-2 ns
- efficiency close to 100, no plateau
displacement due to the irradiation rate
- 4 efficiency calculation methods
- Coincidence Register
- tracking with DWC
- total
- core (higher beam irradiation rate)
- outer circle (lower beam irradiation rate)
- T/p correction
- HVeffHV0(T/T0)(p0/p)
- with T0293.15 K, p0970 mbar
35beam test results (II)
36beam test gas analysis
- during the test g analysis of the exhaust gas
were performed both for streamer and
maxi-avalanche operation of the RPC
positive message in view of ageing w.r.t.
streamer, maxi-avalanche operation gives a
smaller content of impurities and a spectacular
decrease of HF content
37RAV1 efficiency map
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95-0.97 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10900 V (working point)
is 0.95?0.001
low efficiency due to geometrical problems
38instability problem (I)
- hp local discharge
- g the temperature in correspondence of the
discharge point should increase appreciably
RPC without external mechanics, with the ground
side fully covered by thermosensitive
39instability problem (II)
mean T ?25 C over the whole surface (measured
with an IR thermometer)
40RAV3 efficiency map