Title: Polarized 3He Target Lab Update
1Polarized 3He Target Lab Update
- Presented by
- Xiaohui Zhan
Hall A Collaboration Meeting, Dec. 14, 2007
- Oven/Support Structure
- New Oven Other Designs
- Optics Design Orders
- Vertical Coils Test
- BigBite Frindge Field Investigation
- Software Target Spin Sign Signal
- Cell Production
- To Do List
Students Chiranjib Dutta (UKY), Joe Katich
(WM), Xiaohui Zhan (MIT) Postdoc Yi Qiang (DUKE)
3Oven/Support Structure
- Support piece on the bottom was burned, install
new support structure. - Working well 250oC.
- Old cell Carlos was installed for test.
4NMR EPR Tests
5New Oven/Optics
- Ordered from Technical Products, Inc..
- New materical CS85 Structural Insulation.
- Weigh 29lbs with supports (current oven
45lbs). - Oven and support design was done, installation
in February.
- Optics design is done!
- Most optics components ordered and in house.
- 6 single FAP and 2 duo FAP in lab, one new duo
and single were ordered. - Alignment for 2 lasers was done for the tests.
6Vertical Coils
R 94.62 cm Z Beamline Y Vertically up X
Normal to YZ
- With 16A current, the average field generated by
vertical coils is 31 Gaus in Y direction
(vertical). - Most field gradients inside lt 10mG/cm (absolute
value). - Large gradients (20mG/cm) only happen at the
edge of the volume.
7BigBite Fringe Field
- BigBite clamp reduces the gradients by half
compared to previous measurements. - But also introduce the mirror coils.
- Simulation was done (Yi Qiang).
8Results of Simulation (Transversity)
9Target Spin Sign SignalDAQ
- Flip target spin every 20min
- Hardware signal goes to CODA datastream
- Software signal LABVIEW to EPICS
- RF frequency monitoring quarter-wave plate
rotation monitor
Cell Production
- 16 new cells were done! (8 from WM and 8 from
- Most cell polarization gt 40, a fewgt50, max60
10To Do List
- New oven test with all new cells (NMR, EPR,
Spin-Flip). - Cell characterization.
- New pick-up coils inside the oven.
- Target spin sign signal/DAQ.
- Target IOC.
- Software collection analysis.
Will be ready before installation in May 1st,
Thanks to Jian-Ping, Todd, Walfgang, Al, Susan,
Jaideep, Ameya, Aidan