Concurrency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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This holds always (even when X=Y) We can flip ri(X); wj(Y) as long as XY ... actions enforces an ordering on the transactions that house these actions. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Concurrency

Busy, busy, busy...
  • In production environments, it is unlikely that
    we can limit our system to just one user at a
  • Consequently, it is possible for multiple queries
    or transactions to be submitted at approximately
    the same time.
  • If all of the queries were very small (i.e., in
    terms of time), we could probably just execute
    them on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • However, many queries are both complex and time
  • Executing these queries would make other queries
    wait a long time for a chance to execute.
  • So, in practice, the DBMS may be running many
    different transactions at about the same time.

Concurrent Transactions
  • Even when there is no failure, several
    transactions can interact to turn a
  • consistent state
  • into an
  • inconsistent state.

  • Assume A B is a constraint required for

T1 T2
READ(A, t) READ(A, s)
t t 100 s s 2
READ(B, t) READ(B, s)
T t 100 S s 2
  • Note that we omit OUTPUT steps for succinctness
    they always come at the end. We deal only with
    Reads and Writes in the main memory buffers.
  • T1 and T2 individually preserve DB consistency.

An Acceptable Schedule S1
  • Assume initially A B 25. Here is one way to
    execute (S1 T1 T2) so they do not interfere.

T1 T2 A B
READ(A, t) 25 25
t t 100
WRITE(A, t) 125
READ(B, t)
T t 100
WRITE(B, t) 125
READ(A, s)
s s 2
WRITE(A, s) 250
READ(B, s)
S s 2
WRITE(B, s) 250
Another Acceptable Schedule S2
  • Here, transactions are executed as (S2T2 T1).
    The result is different, but consistency is

T1 T2 A B
READ(A, s) 25 25
s s 2
WRITE(A, s) 50
READ(B, s)
S s 2
WRITE(B, s) 50
READ(A, t)
t t 100
WRITE(A, t) 150
READ(B, t)
T t 100
WRITE(B, t) 150
Interleaving Doesn't Necessarily Hurt (S3)
T1 T2 A B
READ(A, t) 25 25
t t 100
WRITE(A, t) 125
READ(A, s)
s s 2
WRITE(A, s) 250
READ(B, t)
T t 100
WRITE(B, t) 125
READ(B, s)
S s 2
WRITE(B, s) 250
But Then Again, It Might!
T1 T2 A B
READ(A, t) 25 25
t t 100
WRITE(A, t) 125
READ(A, s)
s s 2
WRITE(A, s) 250
READ(B, s)
S s 2
WRITE(B, s) 50
READ(B, t)
T t 100
WRITE(B, t) 150
Semantics of transactions is also important.
We Need a Simpler Model
  • Coincidence never happens
  • Focus on reads and writes only.
  • rT(X) denotes T reads X
  • wT(X) denotes T writes X
  • Transaction is a sequence of r and w actions on
    database elements.
  • If transactions are T1,,Tk, then we use ri and
    wi, instead of rTi and wTi
  • Schedule is a sequence of r and w actions
    performed by a collection of transactions.
  • Serial Schedule All actions for each transaction
    are consecutive.
  • r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) w1(B) r2(A) w2(A)
    r2(B) w2(B)
  • Serializable Schedule A schedule whose effect
    is equivalent to that of some serial schedule.

  • Suppose for fixed DB elements X and Y,
  • ri(X) rj(Y) is part of a schedule, and we flip
    the order of these operations. Then ri(X) rj(Y)
    rj(Y) ri(X)
  • This holds always (even when XY)
  • We can flip ri(X) wj(Y) as long as X?Y
  • However, ri(X) wj (X) ? wj(X) ri (X)
  • In the RHS, Ti reads the value of X written by
    Tj, whereas it is not so in the LHS.
  • We can flip wi(X) wj(Y) provided X?Y
  • However, wi(X) wj(X) ? wj(X) wi(X)
  • The final value of X may be different depending
    on which write occurs last.

Conflicts (Contd)
  • There is a conflict if one of these two
    conditions hold.
  • A read and a write of the same X, or
  • Two writes of the same X
  • Such actions conflict in general and may not be
    swapped in order.
  • All other events (reads/writes) may be swapped
    without changing the effect of the schedule (on
    the DB).
  • Definitions
  • Two scheduless are conflict-equivalent if they
    can be converted into the other by a series of
    non-conflicting swaps of adjacent elements
  • A schedule is conflict-serializable if it can be
    converted into a serializable schedule in the
    same way

r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) w2(A) r1(B) w1(B) r2(B)
r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) w2(A) r1(B) w1(B) r2(B)
w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) w1(B)
r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) r2(A) w2(A)
w1(B) r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) r2(A)
w1(B) w2(A) r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B)
w1(B) r2(A)w2(A) r2(B) w2(B)
  • Sufficient condition for serializability but not
  • Example
  • S1 w1(Y) w1(X) w2(Y) w2(X) w3(X) -- This is
  • S2 w1(Y) w2(Y) w2(X) w1(X) w3(X)
  • S2 isnt conflict serializable, but it is
    serializable. It has the same effect as S1.
  • Intuitively, the values of X written by T1 and T2
    have no effect, since T3 overwrites them.

Serializability/precedence Graphs
  • Non-swappable pairs of actions represent
    potential conflicts between transactions.
  • The existence of non-swappable actions enforces
    an ordering on the transactions that house these
  • Nodes transactions T1,,Tk
  • Arcs There is an arc from Ti to Tj if they have
    conflict access to the same database element X
    and Ti is first in written Ti ltS Tj.

Precedence graphs
r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) r3(A) w1(B) w3(A) r2(B)
  • Note the following
  • w1(B) ltS r2(B)
  • r2(A) ltS w3(A)
  • These are conflicts since they contain a
    read/write on the same element
  • They cannot be swapped. Therefore T1 lt T2 lt T3

r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) r2(B) r3(A) w1(B) w3(A)
  • Note the following
  • r1(B) ltS w2(B)
  • w2(A) ltS w3(A)
  • r2(B) ltS w1(B)
  • Here, we have T1 lt T2 lt T3, but we also have T2 lt

  • If there is a cycle in the graph
  • Then, there is no serial schedule which is
    conflictequivalent to S.
  • Each arc represents a requirement on the order of
    transactions in a conflict equivalent serial
  • A cycle puts too many requirements on any linear
    order of transactions.
  • If there is no cycle in the graph
  • Then any topological order of the graph suggests
    a conflictequivalent schedule.

Why the Precedence-Graph Test Works?
  • Idea if the precedence graph is acyclic, then we
    can swap actions to form a serial schedule.
  • Proof By induction on n, number of
  • Basis n 1. That is, ST1 then S is already
  • Induction ST1,T2,,Tn. Given that the
    precedence graph is acyclic, there exists Ti in S
    such that there is no Tj in S that Ti depends on.
  • We swap all actions of Ti to the front (of S).
  • (Actions of Ti)(Actions of the other n-1
  • The tail is a precedence graph that is the same
    as the original without Ti, i.e. it has n-1
  • ? By the induction hypothesis, we can reorder the
    actions of the other transactions to turn it into
    a serial schedule

  • A scheduler takes requests from transactions for
    reads and writes, and decides if it is OK to
    allow them to operate on DB or defer them until
    it is safe to do so.
  • Ideal a scheduler forwards a request iff it
    cannot result in a violation of serializability.
  • Too hard to decide this in real time.
  • Real a scheduler forwards a request if it cannot
    result in a violation of conflictserializability.

Lock Actions
  • Before reading or writing an element X, a
    transaction Ti requests a lock on X from the
  • The scheduler can either grant the lock to Ti or
    make Ti wait for the lock.
  • If granted, Ti should eventually unlock (release)
    the lock on X.
  • Shorthands
  • li(X) transaction Ti requests a lock on X
  • ui(X) Ti unlocks/releases the lock on X

Validity of Locks
  • The use of locks must be proper in 2 senses
  • Consistency of Transactions
  • Read or write X only when hold a lock on X.
  • ri(X) or wi(X) must be preceded by some li(X)
    with no intervening ui(X).
  • If Ti locks X, Ti must eventually unlock X.
  • Every li(X) must be followed by ui(X).
  • Legality of Schedules
  • Two transactions may not have locked the same
    element X without one having first released the
  • A schedule with li(X) cannot have another lj(X)
    until ui(X) appears in between.

Legal Schedule Doesnt Mean Serializable
T1 T2 A B
25 25
l1(A) r1(A)
A A 100
w1(A)u1(A) 125
A A 2
w2(A)u2(A) 250
B B 2
w2(B)u2(B) 50
B B 100
w1(B)u1(B) 150
Consistency constraint required for this example
Two Phase Locking
There is a simple condition, which guarantees
conflict-serializability In every transaction,
all lock requests (phase 1) precede all unlock
requests (phase 2).
T1 T2 A B
25 25
l1(A) r1(A)
A A 100
w1(A) l1(B)u1(A) 125
A A 2
w2(A) 250
l2(B) Denied
B B 100 125
B B 2
w2(B)u2(B) 250
Why 2PL Works?
  • Precisely a legal schedule S of 2PL transactions
    is conflictserializable.
  • Proof is an induction on n, the number of
  • Remember, conflicts involve only read/write
    actions, not locks, but the legality of the
    transaction requires that the r/w's be consistent
    with the l/u's.

Why 2PL Works (Contd)
  • Basis if n1, then ST1, and hence S is
  • Induction ST1,,Tn. Find the first
    transaction, say Ti, to perform an unlock action,
    say ui(X).
  • We show that the r/w actions of Ti can be moved
    to the front of the other transactions without
  • Consider some action such as wi(Y). Can it be
    preceded by some conflicting action wj(Y) or
    rj(Y)? In such a case we cannot swap them.
  • If so, then uj(Y) and li(Y) must intervene, as
  • wj(Y)...uj(Y)
  • Since Ti is the first to unlock, ui(X) appears
    before uj(Y).
  • But then li(Y) appears after ui(X), contradicting
  • Conclusion wi(Y) can slide forward in the
    schedule without conflict similar argument for a
    ri(Y) action.
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