Title: The Cartesian Plane And You
1The Cartesian Plane And You!
- Remember our number line?
We were able to use our number line to Example
Plot a single point x 3 Graph
inequalities with a single variable x 7 But
what about equations with two variables? y 2x
- 7 How can we graph those?
2Descartes Strikes Back!
- A famous French mathematician named Rene
Descartes gave us the necessary means by which to
visualize equations with two variables.
Math rules!
3The Coordinate Plane
- Think of it as two number lines that overlap each
other in the middle
- Vertical Axis y axis
- Horizontal Axis x axis
- Goes on forever in both directions
4So how does it work?
- Now that we have TWO axes, we need to name points
using TWO numbers!
Every point is of the form (x, y) x
x-coordinate (How far right or left) y
y-coordinate (How far up or down)
5Time for Examples
- Suppose I wanted to graph the point (3, 4)
I start at the center. Then I have to walk 3
spaces to the right and 4 spaces up.
(3, 4)
walked four spaces up
walked three spaces to the right
6You try some!
- Graph the following points
- (2, 3)
- (1, 4)
- (0, 0)
Remember, we walk right first, and then we walk
7Howd we do?
- Hopefully, you got these three points.
Key Fact (0,0) is a very special point on our
graph. Its also called the origin.
8What about those pesky negatives?
- You may have noticed that all of our points so
far have been in the upper right hand corner of
our graph. So how do we land somewhere else?
9Negative Coordinates
- Suppose I ask you to plot (-3, -1). What does
that mean? - It just means that now I walk 3 spaces to the
LEFT and 1 space DOWN. -
- This is what the negative does - it forces you to
walk in the opposite direction!
(-3, -1)
10Your turn!
- Plot the following points
- (-4, -2)
- (-2, 3)
- (3, -1)
Remember If the x-coordinate is negative, we
walk left. If the y-coordinate is negative, we
walk down.
11Howd we do?
- Hopefully, you got these points.
(-2, 3)
(3, -1)
(-4, -2)
12Quadrant Quandary
- Notice that our graph really has four parts to
it. Well, we have a name for those parts.
Theyre called quadrants. - We name them using Roman Numerals.
- Each quadrant has a special property about its
x is positive y is positive
x is negative y is positive
(-x, y)
(x, y)
(-x, -y)
(x, -y)
x is negative y is negative
x is positive y is negative