Title: CS-240 Data Structures in C Arrays
1CS-240 Data Structures in CArrays
2Abstract Data Type
- A collection of pairs ltindex,valuegt where index
is an ordered set of integers and are values of
some data type that is constant for the array. - not all languages require index to be continuous
or contiguous or start at 0 or 1. - In C arrays are zero based and are contiguous
from 0 to size-1 and can contain any simple or
aggregate data type
3ADT (cont.)
- Pascal allows discontinous indicies
- A(25, 1020, 26) other index values are
undefined and take up no memory - Perl allows indicies that are not integers but
are literal values (called an associative array) - Atom , Adick, Aharry
4ADT (cont.)
- Static arrays arrays allocated at compile time
- Dynamic arrays arrays allocated by the storage
management system at program run time
5ADT Operations
- Basic operationscreate(A) allocates
storageretrieve(A,i) return v at position i in
A store(A,I,v) store v at position i in
Adestroy(A) deallocate storage associated with
- static storage int a10 //40 bytes
char word25 //25 bytes - allocated as part of the program space by the
compiler. - a is equivalent to a and is the address of
a0 - once allocated cannot be deallocated, will always
take up program space - can be initialized by compiler using an
initializer (ex. int A5 (0,0,0,0,0) )
- Dynamic storage is allocated at run-time using
malloc, cmalloc or realloc define SIZE 10
int myarray myarray (int )
malloc (SIZEsizeof(int)) makes an array of
10 integers names myarray - cmalloc works same way but initializes array to
0initialization to anything else requires a loop - realloc will resize a previously allocated array
to bigger or smaller - since this happens at run time, time is expended
- done the same way for both static and dynamic
arrays by using the assignment operator ()
a5 9
- retrieving a value from some position in an array
is done the same way for both static and dynamic
arrays using the array position implicitly.
x3 //the value of the 4th element of x - can be used this way in any assignment,
arithmetic/logical operation or as an argument in
a function call
- destruction of a statically allocated array
happened when the program is done - destruction of dynamically allocated arrays is
done using the free(arrayname) function, this
returns the storage to the storage management
system for subsequent allocation for something
else. - forgetting to deallocate unneeded storage is
called a memory leak and can cause a program
terminate abnormally (crash)
- remember, a computers memory is really an array
of bytes (indicies 0 to size-1) - every time an array access (retrieve or store) is
done the machine must make a calculation to see
where in memory the desired location is ex
int a5 a32 to
calculate the address of a3 addressbase
address(indexelement size)
100016 (316416) 100c16base address is
assigned by compiler for static and by SMS for
dynamic and kept track of in a system table for
run time
- Allows us to create and aggregate data type
typedef struct person
char name10 int
age person tom
- tom takes up 14 bytes of storage 10 for name
and the next 4 for age
- Structures can be embedded within one another
typedef struct date int
month int date
int year
typedef struct student char
name16 date dateOfBirth
date pearlHarborDay // 12 bytes of
storage student typical // 18 bytes of
storage student class30 // 540 bytes of
- A union is like a structure but the fields dont
always have to have the same definition
typedef struct sextype enum tag
(female, male) sex union
int children
char beard
typedef struct human char
name10 short age
float salary date
dob sextype sexinfo
The compiler will always reserve the maximum
number bytes for the union i.e. even though
sextype for wormen is 4 bytes and only one byte
for men the compiler will always reserve 4.
15Self-Referential Structures
- Structure that refers to an item of the same
type. - used for dynamic data structures like lists and
typedef struct node int key
node next
16Array Mapping Functions
- Used by the compiler to help calculate the
effective address of an array element in memory - Takes into account base address the
dimension the element size
172 dimensional arrays
- int a22 can be visualized as a 2x2 square
matrix but is really an array of two elements
where each element is an array of two ints
int a22
0 1 2 3
0x100000 0x100004 0x100008 0x10000C
0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1
This storage arrangement is known as
Row Major Order
SMF base addr (dim(n) element size indexm
) (element size indexn )
ex. a11 addr 100000 (2 4 1) (4
1) 100000 8 4 0x10000C
19Sparse Arrays
- arrays where many or most of the elements will
have the value zero (or possibly the same value) - examples high order polynomials, bit mapped
graphics, linear algebra ( diagional
matricies(identity matrix, tridiagonal, banded),
triangular matrices, )
20Polynomial representation
one dimensional array where index represents
the exponent and the stored value is the
corresponding coefficient
// an array of struct define MAXTERMS
10 typedef struct term
real coeff
int expnt term poly1MAXSIZE term
poly2MAXSIZE term poly3MAXSIZE
2x8 4x2 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
21Identity Matrix
- Only has values on the major diagonal
0 1 2
AMFmn if (m n)
return v else return 0
map it on top of a one dimensional array of three
AMFmn if ( m n ) return Am else
return 0