Title: Academic Excellence Indicator System Data for 2006
1Academic Excellence Indicator System Data for 2006
- Port Arthur I.S.D.
- Dr. Johnny E. Brown
- Superintendent
- Presented at the January 25, 2007 Board of
Trustees Meeting
2Re-Engineering for Academic Excellence
3The AYP Status of PAISD
4Summary of Schools AYP Status
5District Accountability Rating
Not Rated
6Campus Accountability Rating Summary
- There were 4 Recognized Campuses
- There were 6 Academically Acceptable Campuses
- There were 4 Current Campuses Not Rated
7Campus by Ratings
8Students Meeting Standards
9TAKS Met Standards
10Students Meeting Standards in Reading ELA
11Students Meeting Standards in Writing
12Students Meeting Standards in Social Studies
13Students Meeting Standards in Mathematics
14Students Meeting Standards in Science
15Students Meeting Standards in SDAA II
16PAISD Completion Rates
17Completion Rates
18Annual Dropout Rate
19Advanced Placement/Dual Enrollment Completion for
20Attendance Rate for 2004-2005
21Commended for Math in 2006
22Commended for Writing in 2006
23Commended for Science in 2006
24Commended for Social Studies in 2006
25Recommended HS Program for Class of 2005
26ACT/SAT Information for Class of 2005
27ACT Mean Scores
28SAT Mean Scores
29Students Scoring at or Above Standard for Texas
Success Initiative 2006
30PAISD Campus Performance Objectives
- Goal One Create a positive, safe, orderly,
disciplined and drug-free school climate. - Goal Two All students in each population
(African-American, Hispanic, White, and
Economically Disadvantaged) taking the TAKS
and/or alternative assessments in Reading,
Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science will
meet the District Goal of 80 (Minimum District
Expectations) English, 85 in Writing, 85 in
Social Studies, and 70 in Math and Science. - Goal Three Improve student attendance from
95.57 to meet or exceed the district goal of
96. - Goal Four Strengthen parental and community
involvement. - Goal Five Strengthen staff morale.
- Goal Six To integrate technology into TEKS
curriculum and instruction. - Goal Seven To strengthen our recruitment and
retention strategies as well as to ensure that
the district has highly qualified teachers and