Title: A Fast OnChip Decoupling Capacitance Allocation Method
1A Fast On-Chip Decoupling Capacitance Allocation
- Min Zhao, Rajendran Panda,
- Savithri Sundareswaran, Shu Yan, Yuhong Fu
- Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
- Decap allocation problem
- Prior art
- Our solution
- Network reduction through macro-modeling
- Decap optimization using charge-based sequence of
linear programming (LP) - Experimental results
- Summary
3Decap Allocation Overview
- Function
- Suppress dynamic noise by supplying sudden
current demands from local charge storage - Side effect of adding too much decap
- Increased leakage
- Increased die area
- Risk of lower yield
- Need to add minimum amount of decap, yet
sufficient for reducing noise
4Decap Allocation Problem
- Formulated as a constrained optimization problem
- Objective Identify decap locations and minimize
the total decap to be added - Constraints
- Voltage constraints voltage at all
transistors/gates should be better than a
specified threshold, at all time - Circuit system constraints KCL, KVL and circuit
element equations - Decap constraints amount of decap allowed at a
location is limited
- Challenges
- Power network is a multi-million element (RLC)
circuit - Based on transient analysis result
- The optimization problem is non-linear
5Prior Art
- Charge-based decap estimation
- Method 1 (S. Zhao et al., TCAD 2002)
- Sensitivity-based nonlinear optimization
- Method 2 quadratic program (H. Su et al., TCAD
2003) - Method 3 conjugate gradient solver(J. Fu et
al., ASP-DAC 2003) - Method 4 fast conjugate gradient method(H. Li
et al., DAC2005) - Method 5 sequence of linear programs(J. Fan et
al., ISQED 2006) - Problem size reduction
- Method 6 multi-grid method (K. Wang et al.,
DAC2003) - Method 7 divide and conquer (H. Li et al., DAC
6Prior Art Charge-based Method
- Method 1 (S. Zhao et al., TCAD 2002)
- In initial iteration, decap is estimated for each
module - through simple and approximate charge-based
formula - Decap C (1 - 1/ ?) Q/Vthre ,
- where ? max(1, V/Vthre) , Q ?0T I(t) dt
- Then iteratively run transient analysis and
increase decap, until Vthre are satisfied - Issues
- May substantially over-estimation
- Or may require multiple transient analysis
7Prior Art Sensitivity-based Method
- Method 2-5
- Compute sensitivity of voltage to decap placed at
different locations and use sensitivity to guide
the non-linear optimization - Issues
- Many iterations of sensitivity calculation
- One (adjoint) sensitivity calculation is
equivalent to one expensive transient analysis
8Prior Art Problem Size Reduction
- Method 6
- With multi-grid like method
- Issues
- Applied only to regular grid
- Method 7
- Partition the power network
- Each partition is solved by a sensitivity-based
non-linear optimizer - Issues
- The assumption that partition boundary voltage is
not affected by decap may introduce error - Partition size becomes very large when one hot
spot cover large area
9Our Solution
10Background Macro-modeling
- Matrix equations for the unreduced power network
- G V I
- Conductance matrix voltage vector current
vector - Size of matrix/vectors is extremely large
(multi-million) - Through macro-modeling, get
- I A V S,
- Relates port currents (I)to port voltages (V)
- A is a much smaller matrix(few thousands)
- Abstract away the internal nodes
11Violation Region and Sampling Nodes
- Divide the die into small tiles
- Hot spot (yellow) part of network with bad
supply voltage - Violation region tiles covering hot spot (yellow
orange) surrounding tiles within effective
radius of decap (red) - Sampling nodes (green)nodes with worst voltage
drop, sampled one per tile in the violation
region - With macro-modeling technique, network is reduced
to sampling nodes in the violation region All
other nodes are abstracted away - If two hot spots overlap or close, they are
merged into one violation region
12Overall Flow
13Non-uniform Grid
- Definition
- Voltage gradient (n1, n2) (V(n1)-V(n2))/distance
(n1,n2) - Usually multiple violation regions in a network
- Some regions are large with a slow voltage
gradient - Need coarse grain tile to reduce problem size
- Some regions are small with a large voltage
gradient - Need fine grain tile to enable one sampling node
to represent the entire sampling region - Use non-uniform grid, so that optimization
problem size of all violation regions are within
How large should a tile be?
- Decap allocation problem
- Prior art
- Our solution
- Network reduction through macro-modeling
- Decap optimization using charged-based sequence
of LP - Charge-based nodal equations
- Charge-based decap optimization formulation
- Sequence of LP
- Experimental results
- Summary
15Charge-based Nodal Equations
- Violation time window ts, te
- Current-based nodal equations of a macro-model
- I A V S, for each time point
- I is 0 if no external elements
- During decap optimization, using AYB0
to approximate the
transient analysis
16Original Decap Allocation Problem
- Objective Identify decap locations and minimize
the total decap to be added - Constraints
- Voltage constraints voltage at all
transistors/gates should be better than a
specified threshold, at all time - Circuit system constraints KCL, KVL and circuit
element equations - Decap constraints amount of decap allowed at a
location is limited
17Charge-Based Voltage Constraints
- Voltage should be ? Vthre at all time points
- Vi,t ? Vthre , ?t ?ts,te
- In charge-based formula,
- Approximated to a trapezoid area Yi ?
(Vo,iVthre) (te-ts)/2 - ts, te is violation time window
- Vo,I is the voltage at time ts
- Charge-based voltage constraints in vector formY
? (te ts) . (Vo,1Vthre)/2, (Vo,2Vthre)/2,
., (Vo,iVthre)/2 T
18Charge-based Circuit System Constraints
- Charge released from decap during ts,te
- Qi (Vo,i-Vi) Ci
- Its influence on voltage (Y) is governed by
- Q A Y B
- Charge from decap should be large enough to pull
the voltage above Vthre - (Vo,1 V1 ).C1, (Vo,2 V2 ).C2, , (V o,m-Vm
).Cm T ? A Y B - Y ? (te ts) . (Vo,1Vthre)/2,
(Vo,2Vthre)/2, ., (Vo,iVthre)/2 T
19Charge-based Decap Allocation
- Minimize ? Ci
- Subject to
- Y ? (te ts) . (Vo,1Vthre)/2,
(Vo,2Vthre)/2, ., (Vo,iVthre)/2 T - // voltage constraints
- (Vo,1 V1 ).C1, (Vo,2 V2 ).C2, , (Vo,m-Vm
).Cm T ? A Y B - //
circuit system constraints - Ci ? C max,I // decap constraints
- Yi (Vo,iVi) (te-ts)/2
- Circuit system constraints are non-linear
- The objective and the other constraints are linear
20Sequence of Linear Programming
- In (Vo,1 V1 ).C1, (Vo,2 V2 ).C2, , (Vo,m-
Vm).Cm T ? A Y B, voltages Vi change with
decap to be added, Ci - Run iterations of LP to account for this
21Experimental Results
- Benchmark circuits information
- Benchmarked against a greedy method
- Place decap uniformly across the core violation
region - For each core violation region, the amount of
decap placed is decided through binary search
Analysis CPU(s)
time points
Worst voltage(v)
Supply voltage(v)
nodes (million)
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
22Experimental Results - Circuit 1
23Experimental Results - Circuit 2
- Our method comes up with an accurate decap
allocation within 1-2 transient analysis
iterations, compared with many iterations of
transient analysis (sensitivity calculation) of
the previous methods - Our method scales very well with p/g network size
- Our charge-based SLP optimization method obtains
the decap budgeting through several iterations of
linear programming and linear equations solution
- Solved the decap allocation problem optimize the
amount of decap to reduce power supply noise - Where to add?
- How much to add at each location?
- Proposed the efficient optimization methods
- Several techniques to reduce problem size
(macro-modeling, sampling, and consideration of
effective radius for decap) - Charge-based sequence of linear programming
optimization - Iterations of linear programming and linear
equations solution