Title: YAKAerosib : Study on tropospheric composition over Siberia
1YAK-Aerosib Study on tropospheric composition
over Siberia
- Jean-Daniel Paris1
- Ph. Nedelec2, M. Ramonet1, G. Golytsin3, B.
Belan4, M. Arshinov4, G. Athier2, F. Boumard1,
J.-M. Cousin2 , et Ph. Ciais1
- Thanks
- Robert Vautard LSCE
- MM5-Chimere
- Gregoire Cayez Lab. dAérologie
- Andreas Stohl NILU, Norvège
- Flexpart
- Frederic Chevallier LSCE
- données ECMWF
- Joyce Harris NOAA, USA
- clusters Hysplit
1 Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de
l'Environnement IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Saclay 2
Laboratoire dAérologie UPS-CNRS, Toulouse 3
Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS, Moscow,
Russia 4 Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB-RAS,
Tomsk, Russia
2Background Goals
- Background
- Siberia represents 32 of global soil carbon
pool. Sink estimated 0.0 1.0 GtC.yr-1 - (Gurney, Nature, 2002)
- Extratropical Asia is scarcely touched by studies
on atmospheric transport in the Northern
hemisphere - (Akimoto, Science, 2003)
- Goals
- Bring new constraints on Siberian CO2 sources and
sinks - Characterize the variability of ozone and CO at
the continental scale.
3Antonov-30 platform
Flight ceiling 8100 m Flight duration 8
hr Endurance 3400 km Max flight speed 540
km/h Speed during measurements 300 km/h Runway
length 1300 m Aircraft crew 7 pilots Science
crew lt10 persons Aircraft length 24.3
m Aircraft height 8.3 m
4Intensive airborne campaigns first measurements
- YAK.1/11-14 April 2006
- YAK.2/7-10 September 2006
- Profiles
- CO2, CO O3
5Instrumental Setup
CO2 LSCE, Saclay. In operation
CO O3 LA, Toulouse. In operation
Antonov 30 IAO, Tomsk (shown Inlet)
Flask sampler MPI-BGC, Jena. Ready
Methane LSP, Grenoble. Test phase
CO2 13C isotope LPMAA, Paris. Test phase
6Flight pattern
- 3 days of flight
- 2-8 vertical legs per flight
- from 500 to 7000 m agl
- 8000km across Siberia
7Meteorological conditions, april
8Meteorological conditions, sept.
9Average profiles
Data Valérie Thouret, L.A., pers. comm.
11Pollutants transport in Siberia
12Anthropic emissions origines during the campaigns
13Polluted layers detection
- Stratification, polluted filaments over 500km in
the horizontal
3nmltdplt70nm dpgt70nm
Aerosol number conc, cm-3
14April N-E China affect CO over Siberia
YAK1 Mopitt
173 ppb
190 ppb
YAK1 4-6km, flight segment average MOPITT
April average at 500hPa
15From China to Siberia
- Flexpart retroplume 10 days back
- Interception of a polluted dust storm
2002 MODIS/Terra
16Chemistry transport eulerian study
- Regional CTMMM5-Chimere
- 1.0 x 0.75,
- 10 levels
- ?CO (anomaly from N-E China emissions)
- defined as (reference run) minus (run with all
but NE Chinese emissions) - YAK trajectory shown
2006/04/12, 0400GMT z 3000-5000m
17Chinese pollutant export episode toward
Sibérie and Taiwan
- Hovmöller diagram of the event
- simulation MM5-Chimere
18OMI Aerosol index
19WCB frequency to East Siberia
3-yr Climatology of air masses monthly
origin September 2003-2005 Hysplit
backtrajectories cluster analysis,
september (Joyce Harris, NOAA)
20CO2 variability
21CO2 CO correlation
227 September 2006 as an example
- Zonal flux, crossing a weak front
- High variability between consecutive CO2 profiles
23CO2 Boundary layer variogram
24Conclusion Perspectives
- Presentation of YAK campaigns and data
- Continental variability of CO2 during growth
season strongly affected by synoptic conditions - Pollutants transport des in Siberia chinese
episode, european transport - Evolving
- Using MM5-Chimère to quantify flux of pollutants
toward Siberia (climatology, event-based) - Characterization of transport for the study of
CO2 fluxes, lagrangian model, CO surrogate tracer - Inversion (LPDM?) to better constrain CO2
sources and sinks - Contribution to Polarcat
- Provide an (almost) off the shelf campaign in
Siberia equipped with instruments for CO2, CO,
ozone, aerosols number conc., - Advantage blank spot in observation networks
- Limitations new instruments? Difficulty to
change flight route?