Title: During these last 3 days
1During these last 3 days
- M2 meeting FAIR5-CT97-3856
- Évora 20-23 January 1999
2In the beginning
- We had lists of indicators
- from the TA annex
- from M1 meeting discussions
- from some brainstorms between M1 M2
- and individual interesting contributions
- besides your own ideas on the subject
3During the discussion groups
- Re-discussed the M1 matters (WG 1, 4, 6)
- because you werent there
- because you were not sure about your previous
conclusions (lost ?) - because it is a DIFFICULT issue
- Selected some indicators (WG 1, 2, 3, 5)
4What PICL level of measurement indicators ?
- Plot
- MAI (criteria 1, 3)
- total standing volume (criteria 3)
- length of rotation (criteria 4)
- P, K contents (criteria 2, 5)
- vermiculite content (criteria 2)
- organic matter content (criteria 2)
- of shrubs cover (criteria 4, 5)
5What PICL level of measurement indicators ?
- Planted area (criteria 1)
- (Annual) Burned area (criteria 1,2)
- of trees affected by diseases (criteria 2)
- N. of age classes (criteria 4)
- eucalyptus stands / management plans (criteria
3) - surface with non wood use (criteria 3)
6What PICL level of measurement indicators ?
- National
- VLSC (criteria 1)
- Total volume purchased by industries (criteria 3)
- perception of eucalyptus plantations by society
(criteria 6)
7An approach to the methodologies was done !
- The PICL ? one observation
- How to measure
- How often (some)
- Representativity ? how large must my sample be in
order to be significant ? What is the minimum
AREA that I have to consider so that the level of
the indicator makes sense ?
8About the interception...
Total volume purchased by industries
National indicators
Management tool indicators
So that the society can see indicators
Plot/FMU indicators
Vermiculite content
9About the interception...
Total volume purchased by industries
National indicators
Planted area (Annual) Burned area of trees
affected by diseases N. of age classes MAI
total standing volume length of rotation P, K
contents and so on and so on.
Management tool indicators
So that the society can see indicators
Plot/FMU indicators
Vermiculite content
10What is the FMU ?Examples ?
- It is, still, an abstraction
Critical dimension ?
11Outline of future work
- M2 meeting FAIR5-CT97-3856
- Évora 20-23 January 1999
12You will send us your WRITTEN proposalsprobably/h
opefully a little biased after the discussion
- Indicators
- Methodologies
- Method (e.g. national inventory, sampling)
- PICL (the level at which data is being issued)
- Aggregation (e.g. FMU, Homogeneous Region or
National) - Cost estimates (qualitative / quantitative)
13Organizing committee TASK
- Receive the written proposals
- DEADLINE February, 8
- Merge your 6 proposals
- Send to each of the scientific/technical
committee members for M2 - the preliminary merged document
- the individual manuscript contributions
- OUR DEADLINE February, 20
- Receive from each the REVISION
14M2 Scientific Technical committee
- Carlos Arruda Pacheco (ISA-PT)
- Helena Pereira (ISA-PT)
- Igor Rapp (U. HUELVA-SP)
- João Bento (UTAD-PT)
- Juan Domingo (U.HUELVA-SP)
- Luis Leal (MAP-PT)
- Manuel Lopez Arias (INIA-SP)
- Martien Hellinga (CEASA-SP)
- Michel Kammerer (ENSAT-FR)
- Rosa Calvo (U.SANTIAGO-SP)
- Thierry Gauquelin (U. TOULOUSE-FR)
15Those results
- Will be published
- June
- Will also mean commitment
- What tasks will we have to accomplish afterwards ?
16Until M4 at Pontevedra
- Fill the GAPS
- experts
- WG 2
- WG 6
- be more sure about what you are stating TODAY
- electronic communication
17M4 at Pontevedra
- 2 days meeting in July (19-20)
- Redundancy analysis
- DEFINE the methodologies for the indicators
monitoring using, as a reference, the EMEU - each country should, by then, have selected 2 / 3
good case studies - assess COST using the EMEU as a reference
18Although energy consuming, specially when those
DIALOGS occurred, Ive been learning a lot with
you all THANKS