Title: Non-parametric Tests e.g., Chi-Square
1Non-parametric Testse.g., Chi-Square
2When to use various statistics
- Parametric
- Interval or ratio data
- Name parametric tests we covered Tuesday
- Non-parametric
- Ordinal and nominal data
3Parametric Tests
To compare two groups on Mean Scores use t-test.
For more than 2 groups use Analysis of Variance
Nonparametric Tests
Cant get a mean from nominal or ordinal data.
Chi Square tests the difference in Frequency
Distributions of two or more groups.
4Chi-Square X2
- Chi Square tests the difference in frequency
distributions of two or more groups. - Test of Significance
- of two nominal variables or
- of a nominal variable an ordinal variable
- Used with a cross tabulation table
6Logic of Chi-Square Analysis
- If the observed values are different enough from
the expected values, you reject the null
hypothesis - If the observed values and the expected values
are similar, you fail to reject the null
7Example Work Pregnancy
- The impact of working on pregnancy
- Ha Working during pregnancy increases the risk
of miscarriage - H0 Working during pregnancy has NO impact on the
risk of miscarriage
8Example Work Pregnancy
- Suppose in general population 5 in 100 pregnancy
results in miscarriage - Probability(p) .05 or 5
9Example Work Pregnancy
10Example Work Pregnancy
- H0 Working during pregnancy has NO impact on the
risk of miscarriage
11Example Work Pregnancy
- If NULL hypothesis TRUE, both work no work
groups would have same probability of
miscarriage. EXPECTED values
12Example Work Pregnancy
- The actual values in your data OBSERVED VALUES
13p .001
14(No Transcript)
15Tourist Expenditure Mainlander vs. Japanese
Chi-Square x2 7.34, df 2, plt.001
17Finished Chart
18The Stats for Chart
19Use SPSS Crosstabs (for nominal and
ordinal data)
- Click. Analyze
- Descriptive statistics
- Crosstabs
- Highlight variables for row
- Highlight variable for column
- Click statistics, click chi-square or correlation
- Etc.
20Both chi square (non-parametric test) and t-test
(parametric test)
- Examines if observed difference between groups in
your data is true difference - True difference difference that exists in the
population - H0 says there is no difference in the population
21 Which values are compared?
Frequencies in each cell
Mean and Standard Deviation of each group
22If H0 is true
The values in the frequency table will look like
Expected Values
The distribution of both groups will look like
Population Distribution
23Chi- square If H0 is trueMales Females
(No difference)
24t-test If H0 is true
of cases
Test score
25t-test If H0 is NOT true
of cases
Test score
26t-test If H0 is NOT true
of cases
Test score