Title: Update on W jets background
1Update on Wjets background
- As discussed in last topwg meeting, Wjets
samples for topwg have been redefined - Alpgen W2,3,4,5 jet
- 8240-8243 W?enu 8244-8247 W?munu 8248-8251
W?taunu - Truth filter 3 jets pTgt30 (Instead of 4 jets
pTgt30 GeV) - Status as of 27/11/06
- Python jobOptions modified, committed to
DC3_jobOptions CVS and included in production
release 12.0.31(5) - jobOptions files now contain additional info (in
comment block) on luminosity, cross section and
filter, MLM efficiencies - Input ME files from SUSY WG have been repackaged
in chunks of appropriate size, reregistered in
DQ2 - jobOptions and ME accessibioity fully validated
(each job produces sufficient number of events,
no crashes etc) - Waiting for jobs to be submitted (by Borut)
2Update on Wjets background
proc Sample Eff(MLM) Eff(MLM) Eff(Filter) EffErr(Filter) CPU(min)/500evts Alpgen xs Jimmy xs Lumi/part Npart/1fb-1
W2j/e 8240 0.402 0.402 0.26 0.011 9.7 1549.2 623.2 3.1 326
W3j/e 8241 8241 0.31 0.53 0.033 5.7 501.5 151.0 6.2 161
W4j/e 8242 0.252 0.252 0.78 0.039 3.9 150.4 37.9 16.9 59
W5j/e 8243 0.472 0.472 0.96 0.044 3.8 40.2 19.0 27.4 36
W2j/m 8244 0.402 0.402 0.02 0.003 123.6 1549.2 623.2 40.1 25
W3j/m 8245 0.304 0.304 0.28 0.012 10.0 501.5 152.4 11.9 84
W4j/m 8246 0.229 0.229 0.58 0.034 5.0 150.4 34.5 25.2 40
W5j/m 8247 0.472 0.472 0.88 0.042 4.1 40.2 19.0 29.8 34
W2j/t 8248 0.415 0.415 0.10 0.007 24.5 1549.2 643.1 7.5 134
W3j/t 8249 0.303 0.303 0.37 0.014 7.4 501.5 152.1 8.8 113
W4j/t 8250 0.245 0.245 0.69 0.037 4.4 150.4 36.8 19.8 51
W5j/t 8251 0.444 0.444 0.91 0.043 4.0 40.2 17.8 30.9 32
- Propose to not process W2 parton samples
- -Lots of events for e/t modes due to inefficient
filtering (SL electron/tau is often counted as
jet) - -Tiny contribution to W4jet final state
(filtering output behaves differently because it
is effectively a W3jet f.s.) - 1fb-1 amounts to 550Kevt with W2p to 320K
without - Currently have MEs for a consistent set of 1fb-1