Title: Intels Tarascale computing project
1Tara-Scale CMP
- Intels Tara-scale computing project
- 100 cores, gt100 threads
- Datacenter-on-a-chip
- Suns Niagara2
- 8 cores, 64 Threads
- Key design issues
- Architecture Challenges and Tradeoffs
- Packaging and off-chip memory bandwidth
- Software and runtime environment
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2Many-Core CMPs High-level View
What are the key architecture issues in
many-cores CMP
- On-die interconnect
- Cache organization Cache coherence
- I/O and Memory architecture
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3The General Block Diagram
FFU Fixed Function Unit, Mem C Memory
Controller, PCI-E C PCI-based Controller, R
Router, ShdU Shader Unit, Sys I/F System
Interface, TexU Texture Unit
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4On-Die Interconnect
2D Embedding of a 64-core 3D-mesh network The
longest hop of the topological distance is
extended from 9 to 18!
5On-Die Interconnect
- Must satisfy bandwidth and latency within
power/area - Ring or 2D mesh/torus are good candidate topology
- Wiring density, router complexity, design
complexity - Multiple source/dest. pairs can be switched
together avoid packets stop and buffered, save
power, help throughput - Xbar, general router are power hungry
- Fault-tolerant interconnect
- Provide spare modules, allow fault-tolerant
routing - Partition for performance isolation
6Performance Isolation in 2D mesh
- Performance isolation in 2D mesh with partition
- 3 rectangular partitions
- Intra-communication confined within partition
- Traffic generated in a partition will not affect
others - Virtualization of network interfaces
- Interconnect as an abstraction of applications
- Allow programmers fine-tune applications
inter-processor communication
7Basic VC Router for On-Die Interconnect
82-D Mesh Router Layout
9Router Pipeline
- Micro-architecture optimization on Router
pipeline - Use Express Virtual Channel for intermediate hops
- Eliminate VA and SA stages, Bypass buffers
- Static EVC vs. dynamic EVC
- Intelligent inconnect topologies
10Many-Core CMPs
How about on-die cache organization with so many
- Shared vs. Private
- Cache capacity vs. accessibility
- Data replication vs. block migration
- Cache partition
11CMP Cache Organization
12Capacity vs. Accessibility, A Tradeoff
- Capacity favor Shared cache
- No data replication, no cache coherence
- Longer access time, contention issue
- Flexible cache capacity sharing
- Fair sharing among cores Cache partition
- Accessibility favor Private cache
- Fast local access with data replication, capacity
may suffer - Need maintain coherence among private caches
- Equal partition, inflexible
- Many works to take advantage of both
- Capacity sharing on private cooperative caching
- Utility-based cache partition on shared
13Analytical Data Replication Model
Local hits increase R/S of hits to replica
Local hits increase R/S of hits to replica L of
replica hits local
P Miss Penalty Cycles G Local Gain Cycles Net
memory access cycle increase
Reuse distance histogram f(x) of accesses with
distance x
Cache size S Total hits gt Area beneath the
curve gt
Cache misses increase
Capacity decreases Cache hits now
14Get Histogram f(x) for OLTP
Step 1 Stack simulation Collect discrete reuse
Step 2 Matlab Curve Fitting Find math expr.
15Data Replication Effects
Data Replication Impacts vary with different
cache sizes
S 2M
S 2M 0 best
S 4M
S 4M 40 best
S 8M
S 8M 65 best
16Many-Core CMPs
How about Cache Coherence with so many
- Snooping bus Broadcast requests
- Directory-based maintaining memory block
information - Review Cullers book
17Simplicity Shared L2, Write-through L1
- Existing designs
- IBM Power4 5
- Sun Niagara Niagara 2
- Small number of cores,
- Multiple L2 banks, Xbar
- Still need L1 coherence!!
- Inclusive L2, use L2 directory
- record L1 sharers in Power45
- Non-inclusive L2, Shadow L1 directory in Niagara
- L2 (shared) coherence among multiple CMPs
- Private L2 is assumed
18Other Considerations
- Broadcast
- Snooping Bus loading, speed,
- space, power, scalability, etc.
- Ring slow traversal, ordering,
- scalability
- Memory-based directory
- Huge directory space
- Directory cache, extra penalty
- Shadow L2 Directory copy all local L2s
- Aggregated associativity Cores Ways/Core
6416 1024 way - High power
19Directory-Based Approach
- Directory needs to maintain the state and
location of all cached blocks - Directory is checked when the data cannot be
accessed locally, e.g. cache miss,
write-to-shared - Directory may route the request to remote cache
to fetch the requested block
20Sparse Directory Approach
- Holds states for all cached blocks
- Low-cost set-associative design
- No backup
- Key issues
- Centralized vs. Distributed
- Extra invalidation due to conflicts
- Presence bit vs. duplicated blocks
21Conflict Issues in Coherence Directory
- Coherence directory must be a superset of all
cached blocks - Uneven distribution of cached blocks in each
directory set cause invalidations - Potential solutions
- High set associativity costly
- Directory victim directory
- Randomization and Skew associativity
- Bigger directory - Costly
- Others?
22Impact of Invalidation due to Directory Conflict
- 8-core CMP, 1MB 8-way private L2 (total 8MB)
- Set-associative dir of dir entry total
of cache blocks - Each cached block occupies a directory entry
23Presence bits Issue in Directory
- Presence bits (or not?)
- Extra space, useless for multi-programs
- Coherence directory must cover all cached blocks
(consider no sharing) - Potential solutions
- Coarse-granularity present bits
- Sparse presence vectors record core-ids
- Allow duplicated block addresses with few
core-ids for each shared block, enable multiple
hits on directory search
24Valid Blocks
Skew, and 10w-1/4 helps No difference 64v
25Challenge in Memory Bandwidth
- Increase in off-chip memory bandwidth to sustain
chip-level IPC - Need power-efficient high-speed off-die I/O
- Need power-efficient high-bandwidth DRAM access
- Potential Solutions
- Embedded DRAM
- Integrated DRAM, GDDR inside processor package
- 3D stacking of multiple DRAM/processor dies
- Many technology issues to overcome
26Memory Bandwidth Fundamental
- BW of bits x bit rate
- A typical DDR2 bus is 16 bytes (128 bits) wide
and operating at 800Mb/s. The memory bandwidth of
that bus is 16 bytes x 800Mb/s, which is 12.8GB/s
- Latency and Capacity
- Fast, but small capacity on-chip SRAM (caches)
- Slow large capacity off-chip DRAM
27Memory Bus vs. System Bus Bandwidth
- Scaling of bus capability has usually involved a
combination of increasing the bus width while
simultaneously increasing the bus speed
28Integrated CPU with Memory Controller
- Eliminate off-chip controller delay
- Fast, but difficult to adapt new DRAM technology
- The entire burden of pin count and interconnect
speed to sustain increases in memory bandwidth
requirements now falls on the CPU package alone
29Challenge in Memory Bandwidth and Pin Count
30Challenge in Memory Bandwidth
- Historical trend for memory bandwidth demand
- Current generation 10-20 GB/s
- Next generation gt100GB/s and could go 1TB/s
31New Packaging
32New Packaging
33New Packaging