Title: Gilbert Saint Joanis
1GilbertSaint Joanis
2Mixed-media sells !
- Combining magazines TV
- Effectiveness studies
- 17 March 2005
3International experiences
- UK
- France
- Australia
- The Netherlands
- India
- US
- South Africa
- Germany
- Sweden
4Multiple ways to demonstrate
- Specific case studies
- Multi-brands analyzes
5Multiple ways to demonstrate
- Qualitative in depth interviews
- Econometric analyze
- Quantitative sample
- Panel
6Multiple ways to demonstrate
- Perception of advertising
- Campaign recall
- Image of the brand
- Sales
- Penetration
- Volume
- Market shares
7Multiple ways to demonstrate
- on Fast Moving Consumer Goods
- on non FMCG products
8Various effect
- due to the creative execution
- but positive effect in more than 70 to 80 of
cases according to different experiences
9Various effect
TV print
TV only
10Various effect
TV print
TV only
11Various effect
TV print
TV only
12Some international experiences
- 1- The Cussons Carex Hand Wash case
- 1996
- UK
- TN AGB Superpanel 10.000 households
- following of brand sales and market shares before
and during campaign
13Some international experiences
- 1- The Cussons Carex Hand Wash case
Print investments
14Some international experiences
- 2- GFK Hassloch BehaviourScan panel
- Germany 52 weeks analyze
- GFK panel 3.000 households
- split run between only TV or TVprint exposed
Tvprint gt sales 16 more than TV only Increase
in market shares more than market penetration
15Some international experiences
- 3- PPA analysis
- UK
- TN AGB superpanel
- 10 brands
- market shares analyze
16Some international experiences
Magazine ad spend
All month
Month with TV ads
17Some international experiences
- 4- The media multiplier in India
- 2003
- India
- Split run cities experiment
- 5 leading brands
18Some international experiences
- 4- The media multiplier in India
- General results
- TVprint increases all indicators vs TV only
- Closer creative treatments produce larger effects
- Awareness is increased by mix media from 20 to
100 compared to TV effect
19Some international experiences
- 4- The media multiplier in India
- Intention of purchase index (post vs pre
20Some international experiences
- 5- Market test
- 2004
- France
- MarketingScan market test
21Some international experiences
- 5- Market test
- Effectiveness index
100 TV plan MagazineTV
of buyer Quantity / buyer Market share
active women under 60
22A personal experience
- Charal Case
- Nielsen Homescan panel
- 8.400 households
- penetration analyze
23A personal experience
24A personal experience
25A major study
- Measuring Magazine Effectiveness
- US
- 1994 - 2000
- 186 brands
- 13 products categories
- econometric analysis
- modeling of sales according to advertising
investments on different media
26A major study
- Measuring Magazine Effectiveness
Higher invests in magazines increase effectiveness
35 mag 58 TV 7 radio
13 mag 80 TV 7 radio
27A major study
- Measuring Magazine Effectiveness
Television effectiveness increases when more
magazine are used
of magazine invests
28A major study
- Measuring Magazine Effectiveness
Magazine advertising ads to Trade Promotion
of magazine invests
29A major study
- Measuring Magazine Effectiveness
Most overlap generate best results for both media
No overlap
Some overlap
Most overlap
- Not A gold number
- Not on rule
- But
- Many ways to prove magazine effectiveness
- Magazines ad to TV effectiveness
- Mix media sells
31(No Transcript)