Global Precipitation Analyses and Reanalyses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global Precipitation Analyses and Reanalyses


based on work by Matt Sapiano, Ching-Yee Chang and John Janowiak of CICS/ESSIC. and ... ( i.e. How is the hydrological cycle changing? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Global Precipitation Analyses and Reanalyses

Global Precipitation Analyses and Reanalyses
  • Phil Arkin, Cooperative Institute for Climate
  • Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center,
    University of Maryland
  • based on work by Matt Sapiano, Ching-Yee Chang
    and John Janowiak of CICS/ESSIC
  • and
  • Tom Smith, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and CICS

  • Science questions
  • How much precipitation occurs over the globe?
    (i.e. What is the strength of the global
    hydrological cycle?)
  • How does global mean precipitation vary with
    time? (i.e. How is the hydrological cycle
  • Can coupled climate models reproduce the observed
    changes in global mean precipitation?

Integrating/Analyzing Precipitation Observations
  • Analysis creating complete (in time and space)
    fields from varying and incomplete observations
  • Satellite-derived estimates have complementary
    characteristics (geostationary IR is more
    complete but has poor accuracy, low Earth orbit
    PMW is more accurate but has sparse sampling) so
    combining them makes sense (CMAP, GPCP, CMORPH,
    TMPA, GSMaP)
  • Rain gauges are helpful to reduce biases in
    satellite-derived estimates
  • Model-generated precipitation may be useful in
    regions where neither gauges nor satellite
    estimates are skillful
  • GPCP mean annual cycle (left) and global mean
    precipitation (below)
  • Monthly/5-day 2.5 lat/long global
  • CMAP has similar characteristics

Global Mean Precipitation from Reanalyses
  • Modern reanalyses give global means considerably
    greater than GPCP and CMAP
  • Reanalyses, which should be most realistic
    model-based product (since they use observations)
    are also higher than most AR4 model simulations
  • (figure courtesy Junye Chen, NASA/GMAO-MERRA)

  • Goal Create global precipitation analysis
    beginning in 1900
  • To validate global climate models
  • To describe long-term trends in global,
    particularly oceanic, precipitation
  • To describe interdecadal variability in phenomena
    such as ENSO, the NAO, the PDO and others
  • Approach reconstruct/reanalyze global
    precipitation back to 1900 using 2 methods
  • EOF-based reconstruction using GPCP and other
    global precipitation analyses, combined with
    historical coastal and island rain gauge
  • CCA reanalysis using SST and SLP, based on modern
    era analyses
  • Compare to GHCN gauge observations, NOAA/ESRL
    20th Century SLP-based reanalysis and IPCC AR4
    C20C products

Climate Modes from EOF Reconstructions
  • EOF method enables good recovery of climate modes
  • Better in NH and tropics SH too poorly sampled
    for good results
  • Global time series from EOF reconstructions does
    not have realistic decadal-scale variations
  • See Smith et. al. 2008, JGR

CCA Reanalyses
  • CCA nearly independent of GHCN observations,
    although GPCP uses gauge data to remove bias (CCA
    based on gauge-free version of GPCP gives similar
  • Top panel shows comparison over land areas where
    gauges are found small areal coverage
  • Decadal-scale signal looks reasonable
  • Ability to resolve finer scale phenomena like
    ENSO is limited yearly, 5, bigger errors on
    short time scales

Fig 1 DJF means.
  • All values are anomalies relative to CCA mean
    over the period
  • /- 1 and 2 SD plotted for AR4 runs
  • Compo reanalysis above AR4 range similar to
    modern reanalyses, which are 0.5-0.8 mm/dy gt GPCP
    and CMAP
  • GPCP and CCA in lower part of AR4 range

  • Note scale changed by factor of 10
  • Biases removed so means are the same for all time
  • Compo interannual variations similar to CCA, but
    long time scales different
  • AR4 ensemble mean exhibits much less variability
    since it is an average of many (20 or so) runs

  • Re-scale AR4 ensemble mean so variance is about
    same as a single realization
  • CCA and AR4 ensemble mean show similar
    centennial-scale changes, but interannual
    variations rather different

  • EOF-based Reconstruction back to 1900 exhibits
    skill in capturing seasonal-to-decadal variations
  • GPCP-based CCA reanalysis matches 20th Century
    variations from IPCC AR4 model simulations
  • Both SST and SLP are important, but SST is
    stronger influence over oceans
  • Result holds for GPCP_ms, but not for CMAP CMAP
    has very different decadal scale oceanic
  • Best historical analysis may be combination of
    low frequency from CCA and finer scales from
    filtered EOF reconstructions
  • CCA is low resolution annual, 5 and so cant
    represent important details
  • Compo-Whittaker reanalysis precipitation has
    short time scale variations much like CCA, but is
    very different on longer time scales
  • Significant biases still present between models
    and observed datasets
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