Title: NPSF Presenter Grid Orlando, FL May 2005
1NPSF Presenter GridOrlando, FL May 2005
Texas Medical Institute of Technology
Name Name Title Affiliation Address Phone Email Assistant Bio
Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams Failure to Rescue Getting Started with Rapid Response Teams
Charles Denham, MD (Moderator) Chairman Chairman TMIT 3011 N IH 35, Austin, TX 512-479-8508 Charles_denham_at_TMIT1.org Heather Liwiski
Franck Guilloteau CTO CTO TMIT 3011 N IH 35, Austin, TX 512-479-8508 Franck_Guilloteau_at_TMIT1.org Charolette Simpson Yes
Chris Olivia CEO CEO Cooper Healthcare Three Cooper Plaza Camden, NJ 08100 (856) 342-2050 olivia-christop_at_cooperhealth.edu Beth O'Neill (856) 342-2055 Yes
Nancy Kimmel, RPh Patient Safety Officer Patient Safety Officer Baptist Memorial St. Joseph, MO (314) 996-5066
Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions Failure to Rescue Technology Performance Solutions
Franck Guilloteau (Moderator) CTO CTO TMIT 3011 N IH 35, Austin, TX 512-479-8508 Franck_Guilloteau_at_TMIT1.org Charolette Simpson YES
Gladstone McDowell MD CEO CEO Ohio Pain Columbus Ohio 614-5805044 gmcdowell_at_ohiohealth.com
Dave Schlotterbeck President President Alaris Medical 10221 Waterridge Cr., San Diego, CA 858- 458-7576 dschlott_at_alarismed.com Sherry Barnes YES
James Thrall, MD Radiologist-in-Chief Department of Radiology Radiologist-in-Chief Department of Radiology Massachusetts General Hospital Founders House, Room 216 55 Fruit Street Boston, MA 02114 617-726-5244 jthrall_at_partners.org Doreen McNally dmcnally_at_partners.org
Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective Failure to Rescue The Consumers Perspective
Nancy Conrad CEHI Community Emergency Hospital Initiative 6301 Princeville Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 960-5323 conradn_at_spacelines.com
Jennifer Dingman PULSE Patients United to Lower Substandard in Error 5349 Manor Brier Court Pueblo, CO 81005 719-564-0280 pulsecolo_at_yahoo.com
PFAC Members and other Consumers Selected Video Presentation Selected Video Presentation
Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence Failure to Rescue The Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response The Evidence
John Whittington, MD Pt. Safety Officer Pt. Safety Officer OSF Health System 800 NE Glen Oak Ave Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 655-4846 john.whittington_at_osfhealthcare.org Yes
Sonny Golden, MD or Kathy Duncan, RN Kathy Is Director of PI Kathy Is Director of PI Baptist Hospital Memphis Memphis, TN