Title: Structure and content for the web platform
- Structure and content for the web platform
- Karolina Flemström
- Markus Erlandsson
- IMI, 2003-10-23
- DANTES project
2DANTES platforms
- DANTES info
- Detailed information about different tools
- Example of use of different tools/methods
- Presentation of strategies for sustainable
development - Integration platform
- Information about the relation between different
tools - Relation between a question/problem, and tools
used when solving the problem - Defines the scope and boundaries of different
3Different important concepts
- Method and structure includes basic theoretical
breakdown. Task 7 - Prototype includes implementation of a part the
methods and structures. To build the web
platform. Task 5 - Release different versions of DANTESinfo are
released based on the contents and structure of
the prototype
4Context for the integration platform
Subject Owner of the problem
Reporting communication
Policy Area of interest
Aspects Environmental concern
Indicators Span an explicitly selected part of
the policy
Analysis tools
General Information model
Env. data
Basic data
Information handling processes of basic data
5Functionality of the integration platform
- Can be used for integration of tools using
logical and work path structures - Demonstrate how a problem can be broken down into
a logical structure or sequence of comprehensible
tasks. - Demonstrates how the DANTES partners break down
problems into the described structures - Demonstrate different alternative ways of working
- Provides information on individual tools
- Demonstrate connection between env. aspect and
Logical structure
Process structure
6Contents for the integration platform
- Logical structure of used tools/methods
- Process structure of used tools/methods
- Information which defines the tools
- Description
- Input
- Output
- Environmental aspects
7Logical structure
- Do often look very similar for different users.
- Break down a task into a number of conditions
that have to be fullfilled in order to complete
the task.
8Process structure
- The process structure describe the actual way of
working. - The ordering of the activities is important.
- The process structure differ between different
9Logical structure - LCA
Information handling tools
Structured in ISO 14040
10Process structure - LCA
Alt 1
Alt 2
11Logical structure - ERA
Information handling tools
The framework is set out in Commission Regulation
(EC) 1488/94 and implemented in the detailed
Technical Guidance Documents on Risk Assessment
for New and Existing Substances. PEC Predicted
Environmental ConcentrationPNEC Predicted No
Effect Concentration
12Process structure - ERA
Alt 1
Alt 2
13Logical structure - LCC
Information handling tools
There is no standard.
14Process structure - LCC
Alt 1
Alt 2
15Relevant information which defines the tools
- Description Inventory the aspects from the
different phases of a products life cycle and
perform an assessment of the environmental
impacts - Input Data (input/output) from organisations and
sites - Output Aggregated environmental impact, Weighted
index of environmental impact, identified hot
spots at production site - Aspect Transporation, Energy use, Greenhouse gas
emissions, Consumption of raw materials etc. - LCC
- Description calculate the economic costs that
arise during the life cycle of a product or
service, i.e. from extraction of raw material,
production, investments, usage, maintenance and
end-of-life. - Input Estimated cost, lifetime cost and
performance, - Output Total lifetime cost
- Aspect Eco-efficiency of products/ production
16- ERA
- Description An environmental risk assessment
(ERA) is a process of identifying and evaluating
the adverse effects on the environment caused by
a chemical substance. - Input Exposure data, exposure levels,
distribution data, dose/response data - Output Information about risk for substances
- Aspect Substances environmental impact,
especially impact on humans and animals.
17Environmental aspects
- List of identified environmental aspect
- To connect these aspects with usable tools,
identified earlier in DANTES - Show the relation question/problem, aspect and
tool in the Integration platform
18Results - List of identified relevant aspects
- Energy use
- Energy as losses during usage phase or as
decreased energy consumptions for the customers - Emission to water and air (e.g. CO2, NOx, SOx)
- Environmental impacts from the products and
services, impact from the products ecotoxicity
especially - Transportation
- Products and materials toxic properites (e.g.
brominated flame retardant in plastics) - Waste disposal and hazardous waste
- Raw material wood
19- Noise emissions
- Electromagnetic fields
- Greenhouse gas emissions and other air emissions
- Access to fresh water
- Use of fossil fuels
- Spill prevention
- Use of batteries for energy storage
- Glycol emission
- Oil leakage
- Land use
20(No Transcript)
21Aspects, indicators and tools
- Example 1
- Aspect Transportation
- Indicator(s)
- Means of transport used e.g. truck, train, ship
?use of transports with high or low environmental
impact regarding fuel consumption, material used
etc. - Energy consumption by the transport ?Greenhouse
gas emission and air pollutant emissions - Emissions of carbon dioxide ? Global warming
22- Tools
- Transport LCI data from SPINE_at_CPM (inputs and
outputs) that can be used in an LCA tool e.g.
Ecolab, LCAlight, LCAiT etc - Transport calculation tools e.g. NTMCalc,
Emission calculation, Miljökalkyl, SAS Emission
calculation etc. - Interviews, Checklist, Legislation
23- Example 2
- Aspect Emission to water
- Indicator(s)
- Amount of emission to water from the production
site - Emitted substances toxic properties toxicity in
water - Environmental impact of the emitted substance
- Tool(s)
- Legislation
24- A demonstration of the integration tool
- Next step How to proceed?
- Information in the platform work path
- Discussion
- ...
25(No Transcript)
26The importance of identifying and defining
environmental aspects
Answer in its context
Env. aspects
The context
Questions and requirements
- Information require a context
- The aspect gives the context and connects the
information with the user.
- The aspect tells us why and for what we need the
27Logical structure - EMS
Structured in ISO 14001, guidance in ISO 14004
28Process structure - EMS
Alt 1
Alt 2
29Context for the integration platform
Subject Owner of the problem
Reporting communication
Policy Area of interest
Aspects Environmental concern
Indicators Span an explicitly selected part of
the policy
Analysis tools
General Information model
Env. data
Basic data
Information handling processes of basic data