Title: Teaching Outside the Box: An Integrated Approach to Equity
1Teaching Outside the Box An Integrated Approach
to Equity Diversity
- Janet Fulks, Bakersfield College
- Jane Patton, Mission College
- Philip Maynard, Mt San Antonio College
- Strengthening Student Success Conference
- Oct 2007
2Why are we talking about this?
- What is equity?
- We define equity as the point at which a
particular ethnic groups representation across
all academic indicators - majors, programs,
honors, graduation, and degrees awarded - is
relatively equal to the groups representation in
the student body. - Association of American Colleges and
Universities Digest Vol 10 no 2 2007 - www.diversityweb.org
3Who Are We (as educators)?
4Who Are Our Students?
57 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate
- Student-faculty contact
- Cooperation among students
- Active learning
- Prompt feedback
- Time on task
- High expectations
- Diverse talents ways of learning
- Chickering Gamson
66 Areas of DiversityCurriculum Infusion
- Course description/objectives
- Content integration
- Instructional resources
- Faculty Student worldviews learning styles
- Instructional Strategies
- Assessment diversification
- Assoc of Amer Colleges Universities Digest
vol 10 2007 diversityweb.org
7Using Assessment to Respond to Students Diverse
Assessment Potential Tools
Student Metacognition CATs, reflective papers, learning style tests
Pedagogy and Curriculum CATs, surveys, faculty dialogue, Teaching Goals Inventory
Student Learning Primary Trait Analysis, Rubrics, Homegrown locally developed assessments, Standardized Assessments
Services Satisfaction surveys, homegrown or standardized assessments LASSI (Learning Study Strategies Inventory) , Noel-Levitz, CSSI, CCSEQ (Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire)
8Hot to Use PowerPoint (and not)
- Applying the 7 Principles and
- 6 Areas Your examples
10Where to From Here?