Title: Internet Marketing
1Internet Marketing
- Tourism Marketing Communications
2Internet Marketing and Tourism
- Tourism services are complex, intangible and
perceived as high risk by the consumer - The Internet provides scope for a more detailed
proposition and feedback
3Internet Applications
- Supports full range of organisational functions
and services to stakeholders - Can integrate the marketing function within an
organisation - Facilitates information management
4Business Benefits
- Market penetration - can be used to sell more
existing products into existing markets - Market development - can be applied to new
markets taking advantage of low cost advertising - Product development - Information products that
form part of tourism offering can be developed - Diversification - Specific tourism products can
be designed for new Internet focused markets
5Market Product Strategic Grid
Market Development
Market penetration
Product development
6Benefits of an Internet presence
- Cost reduction - e.g reducing need for sales and
marketing enquiries by telephone - Capability - New opportunities for products and
services - Competitive advantage - provides scope for
service modification
7Benefits of Internet presence
- Communications improvement - for staff,
customers, suppliers and distributors - Control -Internet's and Intranets can provide
better market research - Customer service improvement - interactive
8Strategic use of the Internet
- Environmental scanning
- Competitor analysis
- Market analysis
- Customer analysis
- Strategic decision making
- Supply chain management
9Strategic use of the Intranet
- Internal data analysis
- Management information
- Marketing information database
- Operations efficiency
- Business planning
- Monitoring and control
- Simulations
10Tactical uses of the Internet
- Advertising / promotions
- Direct marketing
- Public relations
- Distribution / logistics
- Workgroups
- Marketing research
- Publishing
11Tactical uses of the Intranet
- Electronic mail
- Data warehousing
- Relationship marketing
- Conferencing
- Training
- Product/service information
- Customer service
12Difference between the Internet and other Media
- One to many communications
- Mass marketing
- Monologue
- Branding
- Supply side thinking
- Customer as target
- Segmentation
- One to one or many to many
- Individualised marketing
- Dialogue
- Communication
- Demand side thinking
- Customer as partner
- Communities
13Marketing Mix applications The Product
- The features of the product can be varied in
relation to customer service and brand values can
be enhanced. New information based products can
be provided
14Marketing Mix applications The Price
- Costs can be reduced since retail capital costs
of buildings in key locations can be reduced.
15Marketing Mix applications Promotion
- The Internet is not designed to persuade the
customer but to inform and provide more details
of the service provision. The Internet also
supports the buying process as well as supplement
traditional advertising and promotion.
16Marketing Mix applications Distribution
- The Internet offers new sales channels for
national and international markets especially for
the small companies and businesses that are a
significant part of the tourism industry.
17Marketing Mix applications People
- Provides scope and innovation for a new
generation of specialist marketing activity.
18Marketing Mix applications Processes
- The Internet should be integrated with other
marketing processes such as telemarketing and
direct marketing in order to maximise its success.
19Extent of dependence upon the Internet
Customer access to Internet
Primarily complimentary
Internet value proposition similar
Primarily complimentary
Can product be standardised
Primarily replacement
Primarily complimentary