Title: Current status of OASIS ebXML CPPA TC
1Current status of OASIS ebXML CPPA TC
10th ebXML Asia Committee Okinawa Meeting
December 5, 2003
- Yukinori Saito (y-saito_at_ecom.jp)
- Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan
(ECOM, http//www.ecom.jp)
2PartyId definition of CPPA spec.
Background and History
ECOM proposed definition method to generate
values for the type attribute under PartyId
element. After several discussions, the
specification draft was developed. The
specifications title is Standardization of URI
Values for the type Attribute of the ebXML
PartyId Element The draft was approved by voting
of CPPA members on November 14, 2003. The
specification will become an appendix in the core
CPPA specification when that specification will
be updated. The draft is attached in this
Okinawa meeting documents.
3CPPA Negotiation Specification
Current Status
The CPPA automated negotiation SC has developed
the draft named Automated Negotiation of
Collaboration- Protocol Agreements Specification
V0.10 on November 3, 2003. I will hand you
everyone, who is interested in the specification.
The specification consists of 100 pages. The
specification is not attached in this Okinawa
meeting documents, because the document is too
big for the paper copy.
Ask comments to the draft
The CPPA automated negotiation SC is asking for
the comments. If you have comments, please tell
me them. I will transfer them to the CPPA
automated negotiation SC.
4Negotiation Architecture
Negotiation BPSS Document
Negotiation Protocol
NCPA (Negotiation CPA) CPA for negotiation. NCPA
controls the negotiation process. Some NCPA would
be provided to be used commonly. NCPA points to
Negotiation BPSS Document (Process-Specification
Document). NDD (Negotiation Descriptor Document)
CPP for Negotiation that defines what is
negotiable, ranges of numeric values,
priorities. Negotiation BPSS Document defines
the negotiation collaboration process. This
document is described based on ebXML BPSS
specification. This BPSS instance document is
referenced from the NCPA.
5Contents of Negotiation Specification V0.10
Overview of CPA Negotiation Specification of
Negotiation CPA Specification of Negotiation
Descriptor Document Specification of messages for
negotiation Negotiation Protocol means business
process for negotiation. This chapter describes
the Negotiation Protocol in detail including a
description of the negotiation BPSS instance
document. XML Schema for NDD XML Schema for
Negotiation Messages Negotiation CPA
Example Negotiation BPSS Instance
document Instance Documents for Business
Signals Example of NDD Instance document Example
of Negotiation-Message Instance document
System Overview NCPA NDD Negotiation
Message Negotiation Protocol Appendix
A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix
E Appendix F Appendix G
6Activities regarding CPPA specification and
Automated negotiation specification.
OASIS ebXML CPPA TC asks some information about
activities regarding CPPA and Automated
negotiation specification.
The CPPA TC and the automated negotiation SC are
seeking information about activities concerning
CPPA and negotiation specifications. For
example - Research and development
- POC (Proof of concept)
- Pilot Project -
Deployment cases to some real business If you
everyone have some information, please let me
know. Please contact me by oral or e-mail.