Title: NG911 Benefits and Impacts
1NG9-1-1 Benefits and Impacts
- This session by Roger Hixson, NENA Technical
Issues Director, will focus on how NG9-1-1
differs from E9-1-1 in technology and operational
areas, and the benefits to 9-1-1 service and
operations enabled by NG9-1-1. Changes involved
in NG9-1-1 will be described and clarified, and
the actions being taken to minimize impacts on
the calltaker of such features as added data
access, future text and video capabilities will
be discussed. The concepts of NG9-1-1 policy
rules and their use by 9-1-1 Authority groups
and PSAP managers will be covered in detail. -
2NG9-1-1 Impacts and Benefits
- Roger Hixson
- NENA Technical Issues Director
- rhixson_at_nena.org
- Sept, 2009 Ontario NENA
3Impacts of NG9-1-1
- The purposes of NG9-1-1 can be briefly described
in four segments -
- Fully replace Enhanced 9-1-1, with all
capabilities and functions in place today -
- Add capabilities to support changes for current
and new types of Originating Service Providers -
- Add flexibility for the PSAPs and 9-1-1
Authorities - Add capabilities to integrate and interoperate
with emergency entities beyond the PSAP
4Impacts of NG9-1-1
- Fully replace Enhanced 9-1-1, with all
capabilities and functions in place today - Need to replicate all features of E9-1-1 with
IP-based, software and database versions - All current calling types supported seamlessly
- no service disruption during transition
5Impacts of NG9-1-1
- Add capabilities to support changes for current
and new types of Originating Service Providers - New types of wireless services
- Non-voice messaging, such as text, photo and
video, data-only (sensors), unknown future
services - Direct handling of telematics calls and data
- Common interface for developers to design to for
quick interconnection
6Impacts of NG9-1-1
- Add flexibility for PSAPs and 9-1-1 Authorities
- Transfer calls and data between PSAPs and other
entities anywhere an NG9-1-1 system exists - Direct control of system functions (overflow and
alternate routing), control data flow - Direct handling of hearing impaired text and
video - Share applications and costs (GIS, CAD, mobile
data, etc) - Disaster related call control
- Malicious call control
7Impacts of NG9-1-1
- Add capabilities to integrate and interoperate
with emergency entities beyond the PSAP - Other emergency entities interconnection for
calls and data routing or transfer (EOCs, DHS,
Trauma Centers, Coast Guard, etc) - Interaction with 211, 311, N11s
8NENA NG9-1-1 Architecture and Interfaces -
March 2007
9(No Transcript)
10- Examples of how NG9-1-1 differs from E9-1-1
- in technology and operational areas
11 E9-1-1 vs NG9-1-1
- Complex analog trunking and data network
- Class 5 switch for Selective Router
- Translation based control
- Limited to voice calls
- Data bandwidth 20 char
- Complex Emergency Gateway Network for VoIP
- Custom interfaces for each service type
- Engineered, managed IP network (ESInet)
- IP software selective routing function
- GIS and database controls
- Voice, text, video, telemetry
- Bandwidth unlimited
- Direct handling of Internet sourced calls
- Future Standard IP interface for all service
12 Long term NG9-1-1 Components(simplified)
- Originating Calls
Emergency Service Providers
Other ES Providers
IP Selective Routing Function
Primary PSAPs
Secondary PSAPs
All interfaces to ESInet are IP and include
caller location, data
Local GIS data is published to user points
State or Regional IP Networking, IP
software services, GIS and database controls
Emergency Calling Routing Function is
national level from Internet \
13Transitional NG9-1-1(simplified)
- Originating Calls
Emergency Service Providers
Other ES Providers
IP Selective Routing Function
Primary PSAPs
Secondary PSAPs
VoIP Dynamic Updates
Customer Info
Wireline Subscriber Records
or VoIP Shell Records
State or Regional IP Networking, IP
software services, GIS and database controls
Emergency Calling Routing Function is
national level from Internet \
14The Nature of NG9-1-1
- Designed to support interoperability
- Designed with open standards
- Designed for and invites open competition, by
major component, through interface standards - Causes a transition to competitive service
provider environment - Causes a need for regulatory (and legislative)
15Benefits to 9-1-1 Service and Operations enabled
by NG9-1-1
- As the telecomm industry moves more completely to
IP as a base, more data, including the caller
location, will come with the call, either from
provider databases or from the handset itself - This will further simplify NG9-1-1 operations
- Location validation will always be critical
- ESInets by state or sub-state region, linked
together to support a national set of NG9-1-1
16Benefits to 9-1-1 Service and Operations enabled
by NG9-1-1
- More sophisticated 9-1-1 Authority control of how
NG9-1-1 handles calls and data will be possible - Direct control of alternate, overflow, default
routing, etc rules - Replaces indirect and inaccessible E9-1-1 network
translations - language preference, including ASL, can direct
the call to an appropriate calltaker, or cause
auto addition of interpreter - Provision of telematics data, and auto priority
of call in queue if high priority call - Use of adjacent or distant PSAPs for disaster
cases where normal PSAP(s) are not available - Easy transfer of calls or data to other or
distant locations
17Actions to Minimize Impacts on the Calltakers
Added Data Access
- Optional data access under calltaker control no
pushing of large added data quantities - Could automate under business rules controlled by
Public Safety management - Human Factors working group currently defining
how to best present added data to calltaker - Windowed to calltaker? Can switch in and out
18Actions to Minimize Impacts on the Calltakers
Future Text and Video Capabilities
- Must be conversational between calltaker and
caller (position sensitive throughout call) - Automatic initiation of display based oon media
type - Multimedia recording for instant review
- Transferable with call to another PSAP or entity
- Human Factors working group currently defining
how to best present to calltaker -
19NG9-1-1 Policy Rules and their Use by 9-1-1
Authority groups and PSAP managers
- Two types
- Routing policy rules
- Call management rules
- (may not be in baseline NG9-1-1
standards) - Routing Policy rules
- Modifies normal call routing for date, time,
target PSAP availability, disaster conditions,
etc either on pre-planned or near real time basis - Rerouting identified malicious call sources
20NG9-1-1 Policy Rules and their Use by 9-1-1
Authority groups and PSAP managers
- Call Management rules
- Modifies how the call is handled within the
NG9-1-1 system before delivery to PSAP - Rules set by Public Safety management could
- change the call priority based on inspecting call
data (telematics) - automatically acquire specified data items and
add to the call stream (wide variety of data
options) med,bldg,pics, vid - Send the call to a specific position and/or add
an interpreter based on caller language preference
21NG9-1-1 Policy Rules and their Use by 9-1-1
Authority groups and PSAP managers
- Basically, the rules databases allow you to
directly program the NG9-1-1 system to operate
the way you want it to, based on your local
conditions and needs. - Improves ability to customize and maximize
productivity of calltakers in the expanded world
of multimedia emergency communications
22NENA Policy Papers
- State-Level 9-1-1 Leadership and Coordination
- Funding the NG9-1-1 System
- Establishing State-Wide Emergency Services IP
Networks (ESInets) - Addressing Transitional Regulation/
Legislation/Tariff Modifications to Enable Next
Generation 9-1-1 Deployment - Addressing Gaps in the Automatic Location of
9-1-1 Calls for Current and Emerging Devices and
Services - Confidentiality, Disclosure and Retention of
9-1-1 Call and other emergency information - Next Generation 9-1-1 Liability Issues
23NENA.ORG Links to Policy Info
- Policy Maker Blueprint for Transition to
NG9-1-1.pdf - (contains four Policy Considerations
papers) - NG9-1-1 Transition Policy Considerations-ALI.pdf
- NG9-1-1 Transition Policy Considerations-Confident
iality.pdf - NG9-1-1 Transition Policy Considerations -
Liability- Final.pdf - Pending Competitive Service Provider
Considerations - All at
- http//www.nena.org/ng-partner-program/NG911-Tr
24What Else is New?
- Getting Ready for NG9-1-1 paper pending
- NG9-1-1 Requirements Matrix/Index pending
- Baseline NG9-1-1 Description pending
- National Elements Plan
- Common core services that all can use
- NENA and NextGen Safety Consortium
- Federal funding to develop
- Baseline NG9-1-1 national testing scheduled for
25Q and A